Dream, one of the mainstream topics on this sea.

Due to the limitations of the island environment, many people have never seen the scenes outside the island in their entire lives. Even if the era of pirates has not yet arrived, many people go to sea every year with the expectation of the future.

These people are not all pirates, but for ships that go to sea privately, the world government can define them as pirates.

Wealth, fame and fortune, in addition to ordinary products of desire, will also give birth to some abnormal ideas in the eyes of ordinary people.

For example, Kate wants to be the worst way, and that special logic.

This is also the first time Kate has expressed her own ideas.

In the group of slaves, she has no friends because of her race, and Zou's doctor has also sentenced her.

In Zou's closed living environment, the few doctors have a high voice.

It is probably equivalent to the people in the Mayan tribe who are judged to be hopeless by the priests. The environment will make the patient feel that the result in the priests' mouth is a fait accompli.

Not long after leaving Zou, she was captured by the slave arrest team. She did not have enough knowledge of the outside world, so she never thought that anyone could change these.

Now I say all this, just because I don't want all this to disappear with me in obscurity. At least in her eyes, Orlan is still labeled as a good person.

"Fill your stomach first. People who starve to death can't realize any dream, not to mention your goal, which is not easy."

The definition of good and bad is based on the moral order known to the society and personal cognition. Kate's idea is to eliminate all evil for absolute justice, which is difficult to achieve.

Not to mention that the personal force on this sea is very exaggerated.

After a simple talk and confirming Kate's current mental state, the group also split up again. The young and strong laborers carried the materials, a small group of people did the earthwork, and Orlan took Shaq, Xiong, and Kate to the location of their ship.

The sci-fi style ship shocked the three people, but Orlan didn't care. To be precise, when he came back here again, he was not in a good mood.

"Olan, is this your ship? What a great ship! I've never seen such a ship in Fishman Island. Is it made of iron?"

"Part of it is, it's no big deal. When we get to Fishman Island, I'll show you a stronger ship. It's a pity for my old friend."

Touching the railing on the side of the ship, Oran was a little reluctant, but soon let it go.

Olan himself is a very nostalgic person. Even if the things he is used to are broken, he will not throw them away. This ship is the first ship he funded and built in Piltover, and he has experienced many voyages with it.

"Can't you teleport it away with it?"

They have all seen the escape method described by Oran. According to Oran's description, it should be easy to transfer the ship away with it.

"Yes, but it will take a lot of time. The transmission will make a lot of noise when it is activated. If it is transmitted, it will delay the transfer of some people. Compared with human lives, it is not so important.

Let my old friend give those Tianlong people a big gift on my behalf. I will get this account back from these Tianlong people.

Xiong, Shaq, help me pack up the things in here and move them out first. Kate, come here with me."

Olan has already made up his mind to abandon the ship. After all, he has the ability to build another one. Only some precious materials that are difficult to replicate need to be taken out.

Not long after, Oran took Kate to the power room, which is also the core of the ship. The holographic projection equipment that hid the ship before is also running here.

"Kate, if I remember correctly, the talent of the Fur Tribe includes discharge."

"Well, the friction of the fur of the Fur Tribe can generate special static electricity, which the Fur Tribe will use."

"Very good, try to catch it to discharge electricity and keep this arrow here."

According to Oran's plan, he will soon transform the core of the Hextech Flying Gate, and this requires a special electric field environment to allow the Hextech crystal to enter stably.

But some of the equipment on the ship was damaged during the crossing. The backup power supply system was maintaining the holographic image, and the electric field could only start the human power generation method.

But Kate's racial talent can serve as a more stable source.

"Is that so?"

Kate's fur began to generate static electricity through friction, and began to transmit current according to Oran's instructions. As the equipment was converted, some current barriers gradually appeared around it, and the equipment also showed that it was operating normally.

"Yes, this is the state, how long can it last?"

"At this level, if the meow is strong enough, it can keep going."

"Don't force it, leave enough safe time, this electric field must remain stable."


A roar of explosion came from afar, and at this time, a cloud of black smoke rose in the central area of ​​the Valley of Gods, and the killing activities of the Celestial Dragons officially began here.

Even though they were far away, Orlan realized the meaning of the cannon sound.

"Time is really tight. Let's do a test first. If you feel tired, just say it."

Orlan in the cabin began his own attempt, and Ivankov and Ginny outside also heard the cannon sound in the center.

"Hurry up! The massacre of the Celestial Dragons will begin in an hour. This is the last safe time!"

At this time, Ivankov had a cloth around his face and was waving a gun in his hand, directing the craftsmen to move forward like a gangster. However, these people had families and families to carry, so they couldn't move fast.

But this place was already somewhat orderly. From the moment the Tianlong people announced the start of the event, the island had turned into a lawless zone.

The king who was killed first aroused fear in people's hearts. The Valley of the Gods, which was originally a whole, fell apart almost instantly. People, like the scattered parts, had nowhere to go.

But a small part of it is connected in series with Oran as the core. Although it is not precise, it is running wildly.

The holographic device moved its position, creating a screen at both ends and above the canyon, temporarily blocking the eyes of people in the distance.

An observation post has been set up on a nearby mountain to monitor the situation nearby, with the purpose of issuing an early warning when someone is approaching.

Oran took time to interpret the drawings for the craftsmen, and a large-scale assembly project also began in the canyon. Oran himself, with the assistance of Kate, transformed the Hex core.

Silent, depressed, facing the threat of death, they desperately want to grasp this last straw.

As the sun rises and sets, the huge machinery gradually takes shape, but the atmosphere in the canyon gradually becomes oppressive. This depression reaches its peak especially when blood emerges from the water source in the cave.

"I said, can that person really send us out? It's been a few days, and I haven't seen him since he finished explaining the details of the drawing."

The two men carried a huge beam towards the flying door frame that had begun to take shape.

People on this sea are generally much stronger than normal humans. Workers who often do heavy work can carry heavy objects with bare hands even if they don't have lifting equipment, which also speeds up the progress of the project.

But their hearts are still full of worries about the future.

"Do you think he will run away by himself?"

"Shut up! You are working in shifts. Mr. Olan has not slept for a few days. If he wants to escape on his own, there is no need to worry about you guys! He even gave up himself for you guys who have nothing to do with him. ship!"

The people in the same group did not answer, but there were angry comments from the side.

The people here are originally gathered together temporarily. Although they have the same goal, they don't have much trust in each other.

The people who gathered later could not see Olan's figure for several days, and they inevitably had doubts in their hearts.

But those people who were rescued by Olan before trusted Olan more. These days, they are also maintaining the order here and maintaining relative stability here. Shaq is an example.

He could not forget the first human to praise him, and he also consciously defended Oran.

"Okay, stop talking and send the things over quickly. The project over there will be finished soon."

Someone in the same group pushed him to stop him from quarreling with Shaq, but Shaq could clearly feel that the man was a little unconvinced. Just as he was about to go up and argue, he was stopped by Xiong, who was attracted by the quarrel.

"Shaq, now is not the time to argue. Oran said, there can be no internal fighting at this time."


Before Shaq could say anything, a tree on the top of the mountain suddenly fell down, causing Xiong and Shaq to stumble. This was an early warning arranged by Oran. Its collapse meant that a Celestial Dragon had broken into the area. , even moving closer to their gathering place.

"I'm going to lure them away. I have the highest points, so I should be able to attract their attention."

"Bear, you"

"I don't want to see anyone die in front of me anymore. Tell Oran and Ivan for me."

The bear put down his belongings and took the initiative to act as a bait, but met Ginny on the way.

"Bear! Good news, those pirates have finally arrived! When those guys get into trouble, we can take the opportunity to execute Plan 2 and snatch away those prizes!

Have you seen Brother Ivan? Oran has been busy for so long, it’s time for us to take action! "

Ginny, who was responsible for monitoring phone bug information, rushed here immediately after receiving the news, but did not see Ivankov. At this moment, Ivankov appeared here with Oran. .

"Hip! I'm here, let me announce the good news. Olan has completed the transformation of the core. As long as the construction of the framework is completed, we can leave this ghost place!"

The Tianlong people were approaching the canyon, the pirates were about to land, and the Hex Flying Gate core had been transformed. Three things were completed one after another, and facing the coming chaos, Oran did not choose to wait where he was.

"It just so happened that I hadn't figured out where to catch a Celestial Dragon, and now one is coming to my door. Isn't it just right?

Let's go, everyone, it's time to open the stage that belongs to us.

If you have the courage. "

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