Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 56 What to do if this God of Wealth is a bit good at fighting

What to do if you can't beat one person.

The answer is to persevere.

As long as you persist long enough and make the opponent lose to time, then you will naturally be the winner.

Unlike Orlan and the others who each have their own ideas, Caesar has planned to be incorporated into the World Government along with Vegapunk.

All the other core members of the organization have left, so he can naturally take the position.

Moreover, Caesar and Vegapunk have a common understanding that the World Government is very rich and is the richest organization on the sea, so he can further embezzle. No, it is to use funds.

As for whether Vegapunk will ignore him because he has surpassed him too much, Caesar has never thought about it.

Caesar has a mysterious confidence in himself. He firmly believes that his research has not achieved much results because Orlan and Vegapunk do not support him enough.

Eating, drinking, whoring and gambling? That's because there is not enough funding. If there is enough, there must be some left after he consumes it.

At this time, he firmly believes that there must be someone in the World Government who appreciates his talent, so he is eager for more people to leave.

Judge and Quinn's ideas were much simpler. They had seen Orlan's ability. Since Orlan didn't want to be directly recruited like Vegapunk, he should try to trick him into joining.

"Unfortunately, our ideas are different. Neither reviving the country nor becoming a pirate is in my plan. If you are willing to be my experimental assistant, I don't mind you two following me.

How about it, does anyone want to join?"

Although Quinn and Judge both wanted Orlan to join, they also had a fixed idea, that is, they should be the boss, even if they were not the boss of a force, they should have the leading power over the research.

Orlan's words also rejected them. Several people with different ideas left here. Except for a few ordinary experimental personnel on the ship who withdrew, most of them were recruited with Vegapunk.

Compared with MADS, an illegal research organization, the World Government's research institute represents a brighter future in the eyes of most people. After all, it is an official identity.

The people of the World Government quickly took over everything about MADS and reported the news to the Five Elders. Satan didn't care about Oran's departure. It was enough that Vegapunk, the main researcher, was recruited.

Compared with the current changes in the sea, Oran alone could not affect the situation. At least in Satan's view, he did not lack such an excellent doctor.

But some people were very excited.

"Hey, my dear brother Oran, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

In the first half of the Grand Line, Doudou Island, this island is rich in a kind of high-quality coffee beans, and now it is the territory controlled by Du Feld.

At this time, he was waiting for Oran in person at the port, and when his men brought Oran, he showed unusual enthusiasm and gave him a hug.

The reason for his doing this was simple, he made money.

After Piercro and Barak died in the battle to besiege Oran, the Big Hand Funeral House and the Organ Trafficking Assassination Group lost their leaders, and their headquarters were soon destroyed, and the cadres of all sizes were basically wiped out.

The remaining few people could not make any waves and could only survive in the corner. Because they received the news in advance, Du Feld occupied a lot of things in a short period of time, and after operation, he made himself a philanthropist.

With this reputation and the prosthesis that replaced the flesh and blood organs, Du Feld quickly transformed. After two years of transformation, he basically abandoned the low-level means of usury and had a faint reputation as an underground banker.

With the establishment of credibility and reputation, many pirates and underground forces, and even many non-member countries are willing to deposit money with him for capital turnover. Du Feld's money even began to go on the road of reproduction.

By the way, his banking system was built by Orlan.

He won over a large number of officials in the World Government. Among the pirates, Feld also got in touch with the BIG MOM Pirates.

After Piercro's death, prosthetic technology and organ cloning occupied the medical business, but the business of killer mercenaries was vacant, and finally the BIG MOM Pirates found an opportunity to enter.

Feld believes that Orlan is the beginning of all this. People in Feld's business are generally superstitious. In his opinion, Orlan is his God of Wealth.

In addition, the other party has some cooperation with him, so he is naturally very enthusiastic

"I have prepared a laboratory for you. It is better than those of MADS and has more funds. Just tell me what you need. As long as it is a matter of money, it is not a problem."

The sale of prosthetics, the transportation share of seastone ships, the profits brought by the banking system, and the cloning and customization of organs for some people, each business has brought huge profits to Du Feld.

Each project is directly related to Orlan's technology, although according to the agreement, he has to give a large sum of money to Orlan, who has invested in technology.

Especially for the business of prosthetics, Feld is actually just the agent, and he makes money from loans.

To be precise, those are low-interest loans, and the money earned is not much. It is mainly to stack buffs for himself and establish a charitable card.

In the face of interests, someone suggested that Feld take some special actions against Orlan, but was scolded by Feld.

"Stupid! Do you think you are better at dealing with this situation than me?"

From scratch, Du Feld has become one of the giants of the underground world. He has his own abilities. There are two reasons why he abides by the agreement.

First, Orlan obviously has a lot of technology in his hands. It is stupid to exhaust the pond to catch fish. It is better to further deepen the cooperation between the two sides.

Second, Orlan killed Piercro. Although it is unknown how Orlan did it, this force value means that Orlan has the ability to overturn the table.

Feld must have a brain full of water to give up a good cooperation and have to confront the other party. Apart from anything else, just based on the technology of the sea stone bottom, Umit would be willing to become Orlan's new partner.

"Who is this child."

Olan is still surrounded by those familiar figures. Kate, Frankenstein and Blitz have all met Field, but the child following Orlan makes Feld a little puzzled.

"My daughter, Leliana."

"My biological daughter?"

"Of course, is there any problem?"

"No, she's cute, and looks a lot like you."

They both have the same pink hair, which is a paternity test in Feld's eyes, and the reason is justified.

But he has never heard of Orlan having a woman. The color of his pupils is a bit like Kate's, but it doesn't look like a mixed-race of the fur tribe.

Feld didn't dwell too much on who the child's mother was, which was not important in the sea.

Since it was the child of the God of Wealth, Feld planned to give a meeting gift or something, but he didn't have any gifts suitable for children, so he finally took a gem from his cane.

"Little Anna, look at this, do you want it? If you want it, I'll give it to you."

"I want it."

The sparkling gem quickly attracted Leliana's interest. If Feld just gave her the gem, there would be no big problem, but Feld suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing the child.

When Leliana was about to grab the gem, he suddenly stopped, looked at Leliana with a puzzled look, and laughed.

"Come on, I almost caught it."

After several times in a row, Feld wanted to do it again, but Oran had already realized the problem.

"Wait! This time it's not a training."

"It's okay, it's just a little thing, it's not worth much!"

Feld didn't take Oran's words seriously, after all, he was just teasing the child, but the next time, he felt a strange force coming from the front of his arm, and then the world spun and his head was dizzy.

"Dad, I. Got it!"

Leliana held the gem in her hand to show off her achievements to Oran, not realizing what she had just done.

Kate would practice with Leliana like this every day to train her reaction. Feld did the same thing as Kate, but he didn't have Kate's skills. In the end, he experienced the shoulder throw from Leliana who misunderstood the game mode.

"Feld, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but how old is your daughter?"

"Three years old."

"Are you sure she's three years old?!"

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