Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 50 It is well known that the Saiyans need an artificial moon

"You idiots! Don't you understand what people are saying?"

After a few cuts, Caesar's body was scattered into several balls of gas. If it weren't for the ability of the gas fruit, he would have been cut into pieces.

"Natural system? Piercro's intelligence is really bad. He didn't even find this."

"You can't blame him. Who would have thought that an unknown person would have such luck."

These people are members of the organ trafficking assassination group. They are only temporarily teaming up with Piercro. After all, Orlan's plan has a greater impact on them than Piercro.

Under normal circumstances, assassination must find out the specific situation of the other party, but MADS is actually famous for only Vegapunk and Orlan, which leads to Piercro ignoring others.

Pietro even instinctively feels that these scientists are a group of weak chickens. As long as they get rid of their bodyguards, they can be controlled at will, which leads to the current lack of intelligence.

"Nobody. Nobody, you idiots, just go to hell!"

Perhaps Caesar subconsciously agrees with this sentence, otherwise he would not have determined that this group of killers came for Orlan and Vegapunk. How could a person who is not well-known attract killers? This is a basic common sense.

Compared with the achievements of Orlan and Vegapunk now, Caesar is indeed a nobody. The problem is that he can think about it, but he can't be exposed by others in front of him.

"Shu la la la, you forced me to do this, Wukong World!"

Even if he was reluctant, Caesar was forced to act as a coolie and harvested the killers who wanted to attack him.

There are many killers, but Caesar and Quinn are least afraid of the number of people now. A siege operation has almost become their weapons testing ground.

"Is this all the Big Hand Funeral House and the Organ Trafficking Assassination Group can do? The pressure is much less than I thought."

On the second floor of the deck, Oran looked at the changes below calmly. Most of the killers failed to break through the first layer of firepower defense, and the few who broke through were also eliminated in a short time.

"Olan, you should go to the safe house with Vegapunk. Just leave this place to Meow. It's dangerous here."

"Don't worry, if it's really dangerous, I should have prepared to move a long time ago. You know my strength, I'm not so fragile."

Pietro wanted to kill Oran to eliminate the trouble forever, and Oran also wanted to get rid of him to pave the way for the future.

"Found you!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of climbing stairs on the side. With a sound of breaking wind, a huge black shadow rushed towards Oran, and a sharp claw grabbed Oran's chest.

"I'll take your heart!"

"Get out of my way! The animal I hate the most is dogs!"

The two claws of very different sizes collided with each other, accompanied by the flash of electric current, and the larger claws did not have any advantage.

The fur tribe is a unique race in combat. They are natural warriors, not to mention that Kate is a special individual who has been specially trained in combat and has undergone transformation.

"It's the same as the intelligence, a fur tribe bodyguard, hehe, organs are very valuable."

The scarlet tongue licked his lips, and a hyena-like orc revealed his figure.

He is the leader of the current organ trafficking assassination group, Coyote Barak, the animal-type ability user of the Dog Dog Fruit·Spotted Hyena Form, and the main partner of Piercro.

Piercro did not provide any information about Caesar, but there are still some records about Oran.

According to what Piercro has detected, Oran usually travels with a cat fur. For this reason, they even calculated the time and avoided the full moon.

Those who live in the New World all know how terrible the Minks will be when the full moon comes. As long as they are allowed to activate the Moon Lion form, it will be a terrifying qualitative change.

In the original timeline, Cat Viper and Inuarashi could only fight Jack in a round-robin battle, but after activating the Moon Lion, they were able to turn the tide of the battle in an instant. The young Carrot was also able to entangle the pursuit ship of the Big Mom Pirates with this power, and Bepo even rescued Law from Blackbeard.

According to their plan, Kate is the most unstable factor, so they need a strong enough combat force to deal with her.

The goal of killing the villains, the idea of ​​protecting Orlan, and the disgust for dogs, Barak has attracted Kate's hatred.

Relying on the advantage of size, Barak temporarily suppressed Kate's range of activities, but he did not make any progress, and all attacks were blocked by Kate.

"Have you mastered Haki? I really underestimated you, but unfortunately, you are alone."

As soon as the voice fell, a dozen figures suddenly appeared around Orlan. Those people seemed to appear out of thin air. Even Kate did not notice how they came here, and their faces were exactly the same.

Olan swung his knife and slashed at the killer closest to him. The feeling transmitted back by the blade made Orlan sure that this was a physical target, but the severed body did not bleed a drop of blood, but looked like an iron lump.

"The intelligence is really wrong. Piercro did not say that the main target this time is still a swordsman who can cut iron."

When Barak and Kate were fighting, a bald man appeared behind Barak at some point. He was the deputy of the organ trafficking assassination group.

The chessman of the Superman type, the chess fruit, can create clones of different materials and manipulate them to fight. It can be said that he alone is an army. Those killers are clones derived from the chess pieces he made, so there are no remaining clones. Drop any trace.

He originally thought that his clones could kill Olan without bodyguards, but as soon as they met, all the clones he created were cut off by Olan.

This did not panic him. As a handful of chess pieces flew out of his hand, more clones appeared in front of Olan.


"Kitten, your opponent is me!"

Kate wanted to help Oran, but was entangled by Barak, and the initiator of this incident, Piecro, did not officially show up until this moment.

"Sidelir! Die!"

The huge scythe was stained with black, and the domineering edge of the scythe was completely stained with ink. The underground world was not peaceful. As the mastermind of an entire killer group, Piecro's own force was not low.

They were originally killers, and this kind of high-profile encirclement and suppression was not in line with the killer's style. After realizing that these scientists were not as powerful as he thought, and that they were all a bunch of weak chickens, Piecro changed his plan.

Let other people's actions turn into feints, while you look for opportunities to give the opponent a fatal blow.


Piecro's confident attack failed to hit the target after all. An invisible energy barrier spread out with Oran as the center, perfectly blocking Piecro's attack. Before Piecro could figure out the current situation, , a rapid pace has already rushed from a distance.

"Don't come near him!"

Frankenstein's war hammer was filled with electricity, and all the energy saved before seemed to be used at this moment. The violent war hammer forced Piecro to retreat, but Frankenstein's movements did not stop.

He swung his war hammer crazily like a berserker, and the clones of the chess pieces around him were smashed into pieces. Piecro, who blocked a few attacks, only felt his hands were numb. It was hard for him to imagine that the seemingly thin girl's body There is such power in the body.

What shocked him even more was that he clearly hit Frankenstein with the sickle blade, but there was no trace left where he hit him.

Piecro didn't know that he had actually left scars on Frankenstein's body, but under the influence of the Accumulation Fruit, those scars had long been repaired. As long as the energy existed, Frankenstein's body would Can heal itself infinitely.

Compared with the transformed energy impact, the blessing of this ability is more powerful.

At the same time, there was a sudden burst of gunfire from Kate's side, and Kate was seen holding a cylinder like a flare in her hand, launching something like a small satellite into the sky.

"Meow has had enough, you guys, no one will leave alive today, Meow!"

Kate looked up at the thing she had just launched. As the white light came into view, Kate's eyes were instantly filled with red.

The hair rope wrapped around her hair was stretched open, and her short ear-length hair grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. The hair on her tail also became extremely fluffy, fluttering behind her in the sea breeze.

The materialized current was even more striking in the dark night.

"Moon Moon Leo?! How is it possible? The full moon ended three days ago!"

It is common knowledge in the sea that the fur tribe can only transform under the full moon, but it cannot be applied to Kate. With the help of Oran's props, her transformation is no longer limited by time.

"Have you figured out how to die? You bastard."

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