Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 64 Pirates from the Navy Headquarters

He was not joking when he said that before. The safety of Marinford is undoubtedly extremely high in the Grand Line.

This is the headquarters of the Navy, where the marshal sits. Generally, there will be generals staying here. In addition to the permanent fortifications and giant artillery built in Crescent Bay, ordinary pirates will never approach here, which is no different from committing suicide.

However, this mechanism also determines that no one dares to approach such a place, and once someone approaches, it must be a real monster.

In addition to the military function of the Navy Headquarters, Marinford is also a very large town, where a large number of navy families live, and the people living here are generally very relaxed.

At this time, several people with nervous expressions appeared, which naturally attracted Frankenstein's attention.

"Can you confirm the identity?"

"Please wait, comparing."

Frankenstein is not an ordinary human after all. She has a lot of information in her mind. Orlan does not have the Navy's information database, but still transmits some pirate information to Frankenstein's memory through the bounty order.

It is convenient to confirm the value of the other party and consider whether to exchange them for bounties. It can also prevent problems before they happen and eliminate some unexpected factors.

"Sorry, father, there is no information about them in the database. Do you want me to follow and take a look?"

At the same time, a silver question mark appeared on Oran's shoulder, with a small yellow eye on it. This is the result of Zach's learning during this period. He has begun to learn how to use body language to express his wishes.

During this period, he also tried to use his gel body to imitate the vocal organs, but the effect was not ideal. Now it can only make a buzzing sound.

"Let's go together. I am also curious about what these people want to do here.

It doesn't matter if you worry too much. Just take it as a stroll in this town."

After Oran's order, part of Zach's body split apart and flowed to the side along the sewer of Marinford. Soon after, the part of his body left on Oran also formed an arrow shape, indicating the direction of progress.

After years of construction, Marinford has long become a special military fortress. In addition to the Crescent Bay and the square in front, there are four small hills around it that serve as watchtowers.

In the center is the building of the Navy Headquarters, which is also the Navy's office area, and around it are the family areas distributed layer by layer.

In the middle and high-rise area, there is a not very big house. In the yard in front of the door, a child with purple hair is waving a wooden sword at the air, wearing a slightly worn red helmet on his head.

"Yeklik, why did you turn out your father's things again?"

A woman with short orange-brown hair came out, and she looked unhappy in her housewife's outfit.

"I'm not Yeklik, I'm Z! The strongest hero Z! I want to be a hero who protects this sea like my father!"

"Then before you become a hero, can you explain to me why you dirty the freshly washed sheets?"

Looking at the sheets behind him that were dragged on the ground as a cloak, Yeklik seemed to realize the crisis.

"Even heroes have to retreat sometimes, so."

The woman didn't want to listen to his explanation, and grabbed Yeklik who wanted to escape, ready to carry him back to the room.

"You rummaged through your father's personal belongings and soiled the freshly washed clothes. When your father comes back, I will let him teach you a lesson. Heroes shouldn't cause trouble for others.

It's strange, your father is very busy with his mission this time, and it seems that he was delayed again."

The mother and son are Zefa's family. As the family of an active general, they are of course eligible to live in Marinford, and they are also allocated a single-family yard in this densely populated town.

But they don't know that not far away, several people have already set their sights on them.

"Are you sure it's here?"

"Yes, it's this family. The kid's hair is exactly the same as that bastard Zephyr. He must be his family."

"Let's do it, boss. That guy made us sit in jail for several years. We finally escaped. We have to take revenge!"

Most of the navy of this generation focuses more on physical skills, such as Kong Gangke, Garp Iron Fist, Sengoku of the Mythical Beast, and Zephyr, who is codenamed Black Arm with his strong armed color.

But Zephyr's most outstanding feature is not Black Arm, but not killing.

Whether it is a pirate or other bounty criminals, his goal is mostly to arrest the other party and put them in prison, rather than killing them directly, strictly following the laws and regulations formulated by the World Government.

It is inevitable that people will die during the battle, which is unavoidable, but Zephyr will never kill the surrendered pirates.

But it is this habit that has left the foreshadowing of today.

Not all prisoners will be imprisoned in Impelton. Many are imprisoned in the prison of the Navy Branch nearby. This group of pirates is such an example.

"It seems that some kind of World Government entertainment program is being held in the square. The soldiers patrolling nearby have gone to watch the fun. Boss, let's do it. If Zefa comes back, it will be too late."

"Do you need me to tell you? That guy ruined my dream. I will also ruin everything he has. Let's do it!"

Several pirates showed bloodthirsty smiles on their faces, took out their hidden weapons, and surrounded Zefa's residence.



The window was smashed directly, the door was kicked open, the pirates rushed into Zefa's house and blocked his wife and children in the kitchen.

"Don't come over! Don't come over! Someone, come! There are pirates!"

Zeff's wife waved the kitchen knife in her hand randomly. She was just an ordinary woman. At the same time, she threw some rags at the stove that had not been turned off.

She didn't understand why pirates could appear in the headquarters of the navy and break into her home with weapons, but she knew that as long as they made enough noise, the nearby navy would definitely come to support.

Bang! Bang!

Two fireworks exploded in the sky outside the window. They were ordinary, but they shattered the last hope in Zefa's wife's heart.

"It's a celebration"

She didn't think there would be pirates in such a place. Similarly, other navy had never thought of such a thing. With the sound of the celebration, no one would notice the situation here in a short time.

"Yeklik, don't look back for a while, run as fast as you can to where there are many people, and then find someone to save your mother."

Zeff's wife realized how bad the situation was, and tried her best to open a way out for her son. He was the son of the admiral of the navy, and as long as the navy saw him, they would definitely come to protect him.

But her efforts were in vain. Although these were a few pirates who were not even qualified to be imprisoned in the Impel Downs, they were also adult men, and they had an absolute advantage in both numbers and physical strength.

She didn't act immediately, just to see how the other party struggled. The knife she threw was easily blocked by the other party, and Yeklik, who ran away according to his mother's order, was kicked back.

"It's a pity that this is the Navy Headquarters, otherwise we could have some fun, kill them, take away all the valuables, and burn down this house!"

"Leave it to me, boss. I'm the best at dealing with this kind of thing. Just cut their throats and they can only watch themselves die."

A pirate licked his blade and walked forward. He planned to kill the adults first, but Yeklik stabbed his instep with a fork that fell to the side.

"Don't touch my mother!"

"Asshole, since you're so impatient, you should die first. What?!"

The pain on the instep aroused his anger, but when he wanted to swing the knife, a silver tentacle suddenly stretched out from the sink next to him and grabbed his arm

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