Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 62 Amorphous Combat Body Mercury Zach (Please read on)

Chapter 62 Amorphous Combat Body-Mercury Zack (please read more)

"Warship? What are its characteristics?"

"There is a word "Crane" written on the sail, and the rest is no different from an ordinary large warship."

There are all kinds of pirate ships. Although the navy's warships have the same style, apart from the differences in firepower and troop configuration, they also occasionally add some personal decorations.

Depending on the military rank, a colonel can command warships to sail alone, while a lieutenant general will have his own exclusive warship. Generals can decorate the ships according to their own preferences.

Garp installed a dog head on the bow of the ship. For famous generals, this can also increase the deterrent effect against pirates.

As for the decoration of the word "Crane", there is no doubt that only their chief staff officer in the navy would use this style of warship.

"Is this Crane? They do take it seriously."

Ever since Feld mentioned the idea of ​​the Navy to Oran, Oran has been paying attention to this issue and had several subsequent conversations with the Navy. There are regular sales channels for ordinary prosthetic parts.

When the prosthetic body appeared, someone in the underground world tried to make some magical modifications to Olan's prosthetic body, but they didn't understand the core technology, and what they ended up with was completely different.

The prosthetic limb that was originally as dexterous as a human hand has been turned into a bulky zombie version. It is very cumbersome to use, and it is no different from those who have lost their arms and directly attached an ax or hung a gun.

Olan's point about the low difficulty level of the prosthetic body is the installation. If he wants to change the parts he designed, that would be a big project.

But no matter what, the signs of transformation have begun to appear.

The Navy also has its own scientific research force, and naturally it has tried to carry out internal transformation, but the effect is not ideal, and it always feels like something is missing.

They could carry out modifications, but the cost could not be reduced, so in the end they found the developer of Oran.

In fact, there have been some episodes before. Now Vegapunk has been officially incorporated and a punk restricted area has been established in Punk Hassad, so the Navy immediately looked for Vegapunk.

"Isn't this Olan's work? He's better at this than me, and I don't have time to waste on something I may not necessarily be able to handle well."

A certain degree of autonomy was also a condition negotiated by Vegapunk when it was incorporated. This was just the Navy's idea, not a direct order from the World Government, so Vegapunk rejected the matter.

But just because Vegapunk didn’t take the job doesn’t mean that everyone doesn’t take it.

"Hey, is it something that belongs to that guy in Olan? Leave it to me. I can meet your needs."

Caesar took the initiative to take over the job, and his blind confidence also gained the trust of the navy. After all, they are core members of the same team, and the two famous people are both geniuses, so this should not be too bad.

Then the Navy was hit hard by reality. In two months, Caesar's progress was 0, and all the things produced were scraps. At most, they could be used as bombs for suicide attacks.

Instead of wasting money on him, it would be better to have a good talk with the developers.

"You and Fran go pick them up. I still have an experiment in hand that I haven't finished yet. Let's wait until it's over."

"Meow got it."

Kate was indeed a former slave, but the risks of this status were very low.

Most Tianlong people don't care much about escaped slaves. For this group, instead of wasting energy to find an escaped slave, it is better to seize the time to buy or catch a new one.

In the original timeline, Tezoro who became the Golden Emperor, Ivankov who was imprisoned, Jambaru who followed Luo, and Hancock in the Shichibukai were all slaves of the Celestial Dragons.

But even if Ivankov was arrested and taken into Impel Down, no one noticed it.

Even Fisher Tiger, the man who broke into Mariejoia and freed a large number of slaves, did not disclose the information that he was originally a Draco slave when the Navy wanted him. The Draco did not inform the Navy of this at all.

Coupled with the widespread face blindness in this sea, if you change your clothes and grooming habits, no one will recognize her at all.

Unless he becomes the strongest slave in the eyes of the Celestial Dragons like the transformed bear, he will not attract attention at all.

In the eyes of the Tianlong people, slaves are consumables. Even they themselves don't know how many slaves they have and whether they are still alive.

"Sister He, is it necessary for you to come in person on this trip?"

At the port of Doudou Island, the warship has docked, and a group of female soldiers walked down the steps. These are the troops directly under He, and they are all female soldiers.

Following He was a black-haired woman wearing a pink shirt under a navy coat, with a spider-shaped tattoo on her exposed thigh.

"Gion, those pirates have become more and more rampant recently. Zefa and Sengoku can't get away. That guy Garp is unreliable. I'm the most suitable person to come. I can not only ensure the safety on the road, but also express my feelings." The Navy values ​​this Ph.D.

Tsuru patiently explained the reason. Gion was her current deputy, a rear admiral at the Navy Headquarters, the future Motosa, a naval officer with the qualification to be an admiral candidate.

He has a very good relationship with her. He has always treated her as his own sister and nurtured her with his own hands.

Mitte's performance allowed the Navy to see the potential of the prosthetic body, and Caesar's cross-straight set off the power of Oran's technology, so Crane came here in person.

As the navy on the crane warship gradually landed, Olan's experiment also entered a special stage.

At this time, Orlan's laboratory was emitting a faint green light, and a special industrial pool was full of green Zaun alchemy potions.

As the device was activated, the green potion gradually dissipated, and the last thing left was a ball of silver-white gelatinous substance. When Orlan raised his arm towards it, the silver object also reacted to a certain extent.

This pool of silver objects was the original mercury-mercury fruit. Since the bloodline factor was deciphered, everyone in MADS has been thinking about different uses.

The natural bloodline factor is the most difficult to operate, and no one has any clues, but Orlan has a special research direction, which is this pool of green potion.

"Come here."

The silver gel crawled towards Orlan according to Orlan's instructions. The moment it came into contact with Orlan, it climbed up Orlan's arm and hid in the gap of Orlan's exoskeleton, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

"Defense mode, start."

The silver gel ran out of the exoskeleton again. This time it did not disappear, but surrounded Orlan, forming a silver barrier. Even Orlan's body had an extra layer of silver battle clothes.

"Switch, weapon mode."

More gel emerged from the exoskeleton and gradually condensed at the front of Orlan's arm, finally forming a forelimb like a mantis.

Olan waved at the prepared target. Although a lot of gel fell to the side, the metal target was cut in two, and the scattered gel returned to its original place along the exoskeleton of Orlan's leg as if attracted.

If Vegapunk made the weapon eat the animal-type devil fruit and gave it special abilities, then Orlan made the alchemical potion of Zaun and the fruit merge together.

In Zaun, this project is called ZAC, which means Zaun amorphous combat body, but those people did not succeed in researching it.

There is only one sample that was born by chance, and people generally call it the biochemical demon-Zach.

I don't like to ask for something after the title every day. I think it affects the viewing experience, so I rarely add it.

However, the following reading these two days is related to the promotion, so I will ask for it a little.

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