Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 52 Your report was timely, just after I fully understood the situation

The siege of Olan by the leaders of Otou Funeral Home and the Organ Trafficking Assassination Group has been broken, but the fighting on the ship has not stopped yet. At present, the other killers do not know how far the battle situation here has progressed, and they are still executing orders according to the plan.


Frankenstein pulled out the scythe that was still stuck in his chest. Then, under the energy conversion of the stored fruit, the damaged mechanical wound began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn't take long for him to recover.

Except for the blood on his face that was dry and black due to lightning and the damaged clothes, Frankenstein had few battle scars left on his body.

"Father, it's all settled."

"Well done, but Fran, fighting with your head does not mean a headbutt. You misunderstood this sentence a bit."

"Didn't it turn out great?"

Frankenstein stood in front of Oran with his hands behind his back and his head tilted. If he hadn't seen the previous battle scene, no one could imagine how much violent power was hidden in her body.

It's just that Frankenstein doesn't think there's anything wrong with him, and even thinks this is a good tactic.

Neither her head nor her chest are fatal injuries to her. As long as the core in the war hammer is not damaged, even if she only has one screw left, she can repair herself through energy conversion.

Frankenstein could even take his own head off and use it as a toy if he wanted to.

In a sense, Frankenstein was really fighting with her mind. She took advantage of Piecro's blind spot in intelligence to deceive the other party, and used a seemingly weird suicide attack to deceive Piecro. Reached an unavoidable position.

But judging from Frankenstein's expression, she definitely didn't think of that step.

She simply relied on her body's fighting instinct to make the choice that was most beneficial to the situation at the time.

"It's not that you're not doing well, it's just that you still have some things to learn. You've made a lot of progress now."

"Olan! Everything has been taken care of. I checked the area carefully. There are no other killers hiding."

Kate climbed up from the railing on the side. The stairs next to her had been shattered by Frankenstein's thunder tree. If the circuit on the ship hadn't been strengthened, the power would have been cut off again.

At this time, Kate has not yet released the Moon Lion transformation. As long as Oran needs it, she can rejoin the battlefield at any time.

"The most difficult guy has been dealt with. The remaining ones can't make any trouble. It's almost time to end."


"Ahem, this is Vegapunk. Killers on the ship, please pay attention. Your leader is dead now. No matter what your purpose is, I personally recommend that you run away now."

There was a burst of noise from the loudspeaker on the ship, and Vegapunk's voice rang out at the right time. Relatively speaking, Vegapunk was the most leisurely person in the battle, basically just shooting from a distance and commanding the cannon on the ship. group.

After confirming the death of the killer leader through the receiver on the deck, in order to end this meaningless battle as soon as possible, Vegapunk used the broadcast to put some pressure on the remaining people.

After the leader was killed and the grassroots combat power was nearly collapsed by the endless technological weapons, the battle quickly came to an end.

Especially when the remaining killers found out that they really couldn't contact their boss, they immediately began to collapse.

"Do what you want, Kate. Fran is still here. You don't have to worry about my safety."

Kate had an obsession with chasing down the evil gang, but she was worried that there were still remaining killers, so she never left. Only after Olan repeatedly expressed that she could do what she wanted to do, she started to hunt down those fleeing killers.

Oran started recycling the artificial full moon in the sky, but at this time, a phone call came in.

"Sidilir, my men have solved one of Piecro's strongholds. According to the feedback, that Piecro guy seems to be desperate and intends to intercept and kill you before you reach Ibel Island."

"Mr. Feld, this is very timely news. You just informed me shortly after I had killed Piecro."

The expression of the phone bug in Olan's hand became dull. The phone bug is a creature that can imitate the expression of the user on the other side. It can be seen that Du Felder can't accept it at this time.

"you sure?"

"Of course, but I don't have much evidence for you. After all, that guy has become a scumbag. Oh, there is also a person from the organ trafficking and assassination group here. He seems to be a hyena fruit user. His body is quite intact."

"That's that guy! Well done, Sidriel. Let's not talk about it for now. Let's talk about it later."

Du Felder hung up the phone a little impatiently. Whether the head of an organization is alive or not has a great impact.

This is especially true for organizations in this sea. Once the news of Piecro's death spreads, people in the underground world will gather around like sharks that smell blood.

Now Feld wants to get the most benefit before others know about it.

At dawn, except for the broken ships, there was no trace of the killer group around. It was still unknown how many people escaped in the chaotic night.

Most of the people in MADS were unaffected, except for a certain man named Caesar, who was the most seriously injured person in the raid.

Ordinary small-time killers are not domineering, but after all, the Big Hand Funeral Object is an organization active in the New World. There are still many domineering people in the headquarters. When they realized that there was a natural ability user here, they naturally came over.

If it weren't for the fact that gas was a flying gas with a strong ability to escape, Caesar could have been buried earlier. Perhaps this was retribution from the dark.

After the biggest obstacle was removed, everything went quite smoothly. Being nominated for the Ibel Award was equivalent to entering the finals, and among the same type, Orlan and his team did not encounter any opponents. As planned, they successfully won the award.

And they won not two awards, but three. In addition to the individual awards for Orlan and Vegapunk, MADS also won a group award.

Not only because two outstanding talents appeared in this organization, but also because of Piercro's efforts. He failed to encircle Orlan and finally gave away his head. In the end, MADS gained the reputation of destroying terrorist organizations.

Just after the award ceremony ended, a team of people in black suits followed.

"Dr. Sidiliel, Dr. Vegapunk, please wait a moment."

The leader straightened his clothes and then took out an envelope with the World Government Cross printed on it.

"This is the order of the Five Elders. If you can successfully win the award, we will give you the letter. Please take a look at the contents."

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