Under the Shichibukai, a new system introduced by the World Government in order to balance the situation of the sea in response to the increasing number of pirates. In layman's terms, it is legal pirates.

It has legal rights to plunder within a certain area, but will not be wanted by the navy, and its members may not all be pirates. Some members have reached an agreement with the World Government for special reasons, such as Hawkeye, a navy hunter.

Unlike the scientific research troops, they have always lived under the nose of the world government, but they also have certain connections with the world government and can take advantage of funds.

Given the right opportunity, that position is Oran's target.

But that's not the case now. There's not even a shadow of that system now, and all Olan can do is make preparations.

After all, King Shichibukai has requirements for force. At least your reputation must be enough to deter most people. If you are very weak, but you can make others think you are strong, and you can gather a group of people with good martial arts around you, it is okay. .

There is still plenty of time for Olan now, and he has enough energy to prepare.

October 1489 in the Haiyuan calendar.

Two years after Olan and Vegapunk won the Ibel Prize, during these two years, the main direction of MADS research has been invested in blood factors. After two years of hard work, they finally achieved a staged breakthrough and mastered Here comes the mystery of the blood factor.

"Olan, are you sure you want to do this? There are many things here that are the result of your hard work. Without you, I would not have been able to complete this research so quickly."

"I'm sure that this fame and fortune is not what I want. On the contrary, it will bring me a lot of trouble. It's better for me to trouble you to take care of the trouble caused by these false fame."

Unlike Caesar and the others who wanted to compete for results and show their importance in the research of blood factors, Oran instead lost all the key results to Vegapunk.

"I understand. If you need it, I can make a public statement at any time and return your research results to you."

Vegapunk would not embezzle research results, and it seems that he wants to establish evidence.

"No need to go to such trouble, I believe you, but Punk, I have to remind you, don't trust the people around you too much.

The news of the successful blood factor research was exposed before you announced it. Maybe it was someone from Feld, maybe there was a government agent on the ship, or maybe it was even Caesar.

There are some things that only you know. "

The results of the bloodline factor were exposed relatively suddenly this time. If only Olan and Vegapunk knew some of the core results, they might be in more trouble now.

It was also thanks to the incomplete information that was leaked that the World Government believed that Vegapunk was the main researcher of the blood factor, so it launched a forced recruitment of him, while others did not pay much attention to it.

Oran's most critical research project has not yet been exposed. Its reputation outside is mainly related to medical-related inventions, and it is currently taken slightly less seriously than Vegapunk.

"This is the condition of the World Government. I will be in charge of the Punk Hassad Institute from now on. Do you want to help me?"

"No, we have been getting along quite happily in the past few years, but it's time for us to say goodbye. When I finish what I'm doing, we will meet again."

Vegapunk didn't say anything more and turned back to his laboratory. Oran also started to pack his things. There were already several large boxes behind Blitzcrank, which contained the results of recent cultivation.

Frankenstein was holding an earth-yellow giant egg. Olan's previous prediction had made some mistakes. The egg still had not reached the conditions for hatching and had stayed before the critical point of breaking the shell.

"Dad, are we leaving?"

Kate held the arm of a little girl with pink hair. At this time, the little girl spoke in complete sentences intermittently. She also carried a package behind her. This was not bullying child labor, but she took the initiative to do so.

Children often like to hold something by themselves and want to prove something. This is not difficult for her. Although she is only three years old this year, her physical fitness has surpassed that of ordinary adults.

"That's right, we're going to live somewhere else, Riley."

Sidriel Leliana, one of Oran's greatest achievements in MADS, was a clone cloned from the DNA of Charlotte Lingling. At present, Oran regards her as his biological daughter, and this is the same caliber to the outside world. .

Shortly after Olan and Vegapunk returned from Mary Joa, the human cloning experimental projects were successively successful. Barkin had already left with Whitebeard's clone, the son she called Edward Weibull. on board.

Now the one on the ship who looks similar to her is just her clone Stussy.

"Olan, there is a special situation. There is a mutation in the fruits that Fran is responsible for taking care of. Look at this."

Kate took out a bunch of silver grapes from her bag. There were bunches of circular patterns on it. There was no doubt that it had transformed from an ordinary honey fruit into a devil fruit.

"There is no record of it in the illustrated book we have. What do you think we should do with it?"

"Put it away first. This thing will come in handy sooner or later."

Devil Fruits will regenerate randomly in a corner of the world after the death of the esper. Any ordinary fruit has the possibility of turning into a Devil Fruit. The mutation of the Honey Fruit is rather strange, but not unexpected.

"This is the supplies we have collected. Oran, please take a look and see if there is anything missing."

Kate handed Olan a list. When Olan was checking the list, the door next to him was suddenly pushed open.

"Olan! Come with me, the two of us will definitely do great things! With your help, Germa will definitely become the number one in the world!"

The disbandment of MADS is a foregone conclusion, but the core members basically have their own ideas. With the technology of blood factor, Gaji feels that he will be able to restore the glory of the country.

But after several years of research together, even if he was a little dissatisfied, he was aware of Olan's own abilities. If the other party was willing to help him.

"Olan! Come with me, the two of us will definitely do something great! With your help, Gaji?!"

Before Oran could give Gaji a reply, time seemed to go back. The exact same voice came from outside the door, except that the speaker became Quinn.

He also had the same idea, but Quinn planned to become a pirate. Only then could he let go and study without any scruples. For future actions, he even wanted to drag Oran into the water with him.

When both Gaji and Quinn wanted Laolan to join their team, a man in the corner showed a sinister smile, as if he had achieved some purpose.

"Go, you just go. If you guys all leave, I will be the well-deserved second-in-command in this organization, blah, blah, blah."

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