Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 63 Five Black Lineup, Navy Headquarters

Many things are born by chance, and Zac is no exception.

A pool of leaked venom flowed through the cracks of the Alchemy Technology facility into the sewer area of ​​Zaun, and accumulated in a deep and isolated pit.

It was in this environment that Zac was born with consciousness and responded to external stimuli instinctively.

A group of Alchemy Technology conspiracy noticed it and brought it back to the laboratory.

After testing, they found that the gel had some kind of mental tendency. In simple terms, it can imitate the type of stimulation it receives. If it is caring and kind, it will respond with childlike joy and playfulness.

But if it is inflicted with pain and irritation, it will fight back.

The Alchemy Baron named Takeda Saito wanted to study more weapons, but two researchers disagreed.

The two tried to counteract the violent teachings given by other members of the team. They wanted to let Zac distinguish right from wrong, so they let him experience selfless and generous acts of kindness.

Their efforts paid off. Zack did not become a brutal killing machine, but a gentle creature who also regarded these two special researchers as family members.

Finally, they took Zack and took the opportunity to escape from the laboratory, which naturally caused Takeda's dissatisfaction and began to order people to hunt them down. Finally, when they were desperate, they were protected by Oran, and Zack also had a new residence.

Although Zack's birth was an accident, Oran was the one who knew him best.

The special nature of the devil fruit made up for this accident to some extent, and finally created this mercury Zack.

"Independent combat form."

The mercury gel broke away from Oran's exoskeleton and condensed into a humanoid creature beside him.

Terminator, Venom, Black Light Virus, Moon Marrow Spirit Fluid, Biochemical Demon, this new Zack is more like a complex fusion with more comprehensive abilities.

However, this work has a drawback. Today's Zack is the least intelligent one among all Oran's finished products. It now has poor self-awareness and its actions are completely dependent on commands.

"Come on, Zac, put this together."

Olan gave Zac a small educational toy, a box with holes of different shapes on it, and various collections of similar shapes next to it.

At first, Zac was very ignorant and didn't understand how to make this thing, but after Orlan demonstrated it once, Zac could immediately skillfully replicate Orlan's actions.

"Your learning ability is qualified, so there is no problem. Enter standby mode and grow slowly."

Zac's figure began to shrink, and finally merged into Orlan's exoskeleton again.

"I have put together a canyon lineup without realizing it. It seems pretty good?"

Top single Wukong, jungle Zac, mid single Clockwork, AD Zeli, auxiliary robot.

Although it includes two larvae and two modified melee versions, the lineup is still solid, and even an elemental dragon can be put together.

When Orlan was testing Zac, He had already met Kate and Frankenstein who came to greet them.

"Father is very busy now. He will come to you after he finishes the experiment. Come with us first."

Frankenstein's tone was not emotional. She always spoke to strangers in this manner. As for Kate, she didn't want to talk. She didn't think there was anything wrong before, but after seeing the navy, she still felt a little disgusted.

Especially, the word justice on the coat made Kate feel disgusted.

She knew that she couldn't kill a whole ship with one stick, but she didn't have the patience to distinguish the situation of each person, so it was difficult for her to have a good impression of this group.

"Sister He, why do I feel that they don't welcome us?"

One was expressionless, the other was silent. Anyone who was not a fool could feel that the atmosphere in the air was not right.

The two people who led the way were more than 20 meters away from the navy team. Gion, who felt something was wrong, whispered in He's ear.

"It's not important. The attitude of Sidiliel himself is the key. Are the personalities of these scientists so weird?"

The navy is not Bailey. It is not something that everyone likes. In the New World or the remote places of the Four Seas, the navy is even a negative word like pirates.

However, He was a little confused about what Oran was thinking. He was also present during the phone conversation, and it was generally pleasant, but now the attitude of a person who called Oran father was very cold.

When someone went to find Vegapunk before, he was left outside for three days by Vegapunk until the experiment was over.

[Want to take more initiative in the conversation? What does this person want to do.]

If it was Garp who came, he would not care about this kind of thing at all, and would just pretend not to see it, but He was the chief of staff of the navy. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and finally began to make up his mind.

But in fact, Orlan just casually asked Kate and the others to deal with the matters at hand. At that time, Blitz was practicing boxing with Leliana, and Orlan had no other confidants around him. This was just a pure coincidence.

Crane was even prepared to wait for a day or two. After all, Frankenstein had clearly stated that Orlan was doing experiments, but Orlan came here in the evening.

Without wasting too much time, leaving the housework to Kate and Blitz, Orlan took Frankenstein and followed Crane's warship to Marinford.

Until the warship returned, Crane hadn't figured out what Orlan was planning.

It takes a while to get from Doudou Island to the Navy Headquarters. Orlan didn't show any disgust along the way, but Frankenstein kept a cold face.

Crane's ship was full of female soldiers. Orlan basically didn't leave her room during the voyage. She usually taught Frankenstein and Zack, and all contact with the outside world was left to Frankenstein.

This also made some female soldiers feel very awkward. Fortunately, this voyage did not last too long. After arriving at Marinford, their mission naturally ended.

But Crane received some extra news at this time.

"What did you say? Were you delayed by pirates? How many days later?"

Olan came here to provide technical guidance and discuss technical upgrades, but the military doctors who were going to learn surgical methods were involved in a battle with a group of pirates on the way here, which delayed their trip.

"Dr. Sidilier, it looks like we'll have to delay you for a few more days. This sea is not peaceful, and this is an uncontrollable factor."

"It's okay, I understand."

"Just stay here for a few days. We'll arrange everything. Don't worry about safety. Marinford can be said to be one of the safest islands now."

He arranged Oran's residence and left. As a chief of staff, she couldn't be idle.

"Father, those people are not right."

Frankenstein didn't believe the safety that He said, but personally checked the situation here. She really found a few people with unusual behavior, as if they were deliberately avoiding something.

Olan was not familiar with the terrain here. If the generals of the navy saw this, they would realize the problem. The direction those people were heading was exactly the residence of the family of the current admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Black Arm Zefa.

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