Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 57 If Charlotte Lingling had exercised well

Chapter 57 If Charlotte Lingling had exercised well

Sidilier Leliana, three years old at the time, was 1.1 meters tall and had not yet shown a body shape that was too different from that of an ordinary person. This was normal in the sea, after all, it was not yet time for formal development.

However, recently Orlan had discovered that Leliana's body growth rate had begun to accelerate, and her shoes had to be replaced every half a month.

In terms of body shape, she was not as round as Charlotte Lingling when she was a child. A more reasonable exercise method made her slimmer, but both muscle and bone density had surpassed the concept of ordinary people.

If Charlotte Lingling was a little chubby when she was a child, then Leliana is now pure and strong.

Although Feld is several times taller than her, it doesn't make any sense.

The original Charlotte Lingling became crazy due to an attack of bulimia at the age of five, and eventually caused great destruction in Elbaf.

The legendary old pirate of the giant clan, Waterfall Beard Yororu, one of the previous captains of the Giant Pirates, wanted to kill Linlin at that time, after all, she had been regarded as an evil god.

But Charlotte Linlin, who was only five years old, threw her down, and eventually caused the over-aged Yororu to be seriously injured and died.

Although she was two years older than Leliana at that time, Charlotte Linlin had not undergone any training and was eating and drinking every day. Even if Yororu's strength was not as good as before due to her age, her own weight was still there.

It was not a big deal for Feld to be thrown down like this. If it was spread out in the future, it would add a mythical aura to himself.

As long as he didn't mention it, no one would know how old the other party was when he started the fight.

Feld's head is still dizzy now. Don't mention him, even Feld's men are confused now.

"I say, what should we do now?"

"What should we do? The boss is not angry. Do you still want to make trouble? It's just a matter of letting your niece fall. It's not a big deal. The boss is still quite strong."

Feld didn't signal them to do anything. In addition, his boss called the other party brother at the beginning. This kind of thing should be considered a family matter, at least they think so.

"Sorry, uncle, I thought you wanted to play that game with me."

Leliana also realized that she had hit the wrong person. This was not the way Kate usually practiced with her.

Three years old is not an age of knowing nothing. Because of their purer nature, they are even more sensitive to emotions than adults, and have their own judgment on right and wrong.

Leliana is a clone, so she developed and grew up even earlier.

If you meet a child of about the same age, but who is extremely willful and annoying, it is likely that his family has problems. The growing environment has shaped the idea that you can get everything as long as you are willful, which led to the final result.

In theory, the character of the clone will be close to the original body, or have similar habits to the original body. Charlotte Lingling's nature is still good, but she can't control her own power, and there is no suitable person to help her guide her power.

If the kingdom where she was born had a higher vision, in this sea where personal force can change the world, Charlotte Lingling would be the best helper for that kingdom to become strong.

Orlan is guiding Leliana's growth. He doesn't want to raise a problem child who will cause trouble for him in the future.

"It's okay, it's okay. I was careless. Otherwise..."


"Ahem, Anna, I have something to talk to your father. So, I will play with you when I have time in the future."

Feld originally wanted to be tough, and summed it up that he was careless and didn't dodge.

But Leliana's thinking is very simple now, and she doesn't have any intrigue. She instinctively feels that Feld is serious, and she immediately wants to play with him again.

He was careless last time, so this time he already knows the rules, and even if he is thrown out again, he is reasonable.

Looking at Leliana with shining eyes, Feld braked in time and took back what he said. He didn't want to be thrown around by the little girl as a sandbag.

"Leli, go to our new home with Kate and the others first, I will find you later."


Kate and Blitz took Leliana and followed Feld's men to the place arranged by Feld, while Frankenstein remained here.

"You have raised a good daughter. When she grows up, she will be your biggest help."

Looking at Leliana's bouncing steps, Feld sighed sincerely. She could press him to the ground and rub him at the age of three. If she was thirteen, she would probably be famous in the sea.

Feld was mixed in the underground world and knew the importance of confidants. If he had someone who could rely on him, he could let go of his hands and feet in many things.

There were many conflicts in the family, but relatively speaking, family members were more trustworthy than outsiders. Feld could feel that Leliana had a sense of dependence on Orlan. He thought that the value of this relationship in the future would never be low.

"Let's get down to business. You didn't just want to get Riley away, did you?"

Olan didn't answer Feld's question, but asked what Feld wanted to discuss.

"Hahaha, of course not. Our chance to make money has come again. Now we have a new business. If it develops smoothly, it will be an inexhaustible gold mine.

Not long before MADS was asked to disband by the government, I received a new message about your prosthesis. The Navy is very interested in it. If it works well, it will be a long-term arms sales order! "

There has always been no shortage of wars on this sea, with pirates rampant and struggles between countries everywhere. The four seas are relatively peaceful, but the Grand Line is full of wars. In this case, arms naturally become a highly profitable industry.

"Navy? What do they mean?"

"About the installation of prostheses for disabled soldiers, and I also want you to give them technical guidance. After all, it is the Navy, and it is impossible for them to buy things from us like ordinary customers.

But now it is just an intention, and more issues need to be discussed.

You were originally teaching surgical skills in this area, which is not a big problem. I know that you can make more than just those prostheses. Maybe you can take the opportunity to open the door to the arms business.

Don't forget me when the time comes, just remember that the funds will flow from me. "

Feld has a clear understanding of his own position. He can't get involved in every business. Joining forces to kill Piercro is driven by interests, but there are some interests that he can't get. It's good enough to have a piece of the cake.

"It's slower than I thought. Is there any opportunity that prompted them to do this?"

Although the most basic civilian version is currently in circulation, the principle that technology can be upgraded is not complicated. The navy's actions are much slower than Oran expected.

"You haven't read the newspaper recently? Look at this. The people who performed free surgery at the beginning have made a lot of contributions."

[Iron Arm Mitt was promoted to Colonel of the Navy Headquarters. His life changed from a sheriff to a navy.]

"The reporter's level is not good. This title is not attractive at all. But Mitt. Did he go to the navy?"

"I don't know when he joined the navy. Anyway, this kid made a name for himself with the hand you replaced for him. In short, this is not a bad thing. "

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