Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 61 You want to play tricks on me, right?

Sett was just a nobody in the fighting ring at first, but he has brute strength and is extremely durable.

Seti has no formal fighting training and is a pure wild boy.

But his raw strength and ferocity alone were enough. Like a battering ram, he overturned skilled opponents one after another and developed a fighting style that was unique to him.

Sett now rules the lawless land of Ionia with an iron fist, and he will never allow his once poor and lonely life to return.

"Black Qi? Your kid seems to have a lot of experience during this period. Why can you use it as capital for exchange?"

"Logically speaking, it is colorless, but with the deepening of proficiency and various reasons, this thing finally appeared in black.

The scientific name should be Armed Color Haki. As for why, why don’t you try it? "

Sometimes words don't make sense, and practice can best explain everything.

"Try it? It's just what I want."

Sett's heroic spirit is something for fighting, so the energy Oran uses for trading must be the same, and Sett longs for fighting in his bones. To a certain extent, he has long wanted to be with this person who always appears next to his mother. The guys had a fight.

"First of all, let's agree that you are not allowed to complain to my mother! Otherwise, there will be no need to discuss anything!"

The raised corner of Seti's mouth stopped abruptly. He didn't worry about anything except his mother. Olan had such a trick to drain the fire.

Thinking of my mother's lost and sad expression was even worse than killing him.

"Don't worry, I'm not that bad."

"You are a man, let's go. This is not a suitable place. There is a place of mine nearby where we can have a good conversation."

"Your venue is near your mother's house?"

"It's called darkness under the lamp. There is a construction site for building houses next to it. I usually say that I work there."

"Let's go, hurry up. If you can't finish it this time, you may not know when the next time will be."

The body in Olan's dream is physical. Normally, it will not disappear inexplicably before his body wakes up.

Heimerdinger's collapse was caused by Lulu's random output of magic, so Olan suddenly disappeared from there.

Theoretically, he can go anywhere before his body wakes up.

But as long as the pirate's body wakes up, he will definitely be forced to return.

"Well, you'd better never have a next time."

"Sorry, this is an uncontrollable factor."

Under the leadership of Seti, Oran quickly arrived at an underground boxing ring. The surrounding audience held up the lottery tickets in their hands and roared crazily. They were even more excited than the two people on the ring.

"Boss Seti"

The steward on the side became very frightened when he saw Seti suddenly returning here, as if he had done something wrong.

"Get my private practice field ready, and it will be none of your business after that."

The steward responded and trotted to the side, while Seti walked towards the ring where a boxing match had just ended.

"You can do it yourself, I'll warm up first."

As the audience cheered even more enthusiastically, Seti threw his coat aside and then jumped into the ring.

"You guys come together!"

When Sett arrived at his private training ground, his fists were still stained with blood, his opponent's blood.

Now he was completely excited.

"Xidilier, are you ready? I won't be merciful if you get into the ring. Let me see what domineering power you are talking about."

"Of course, it's better to say that you wasted too long on your warm-up."

"Come on, I'll let you do it first."

"Then I won't be polite."


When Seti noticed that Oran was taking action, Oran quickly moved his body and hit Seti's chin with an uppercut.

The fist wrapped in domineering energy hit the target, and Seti felt a huge force enter his body from his chin.

Oran's force was much greater than Seti expected, but what shocked him even more was the touch on his chin. It didn't feel like a fist, but more like an iron block.

If Olan wasn't wearing only a vest now, he would have suspected that Olan was equipped with some kind of metal gloves.

"Interesting, this is what makes it interesting!"

Durability is one of Seti's talents. After receiving a punch from Oran, Seti almost didn't think much and hit the opponent with both fists at the same time. Oran's domineering range also expanded to his arms, which he crossed into a shield to block. Received Seti's heavy punch.

Clang! The finger tiger hit Olan's arm, making a weird sound like it hit a metal protective gear.

"Armed Haki, these are spears and shields belonging to the human body. After a little practice, it is easy to block sharp weapons with the body."

"I like this thing, Sidriel, the deal is established, but let me remind you first, if you want to be proficient in using my moves, getting beaten is a compulsory course, which requires strong endurance."

Oran's arms that were strengthened by the weapon color did not even leave any bruises, which meant that Sett learned this and would not leave wounds during fights.

This way his mother won't worry when she sees him.

In this black boxing ring, weapons are not prohibited.

Sett was not in the habit of wearing armor, so injuries were inevitable.

Sharp spears are good, but Seti now appreciates the domineering shield side more.

"What a coincidence, the practice of domineering is the same."

"Okay! Let's have a good time tonight."

"Pause, my time is limited. If I don't seize the time to exchange practice methods, I may have to wait a long time next time."

Seti's movement was forcibly interrupted. Originally, Olan was the one who proposed the exchange, but now his own needs are even higher.

Oran piqued Seti's interest and then played with him for a while.

But what Oran said was an objective fact, and Seti could only endure the frustration.

"You! Okay, okay, you've already thought about it, right?"

"Each one gets what he needs, so do you want to change it or not?"


Seti said this word through gritted teeth, and exchanged preliminary practice methods with Oran in great detail, and made an appointment for further study.

It is unknown what kind of mood Sett is feeling now, but after Oran disappeared, Sett single-handedly challenged the entire field of players, and finally left here angrily.

"Deliberate punch, got it."

On Doudou Island, Olan woke up and recorded Seti's boxing skills on paper. There were no fixed moves or methods, but the actual combat effect was very good. This kind of moves is more suitable on this sea.

"It has some similarities with domineering, and should be able to blend together well. Riley, this move can be considered tailor-made for you."

After practicing the weapon color to a certain extent, you can achieve external damage and internal damage, and deliberately punch and absorb damage to increase the power.

The amount of weapon color is limited, and each attack or defense will consume this amount. Deliberate punches can integrate the qi that should have been consumed into a new cycle. This effect is not a simple superposition like 1+1. , but a qualitative change.

Research, teaching, exercise, the tail of 1489 gradually passed in this life, and time soon came to 1490.

While Oran was observing his research results in the new laboratory, Kate suddenly brought new news.

"Olan! A warship has landed from the port, and it seems to be here to find you."

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