No matter what kind of army it is, veterans are precious resources. Having experienced the fighting on the battlefield, these veterans know better what to do when encountering emergencies.

No matter how long you stay in the training ground, you will not get as much experience as fighting in actual combat.

The navy has never represented justice, or justice in a broad sense. They represent the order of the world government. In the eyes of most people, maintaining this order is part of justice.

With a huge base, there are all kinds of people in the navy. It is undeniable that some people are really fighting for justice in their hearts. They believe that clearing out pirates will usher in peace, but this goal is impossible to achieve.

The existence of pirates is already fueled by the world government. The world government needs pirates to remain in a relatively stable range to show the significance of their rule.

Breaking the opponent's legs first and then kindly giving them a cane is a very common operation for the world government. In order not to become an illegal zone to be looted at will, the member states can only try their best to collect the high sky gold to satisfy the desires of the Celestial Dragons.

As for the navy, the world government's control is not very strong. In the eyes of the Celestial Dragons, the navy is just a hound they have trained. In addition to feeding on time, that is, giving military expenses, many other things are decided by the navy themselves.

After Rocks retired, the turbulence of the sea increased day by day, and the casualties of the navy also increased. Many veterans who retired to the second line have rich combat experience and are very unwilling to retire due to disability.

If the cost of Orlan's prosthesis can really be that low.

"Ahe, what do you think?"

In the staff room of the Navy Headquarters in Marinford, He, who was the chief staff of the Navy Headquarters at the time, and Admiral Sengoku were watching the broadcast of Den Den Mushi.

At this time, Sengoku and He were important cornerstones of the Navy. They made many important decisions. Even the current Navy Marshal Kong began to gradually delegate power and began to train Sengoku, preparing for him to take over the position of marshal in the future.

Logically speaking, there is another pillar of the navy in this era, Garp, but he is chasing Roger every day and basically does not participate in the decision-making. He is mainly a force deterrent and reputation enhancer.

"If the newspaper is not exaggerated, it means a lot. The custom prosthesis of the scientific army is too expensive and it is impossible to popularize it to every soldier."

"That's not what I'm talking about. It's not just a medical product. Take iron blocks as an example. A soldier needs to exercise day after day to master this skill, but metal prostheses can do this at the beginning."

Zhan Guo is more curious about the extent to which prostheses can be used in combat. Even if they cannot be controlled as freely as the original body, as long as they are not too rigid and can achieve half the effect of the original human body, it will be an enhancement for the grassroots combat power.

Besides, no one stipulates that only disabled people can use prostheses.

"There is still a big difference between military supplies and civilian supplies. How far this doctor can go depends on his ability. But maybe we should try to recruit him. The scientific forces are now lacking people who can really take on big things."

Different people have different opinions. Doctors admire Orlan's surgical skills. Some navy officers are imagining what kind of changes prosthetics can bring, but not everyone has admiration or emotion.

In Mary Geoise, the five elders who represent the highest authority are still sitting idly in the hall. They don't know how long they have lived, but they seem to like this potted life very much.

"Satan, are you interested in the technology of the lower world?"

"It's interesting, but it's just interesting. It doesn't matter to me. Winning the Ibel Prize is enough.

Sidilir Oran, Vegapunk, the lower world can also produce some rare people. If they can win the award, give them the honor of entering the holy land once."

Satan didn't take this matter to heart. A report was only worth a few glances. In Satan's opinion, Vegapunk and Oran now have to work harder to be qualified to serve the Celestial Dragons.

No matter what the outside world thinks or thinks, the progress of the operation has not been disturbed.

At this time, the operation has been completed, the neurons on the arm have been connected to the metal control ring, and the fingers of the prosthesis are even swinging. Mitt, who has awakened, is getting used to this new arm.

"The feedback from the prosthesis is somewhat different from your original arm, so you have to slowly get used to it.

The service life of the mechanical lung in your body is normally enough to send you away. Considering your actual situation, I have set up a clockwork power supply device for you. If you feel that you are having difficulty breathing, just wind it up a few times. Any other questions?"

The physique of people in this world is generally strong. Even if they have fractured bones or missing teeth, they can replenish them by drinking some milk.

Except for the uncontrollable death factors caused by things like the Supreme Staircase, people's body recovery speed is extremely fast, and they can basically move again after bandaging.

"No, this is the best I have felt since that battle."

The operation has ended, but the live broadcast of Den Den Mushi has not been interrupted immediately. The people arranged by Feld will conduct a follow-up interview with Mitt and record his changes in detail in the next few days.

This is no longer the scope of Orlan's responsibility. Not long after the operation, MADS left here and headed for Ibel Island to prepare for the award ceremony.

When sailing on the Grand Line, recording pointers are a necessity. The chaotic magnetic field here makes conventional tools ineffective, which means that the directions between many islands are fixed.

On the way to Iber Island, Piercro had led his men to ambush near a nearby island reef.

This place was not recorded on the nautical chart, and it only surfaced in certain seasons.

"You have also seen the reports in the past few days. This doctor must die here today, otherwise he will get the attention of some big power and get the support of force, and we will have no way to deal with him.

All the people on that ship must be killed, and no one can be left alive. Disguise this as a shipwreck."

In order not to be used as a target of justice, Piercro intends to hide his whereabouts as much as possible. In this vast ocean, it is not difficult to cover up a piece of news.

"Boss, our people have found them. At their speed, they will arrive here tomorrow night."

"Very good. Tomorrow night is the time of low tide. Their ships will be trapped in this reef area. It seems that my luck is not always bad. Let everyone get ready. Whoever can kill that Sidilier will be rewarded 100 million Baileys by me personally!"

In a sense, Orlan also experienced the feeling of a bounty of over 100 million. The people in this killer group are all desperate people for money. Under the inducement of Piercro's huge money, they are like wolves, waiting for their prey.

Finally, when night was about to fall, the MADS ship appeared in their sight.

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