Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 7 Do your best to change your fate

Small in size, light in weight, easy to store, high in calories, and can provide a lot of energy to the human body, these white sugars can play a great role in the current situation.

And its application is not only here, it can also increase the power of gunpowder explosion and improve the adhesion of incendiary bombs. There are many other places where it can play a role.

For the same volume of materials, white sugar can play a significantly greater role.

"Everyone! Work hard! The faster we move now, the higher our survival rate will be! This is not for others, but for your own struggle!"

The materials soon filled their shoulders. Orlan himself was also carrying a lot of materials. His exoskeleton had begun to carry at full load, which also made Orlan discover something unusual.

His strength seemed to be much greater than before he came to this sea. Orlan planned to give himself a good physical examination after leaving here to determine his current condition.

Orlan took them to the gathering place discussed with Ivankov. It was a depression in the canyon that Ivankov and Ginny saw before they found Orlan's ship. It could be used as a temporary gathering place.

Now there are more locals in the Valley of Gods in the team. These people are more familiar with the terrain here than Ivankov and Orlan, and even found a path in the canyon.

Whether they are strong adults or old and weak, they are all carrying large and small packages. In this case, everyone has to do their part, it's just a matter of how much.

"Brother Orlan, there is a cave about 200 meters over there. The entrance looks narrow, but it is quite spacious inside. It can hide many people, and there is a spring inside!"

When they were about to reach the gathering place, a child who looked no more than ten years old suddenly pointed to a bush and said.

"Spring? How big is it?"

"Well, my friends and I sometimes take a bath there, and there are even live fish in it."

The boy opened his arms and gestured to Orlan. It seemed that the area of ​​the spring was not small.

"Rat! Didn't I tell you not to go to the canyon to play! Forget it"

A woman next to him wanted to scold him, but in this situation, she was not in the mood at all. She was doing housework as usual, but she didn't expect the Valley of Gods to be changed like this.

Although she escaped with her child, her husband was a member of the Kingdom Army and is now missing. The tragic reality and the not-so-bright future have put her under great psychological pressure.

"Okay, lady, save some energy. Your son has solved a big problem for us."

In addition to food, water is also a problem. Although the Valley of Gods has abundant rivers, the Celestial Dragons also know this.

Human life requires water, and the Celestial Dragons will inevitably hunt prey along the water source.

Since there are fish in the spring, it is probably connected to the outside world through the underground river, which can ensure sufficient water. It is best to have such a secret water source.

"Rat, besides you, how many people know that place?

And, have you adults heard of that place before?"

From Rat's description, it is a good hiding place. If other people also know this place, they may bring more people here, which means that the risk of exposure is increased.

"Only a few of my friends know about it. I haven't seen anyone there. It's our secret base. I just don't know how they are doing now."

"No, I've lived here for most of my life, and I haven't heard of any caves in the canyon."

The local residents gave answers one after another. According to Rat, he discovered the place when he was playing an adventure game, but the older generation didn't know about it. It seems that the cave was only created in recent years due to geological activities.

Olan first took everyone to the agreed gathering place, and then checked the situation of the cave, and included it in the scope of the gathering place.

"Take the time to rest and replenish your physical strength. We have to move a few more times later. You guys don't have to follow us. Collect fire starters such as dead branches nearby. They will be useful when the time comes.

If anyone is familiar with the terrain nearby, come and draw a map for me. The more detailed the better."

Along the way, Oran also had a general understanding of their physical fitness. Even if the weak people tried their best to move, they couldn't move much. Fortunately, there are still many places that need manpower.

"In addition, you have to dig holes nearby. First dig a big hole like this, and then dig a small hole from the other side, penetrate them from the bottom, and then dig three linear trenches like this, with coverings on them."

There are some tools such as crowbars and shovels in the granary. Oran used these to make a light-shielding and smoke-dispersing stove for them, that is, a smokeless stove.

This can cover up the firelight and cooking smoke to a great extent, further enhancing the concealment effect.

Not long after, Oran also received a communication from Ivankov. They had found the workers in the shipyard and were taking them to the gathering place. At this time, Xiong also came over.

"What's wrong, Xiong, is there any problem?"

"Nothing, I've rested, I just want to know, what is our next plan?"

Looking at Oran who was studying the map, Xiong asked softly.

"Tear down some things, and then arrange equipment in these places to hide this area."

What Oran wanted to dismantle was nothing else, but his own ship. Although according to the plan, after the construction of the flying gate was completed, the ship could also be transported, but the larger the object, the longer it would take to transport.

The ship is certainly very valuable, but for Orlan, with enough materials, it would take some time to build a new one.

Orlan finally decided to use the limited transportation capacity to transport the living away, and the ship that came with him would complete its curtain call here.

For example, it could be transformed into a huge self-destruct device, and the holographic projection on the ship could also be transformed to cover a larger area from several directions by reducing the image quality, provided that the energy problem is solved first.

Orlan briefly talked to Xiong, after all, he would have to explain it again after the craftsmen from Ivankov were brought back.

Xiong did not ask any more questions and pointed to the other side.

"Olan, the person you asked me to pay more attention to, she doesn't respond to me at all, doesn't talk, and doesn't even eat. You should go and see for yourself. She has only responded to you a few words so far."

"I see. You sit for a while. While the so-called game of the group of Tianlong people has not started yet, we have to make more preparations."

Olan stood up and walked to the side. A slightly thin figure sat on a rock with a very vigilant look. When she noticed someone approaching, the hair on her body almost stood up.

The update time is roughly fixed around 12:00 and 23:00

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