Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 54 Five Elders, small goals for the future

"No way? Why is there a hole in the wall here?"

Vegapunk's first thought was that it was impossible. This was Mariejoia or the reception room. How could such an obvious hole be left? But when he walked to Oran's side, the inconspicuous dent But it became extremely dazzling.

"It really does."

The room is full of all kinds of luxurious decorations, and the space is huge. Such a small hole is not obvious, but it is difficult to understand.

"Perhaps no one dares to say it. It's none of my business. After all, nothing will happen if I don't say it. It's not certain what the consequences will be if I say it."

The Tianlong people are always moody towards people outside their ethnic group. This is a holy land. It's a good thing that no one finds out. Once this thing is reported, the people above may be held accountable.

The Celestial Dragons do not need a reason to kill people. If they laugh too loudly, they will feel noisy. If they laugh too softly, they will feel boring. Breaking the wall is simply a crime that can implicate their family members.

In this case, no one wants to say it. Oran thinks it is reasonable. There can even be a hole in the wall between the thrones, and it allows Wapol to overhear the highest-level conversation. So there is a hole in the wall of the reception room. There is nothing strange about a hole.

The holes in the wall were not within the scope of Oran and Begapunk's research. The reception room was indeed richly decorated, but in Oran's opinion it was nothing more than that.

Not long after, the door to the room was opened again, and two guards wearing heavy armor walked in.

They are the guards of Mary Joa. They do not obey the orders of the navy and belong directly to the World Government. They mainly operate on the Red Earth Continent.

"Two doctors, I've been waiting for a long time. Please come with me."

Under their leadership, Oran and Vegapunk walked through a long corridor. The person who led them was also changed to a marine. Judging from the military rank on his shoulders, he was still a major general.

After all, according to the rules of the Five Old Stars, people below the rank of Major General are not allowed to look directly at them. Everywhere in this city reflects class differences. The worldview that has been solidified over the years also makes people here feel that they can see the Five Old Stars. Old Star is a pleasure for Oran and Vegapunk.

"You two, I can only take you here. The rest of the way is up to you to move forward on your own."

In front of a new door, the major general took two steps back and gave way to the passage in front.

The towering ceiling is inlaid with exquisite golden reliefs, and the sunlight shines through the huge crystal chandelier, forming dappled light and shadow. On the surrounding walls, there are huge oil paintings depicting the country's history and culture.

In addition, there are heraldic paintings of different shapes. A total of nineteen different family symbols symbolize the respective families of the Tianlong people. In the center of the hall, the five old stars representing the highest power are already waiting here.

"Vegapunk, Sidriel Orlan, in recognition of your outstanding contributions to the peace of the sea, you have been given the right to meet us."

The man in white robes, with a bald head, wearing glasses, and holding a knife in his hand was the first to speak.

The Financial God of War, Venus, Izanbalon V. Nasshouro, usually controls the financial situation of the world government, and he also allocates the Ibel Prize bonus.

"Some talents can occasionally appear in the turbulent sea. I hope you won't disappoint."

With blond hair and a golden beard, the seemingly youngest of the five old stars followed closely and added that he is the god of agriculture, Jupiter, and Shepard Ten Pit.

"Some of your research is on the edge of the law. If you cross that red line, even if you are geniuses, the result will be the same."

Wulao Xing, who has a splayed beard and a birthmark on his forehead, carries some threatening meaning in his words. He is responsible for legal issues. As the name suggests, he is the legal Martial God, Mercury, Topman Wuchu. profit.

"There is no need to be nervous. I just heard that you have a good relationship with Cloba of O'Hara, so I would like to remind you that the one who is most interested in you two is actually this one."

The Five Old Stars with long white hair and long beards explained the reason after Vauchuli's threat. They were the Environmental Martial Gods, Mars, and Marcus Maz. After saying this, the four of them The person left the room.

These four people appear here more to give face to their colleagues.

That is the last remaining Five Old Stars.

Wearing a flat hat, he has white curly hair, a fluffy white beard, and a deep scar on his face.

The God of Scientific Defense, Saturn, Jaygo Lucia Satan, a person who is most interested in the results of scientific research.

"I am very optimistic about the potential of you two. Compared with those past winners, your level is more pragmatic, but it is not enough.

I am also a scientist, and I understand how much money research requires. Show your potential. Your talents may qualify you to serve the government in the future. "

Satan's purpose was simple, to warn them not to study anything prohibited by the government, to encourage them, and to give them ideas that could include them.

In Sartan's view, being absorbed by the World Government is a very happy thing. This is the inherent thinking he has developed as a Celestial Dragon. Apart from that, Sartan did not say much.

"It's a waste of time and nothing of value has been gained."

Although Sartan said in front of Vegapunk and Oran that he was also a scientist, he did not show any ability. He simply drew a pie for them, and did not consider whether the other party wanted to eat the pie.

Nowadays, Vegapunk wishes that someone could replace him when he eats and drinks. This meaningless trip seems to him to be a waste of time.

At this time, they were already on the way back, and Oran even checked whether there were any eavesdropping devices in the room.

"But the funds. If there is sufficient funds provided by the government, then research will indeed be more convenient."

"Yeah, researching this thing is really expensive, I think it's quite ironic."


"Nothing, just a little personal feeling."

The ability of the God of Science is a spider that uses poison, the God of Law is a wild boar that does not follow the rules and rushes around, the God of Environment is a strange bird that only appears with the plague, the God of Wealth is a bone horse without any flesh and blood, and the God of Agriculture is a sandworm that can burrow into the ground.

The abilities of the five people match their duties, which seems a little ironic to Oran, but this is just what he thinks in his heart and he didn't say it out loud.

"Well, I think as the research progresses, it will sooner or later attract more attention from the government. When that time comes, it seems that being recruited would not be a bad idea. Then we may be able to study greater things together."

"I don't have such plans. The funding of the World Government is good, but I don't want to be restricted everywhere."

"But the funding. No one should be richer than the World Government at present."

"You are right, but there is more than one way. There is a saying in my hometown. If you want to get an official position, you have to kill people and set fires to be recruited."

"Killing and setting fires??"

"It's just a modifier. If it is put into practice, it is my personal problem."

Olan has his own plan and needs the support of the World Government. He doesn't want to be restricted everywhere under the eyes of the World Government. Then there is only one position that best meets Oran's needs.

The plan that the World Government has not yet proposed is the special seat in the original timeline-the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

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