Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 51 Moon Lion, Thunder Tree of Crucifixion

"Pietro, your intelligence work is not as good as that of the newspaper reporters! No wonder Feld wants to kill you!"

Barak is very angry now. From beginning to end, none of Pierro's intelligence is qualified. Whether it is the opponent's ability or the specific number of people, there are serious differences from the actual situation.

Kate is not old and is not an adult fur tribe, but this fur tribe is domineering. He can fight him on equal terms, and now he has opened the form of moon lion.

Fear comes from the unknown, but understanding may not break the fear, and may even breed deeper despair.

Barak understands the fur tribe, so he said that their organs are very rare. Correspondingly, he also knows how terrible the fur tribe in this form is.

It is said that it is the true posture of the fur tribe, but it is limited by the body and can only be displayed under the full moon. Once this form is opened, the fur tribe's strength, speed, endurance, lightning power, and everything related to the battle will undergo a qualitative change.

This form is also very dangerous. If it is not controlled well, this frenzied power will make the fur tribe crazy and finally die of exhaustion.

Barak really hopes that Kate will lose control, but the other party's current actions have shown that she has already mastered this form perfectly.

The Hex Heart plays a big role in being able to master the Moon Lion skillfully. This heart can make Kate calmer in battle, which also means that the probability of losing control is infinitely close to 0.

"You come to collect intelligence, can you think that the fur tribe can use this during non-full moon time!"

Piercro was very unconvinced. Although his intelligence collection work was very bad, the Moon Lion was obviously a special case.

"So, you people are destined to be abandoned by the times. This is the change brought by technology.

The full moon is nothing more than a special time point, so it takes some energy to complete the environmental simulation naturally."

The props Kate launched before were the help for her transformation into the Moon Lion.

Moonlight is not a metaphysical power. It just reflects the stored star light.

And the moon does not reflect light like a mirror, but scatters part of the sunlight shining on the surface back into space.

Create a device that can absorb sunlight, and then release it in a ratio that simulates the full moon day. This is why Kate can transform under an unnatural full moon.

The specific ratio is not calculated, but the result of trying it out bit by bit in the simplest way.

Compared with using drugs to stimulate body cells to forcibly enter the state of Moon Lion, the artificial full moon environment eliminates the side effects of drugs.

Of course, Orlan did not give them a popular science lesson. He was not interested in answering the enemy's doubts.

Pierre and his friends did not understand the specific meaning of environmental simulation, but these people did not delve into it. Anyway, for them, even if they understood the principle, they could not change the result.

Compared to that, Pierre was more curious about another question now.

"Sidilier, why did you do this? What good is it for you! What's the use of bringing more changes to those at the bottom? Whether it is fame or benefits, those pig-like guys can't give you!"

Pierre's solution was to kill Orlan, but he still wanted to get an answer in person, after all, he couldn't understand Orlan's thinking.

"Do I need your consent for what I do? Do you ask the wishes of the person being killed when you do things on weekdays?

It's only a matter of time before you are retaliated against for what you did. The leader of the killer group shouldn't say such childish words. This makes me think much less of you."

"How dare you, a guy who can only hide behind a woman, say this? If you have the guts, come and fight me yourself!"

The situation is getting very dangerous now. It seems difficult to destroy the ship. If you can't do that, you have to try to kill Oran.

This is Piercro's most basic idea, but he tried several times in a row and couldn't break through Frankenstein's defense.

"You are not worthy. Besides, fighting is not necessarily about relying on the body, but also on the brain."

Piercro's words couldn't cause any psychological fluctuations in Oran. This kind of provocation couldn't even fool a three-year-old child in Zaun. He pointed to the position of the brain casually, and Oran's eyes were filled with contempt.

Bang! Boom!


Pietro didn't have time to say anything else, Frankenstein's hammer hit him again. Pierre held up his sickle with both hands and barely resisted the hammer, but his arms were numb from the overflowing current.

Even with the barrier of domineering, his body tissues were also greatly injured under the high-intensity current, and Frankenstein seemed to have misunderstood some of Orlan's words.

She literally interpreted how to fight with the brain, suppressing Pierre with the hammer while jumping high and hitting him with a head hammer.

The most fatal thing is that Frankenstein has horns, even if Pierre tried his best to dodge, he was still hit on the shoulder. He didn't have the ability to cover his whole body with domineering. The remaining domineering was condensed in his hands and weapons to resist Frankenstein's hammer.

Blood arrows flew up, and Pierre's left arm's shoulder blade was pierced, and the splashing blood sprayed on Frankenstein's face. The night made her face more crazy.


The long-handled sickle becomes difficult to use when being approached, not to mention that Pierre's left arm is no longer able to exert force.

Looking at Frankenstein's head piercing his body, Pierre did not retreat, but used his body size to limit the opponent's movement against the electric current released by the opponent, and then held the sickle near his head with his right hand and swung it vigorously.

As long as Frankenstein evades, Orlan will be within the attack range, and then he will have a new opportunity.

However, Frankenstein's actions once again surprised Pierre. She did not make any attempt to evade, and let the sickle pierce her heart.

"Are you crazy! What did that guy give you?! To make you fight for him like this!"

In Pierre's view, piercing the heart is a dead end, but Frankenstein's actions did not stop at all.

Not a drop of blood flowed out of the wound, but Frankenstein's joints cracked directly, revealing the special cable-like structure inside, which was extended and wrapped around Pierre Crosby, completely fixing him.

The war hammer in Frankenstein's other hand also cracked a little at this moment. As the hammer head rotated, lightning began to take root and sprout with Frankenstein as the center, and grew into a fire tree and silver flower composed of lightning.

"Stop! You will disappear too, you monster!"

"Thunder Tree of Crucifixion!"

Frankenstein's movements did not stop at all, and the violent electric current destroyed everything. When the lightning dissipated, Pierre Crosby had disappeared. Only the black residue on the ground and the broken sickle left on Frankenstein's chest proved that there was once a killer here.


At the same time, Kate's claws also pinched a bald head. Her priority target was not Barak, but his deputy, the one who had the ability of the Chess Chess Fruit. They were not too stupid and tried to destroy the artificial moon to terminate Kate's Moon Lion form.

But the height made them helpless. In order to prevent the chess clone from interfering with the artificial full moon or affecting Orlan, he became Kate's first prey.

The steel clone was like tofu in Kate's hands. It was torn into pieces by the high-temperature electric claw blade in an instant, so that his original body had not reacted to what happened before Kate had already killed him.

"Now it's your turn, dog."

"I'm Barak the coyote! Not some dog!"

"It doesn't matter, it's all the same."

When this sentence reached Barak's ears, Kate had come behind him. Barak slowly lowered his head and looked at the hollow in his chest with disbelief on his face.

"My heart. Is this what it looks like?"

Barak turned around stiffly, and when he saw the still beating heart in Kate's hand, his body suddenly softened and he fell powerlessly on the deck.

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