Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 47: The Navy's Attention

"This idiot, what good will this do for him! He can just find a country to be a guest of honor, but he has to care about those lowly guys. Where did Feld find such a stubborn guy!"

Pietro is very angry now, and the more he reads the content in the newspaper, the angrier he gets.

If Orlan simply sells things like prosthetics, Pierre will not have any emotional fluctuations, after all, this technology has always existed on the sea.

The unique climate of the Grand Line has given birth to extremely special island cultures. The development of each island is very different. Some islands are still in the original ecological environment, but some fast-developing ones have already entered the industrial age.

With sufficient financial resources and energy, it is not difficult to customize a high-tech prosthesis. What makes him angry is that Orlan broke the price range.

It turned prostheses from exclusive products for the rich into affordable items that ordinary people can afford, and the price is even lower than his.

He has to kill people and rob goods, plus matching, storage, and transportation, but Orlan only needs to move his fingers to assemble a thing with better performance and no need to consider rejection reactions.

In terms of cost, Piercro has no chance to fight. The worst thing is that there is no moral burden in using artificial products. Orlan can post advertisements on the streets, and even send flyers to the Navy Branch.

But Piercro can't do that. None of his businesses can be put on the table. If Orlan spreads his technology, Piercro will face a devastating blow.

"Feld really spent a lot of money. He actually bought off that bastard Umit. It seems that this bastard is determined to take the opportunity to clean up his name."

Umit's main business is shipping, and Du Feld's main business is usury. They are all people who can put on official coats and turn into regular businessmen if they operate properly.

But Piercro can't do that. No matter how the killer group and organ trafficking transform, it can't change its essence. The World Government still values ​​its face and will give its actions various names of justice.

Piercro can't let the World Government guarantee them for this group of killers and organ traffickers. His own value is not enough.

If he could do what the Germa Kingdom did during its heyday, he might still have a chance.

But now, he doesn't have the time.

"Sidilir Oran, you are courting death, you can't blame me."

Piercro not only wants to do it, but also plans to lead the team himself. His current location is not too far from the island where Oran is staying.

Feld doesn't know this either. People in the underground world have their own secrets, and no one will reveal their hiding places to each other.

While this group of people is moving towards the goal of taking Oran's life, Oran is preparing for an operation, which is broadcast live to the outside world through newspaper reporters.

Prosthetics are not enough just by talking. At this time, an example is needed, a person with a tragic background story that can make people empathize, and preferably a person with a certain degree of fame.

Orlan didn't need to worry about this. Feld had already chosen a patient for him. He was a sheriff of a small town under the kingdom. He lost his right arm and had multiple penetrating wounds in his lungs while protecting the townspeople when the pirates landed. Although he survived by chance, he could no longer do any heavy work.

This incident happened a few months ago and was well-known at the time. After all, the World Government would set up a heroic example from time to time, but no one knew where the disability pension that should be given went.

Du Feld had considered this when he was doing publicity before, and mentioned the story of this sheriff many times.

The air in the operating room of MADS was filled with the smell of disinfectant, which was intertwined with the cold breath of metal instruments, creating a tense and solemn atmosphere.

The person on the operating table was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and under his closed eyes was deep fatigue and anxiety.

The bandage on the lost arm had been untied, revealing the wound that had healed not long ago, and the shocking scars showed the cruelty of the previous battle.

"Mitt, relax a little. I have already told you about the surgical plan. I will completely replace your lungs and fill the gap in your right arm with a mechanical prosthesis. You have a good physical condition. As long as you recover, you will be able to move freely like before."

Olan looked very relaxed. The difficulty of this operation was very low for him, much easier than replacing Kate's heart.

"Your medical expenses are all free this time. Is there anything to worry about?"

"Replacing the human body with metal instruments, I didn't dare to think about this before. But it's okay, doctor, my future is in your hands."

"Don't worry, the patients I handle will never die on the operating table, anesthesia begins."

Kate's situation was special that time, so Oran took on all the important links of the operation himself. Now it's different. Some things can be handed over to assistants.

After the anesthesiologist finished injecting the anesthetic, he came to the side and started swinging the live broadcast telephone bug. As long as Mitt didn't wake up suddenly in the middle of the operation, the anesthesiologist would be fine.

"First do the arm part, remove the healed part, and prepare for the neuron connection."

Olan took a ring, which is the most critical part of the prosthetic technology. What he wants to replace is not a decoration, but an arm that can move freely, so this device is needed to connect the nerves in the arm.

If necessary, an additional chip can be implanted in the head to enhance the control of the prosthesis.

The operating room was very quiet. Except for Orlan's orders and the sound of the equipment, there was no other sound. All of this was transmitted to other screens under the gaze of a bunch of Den Den Mushi.

In the West Sea, a professor of a certain kingdom medical school was watching this live broadcast with many students.

"Watch carefully! That is the nominee of this year's Ibel Medical Award. His achievements today are an epic progress in the history of medicine!

And you, Hogbag! Don't think that you are the only genius in the world. There are many people who are more talented than you!"

A chubby boy was scolded by the professor, but he didn't take it to heart. Although he was only 12 years old this year, he had performed several surgical operations independently. Even if he saw the live broadcast, he didn't think his surgical skills were worse than Orlan's.

[This technology. Must make a lot of money. ]

However, he didn't refute anything, but calculated how much benefit this technology could bring.

But in fact, it was not the doctors from all over the world who paid the most attention to this live broadcast, but the navy.

The sphere of influence of the navy is the entire ocean. Whether it is the four seas or the great routes, you can see their figures. The navy who often fights is the group with the highest disability rate.

Although the navy has its own scientific research troops, they will not take care of ordinary soldiers. A pension, then recruit new soldiers, and transfer the disabled veterans to the second line. This is obviously more cost-effective than customizing prosthetic limbs for ordinary soldiers.

Now, they have seen a new path.

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