Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 8 I want to be the worst villain!

Except for her hair, the girl's entire body is covered in snow-white fur, and there is a pair of cat ears on her head.

It is not difficult to see that this is a cat fur slave from the Fur Tribe.

The Fur Tribe is a race that lives on the back of the Zou giant elephant. In layman's terms, they are orcs. They are very rare in the outside world, but for the Celestial Dragons, they are even rarer collectibles.

The hair on her body looks neat, but there are dense scars under the fur.

The moment she noticed someone approaching, her hair stood up like a frightened cat. This is also one of the characteristics of the Fur Tribe, and they have the same habits as their own animal blood.

Seeing that it was Oran coming over, her blown hair recovered a little, perhaps because Oran treated her wounds for her, and she subconsciously felt that Oran could be trusted.

"Any questions, Kate? These are dried goods made from fish, you should be able to eat them."

The Fur Tribe does not eat the meat of furry mammals, which is a problem of racial nature.

Although Shaq is a shark fishman, he has no concerns about eating fish. Kate is different. Forcing her to eat furry mammals is the same as forcing a human to eat humans.

This is also the source of the whip marks on her body. The Tianlong people just want to see her eat food she doesn't want to eat. However, she didn't eat a bite even if she was beaten all over. In the end, she was put on the cleanup list by the Tianlong people who lost interest and became one of the prey.

In the eyes of the Tianlong people, there is no difference between cat fur and domestic cats. A disobedient cat should be killed directly.

"Are you familiar with the fur tribe?"

"A little bit. If you feel there is any offense, you can say it directly."

Oran did remember some things about the fur tribe, but even if there were no such things, he felt that a cat would not normally refuse fish.

"No, I just think you are very different from those humans."

In the minds of the fur tribe, humans are also members of the fur tribe, belonging to the hairless monkey fur. Kate used to think so, until her family left Zou a year ago and met the slave-hunting team of the Celestial Dragons, and was hit hard by reality.

Zou's back is relatively safe, but Kate's heart is born with some problems, and Zou's medical conditions cannot solve this problem, so their family will go out to find a doctor.


Not long ago, her father found an opportunity on a full moon night and tried to escape with his wife and daughter.

Under the full moon, the fur tribe can use the ability called the moon lion, and they can gain far more power than usual when they are frenzied.

Unfortunately, he failed, and eventually completely lost control and died of exhaustion. Not long after that, her mother couldn't stand the blow and chose to commit suicide.

But Kate stubbornly persisted, and there was also some luck in it. During that period of time, the Celestial Dragons wanted an obedient cat, and finally didn't let her starve to death directly.

But Kate had the idea of ​​revenge in her heart. She couldn't forget the ugly smile of the Celestial Dragon.

Although she was the same age as Ginny, her heart was not so cheerful.

After all, Ginny had been sold as a slave since she could remember, and she had no impression of her parents, while Kate had a happy family.

"I admit that humans are diverse. There are all kinds of people. If you are unlucky, the evil of human nature will make people bruised and battered, but I want to correct you. I don't recognize the Celestial Dragon as a human."

"So do you think Meow is a human, a cat, or a monster?"

When saying this, Kate still maintained a slightly arched posture. That was the instinct of the cats in her body. In a dangerous environment, they would protect their soft abdomen.

It can be seen that she did not let down her guard, but in the depths of her eyes, there seemed to be a little expectation.

Oran had seen a lot of this kind of eyes. He funded a welfare home in Piltover to adopt war orphans and people who had suffered misfortune throughout the Rune Continent.

This can cultivate some talents, which is an investment of Oran, although this investment is basically a loss.

Some people think that he is just putting on a show, but Oran does not care about this view. He has the ability in Valoran, so he does it if he wants to. He does it within his ability and does not affect himself. He never cares about releasing goodwill.

When Oran first came to this city-state, he also relied on the kindness of others to survive, which is also Oran's feedback.

"If you want me to analyze it from a scientific point of view, I will classify the fur tribe as sub-human, that is, a branch of humans, and the same logic as you classify humans as hairless monkey fur.

But from a practical point of view, Kate, you have to understand that the body is just a shell, and the soul consciousness is the foundation. Therefore, under the same appearance, humans are varied.

Putting aside the outside, we are equal, but everyone's talents and abilities are different, we are all the same."

Cat is the definition of her by the Celestial Dragons, and monster is the definition from fellow slaves.

Moon Lion is a skill that needs training to master for the fur tribe. Her father has not mastered this ability, and the price of forcing it is loss of control.

Fear comes from the unknown. Because they don't understand that power, people around Kate also have fear of her.

She is worried that the Celestial Dragons will be angry with her because of her, and she is also afraid that she will suddenly go crazy.

The environment will change people, and slave life can make a person collapse in a short time. In a year, the huge setbacks in her life have also made her a little extreme.

She was a slave who escaped alone, just like Xiong, but Xiong simply escaped with chains.

She broke her left thumb in the night, broke free from the handcuffs, and killed a guard before running away. The bandages and splints made of sticks on her hands were made by Oran.

"Soul of the Stars, Meow thinks you are a good person, a different kind of human being, but unfortunately, good people don't live long."

"It's not auspicious to say such depressing words at this time, but how do you understand the grammar of that title?"

Olan found that the people he met recently especially liked to give him the good guy card. Xiong was like this, Shaq was like this, and now Kate was the same, and the word Kate said also made him feel strange.

"Sidereal Auran, isn't your name spelled like this? Meow's father likes to study the stars, so I heard him spell some words.

He is also a good man, so when he died, my mother would do the same.

But don't be afraid, my parents said that you have to repay a favor. Anyway, I won't live long. It will be a full moon in three days. If you are not as unlucky as other good people, I should be able to save you once, but after that, you have to rely on yourself.

If you escape alive, for me"

Kate was not as taciturn as the bear described. It seemed that she only wanted a result when she asked Auran before.

She knew her physical condition very well, and her heart problem even left her with little time to prepare for revenge.

The fur tribe has a tradition of not owing favors, and the answer that she recognized also prompted her to make this decision.

This tribe is a natural fighting race. As long as there is the bonus of the moon lion, she feels that she can also try to take revenge, or protect others, and go to find her family after the last glory blooms.

Seeing that Kate was young and pretending to be an adult here, and wanted to tell her last words solemnly, Oran directly took the dried fish and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Pause, you may have misunderstood something. I have many professions, including alchemist, and there is a basic principle in this profession, which is also my life principle-equivalent exchange.

And life is the most valuable thing. Only life can be exchanged. Your ability and talent are very important and will be a very important part of our escape.

You just need to believe in my arrangement. I promise to take you away from here alive. I will tell you how a "good person" should do things."

After discovering Kate, a rare fur tribe, Oran slightly changed his original plan. The talent of this race is very useful to him.

"Ahem. Meow, don't be a good person! Good people are always bullied, but bad guys can get away with it. If meow can survive, meow will be the worst bad guy in the world!"

After taking out the dried fish, Kate seemed a little moved, but still restrained her appetite, and then made her own "dream declaration".

"So, you want to be the world's number one villain?"

"Well, you can say that."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Meow will kill all the bad guys! Then Meow will be the worst!"

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