Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 88 Dad said that magic should be used to defeat magic

Ionia at night shows the beauty of its nascent land, with blue streams flowing on the land and leaves swaying and rustling in the wind.

In the night, clusters of light points shine in the sky, and branches and buds swaying in the wind can also be seen on the ground.

It was the spiritbloom, a flower that bloomed in Ionia that had not bloomed for many years due to the war waged by Noxus on Ionia.

Now that the war is over, the traumatized land has begun to heal itself, and the flowers of hope have bloomed again.

Sitting next to the stream, Oran picked a flower nearby, used the flower as a cup, and filled up a cup of water from the stream.

Under the silvery light of the crescent moon, darkness gradually engulfed everything around it. Only the faintest starlight cast a layer of silvery gray on the foggy night.

"Now that you're here, come out."

Oran's eyes were staring into the distance, where a figure was approaching in a floating manner. To be precise, it was not a figure, but a ghost.

He looked like a tall, thin and lithe figure, with his upper body naked and his strong muscles exposed.

His arms were bandaged, and the cold night seemed to have no effect on him.

Beneath the waist was a loose, torn burqa.

It was flapping in the wind at the moment, and the most important thing was a delicate rope belt tied around his waist, hanging from it was a terrifying plaster mask.

Most of his face is also hidden under the red mask, but he doesn't look friendly. Now he holds a sword in each hand - the fine steel of one reflects the moonlight, and the other Glowing a vicious red.

"Sure enough, this environment is on your side. Long time no see, Yongen."

Under the cruel mask, the ice blue pupils were very obvious, and Yongen's expression was not relaxed now, and he even had a frown on his face, but the mask prevented Oran from seeing this.

"Olan? No, there's something wrong with you."

Yongen's tone was very cold, almost treating Oran as a stranger.

A petal fell from the treetop, and Yongen's body also moved at this moment. The red blade waved a full moon in the sky, but Oran did not avoid it or panic.

He could feel that Yongen's blade was not aimed at him.

The sharp blade passed over his head, and Yongen's blade seemed to become a paintbrush, writing a special article in mid-air.

The writing technique was very special, not anything Olan was familiar with, but as he retracted the blade, there was a chaotic breathing sound next to Olan, and a strange black shadow appeared here.

"Olan, where did you come into contact with this thing? It's like Azakana. No, Azakana is more powerful than it.

It seems to be integrated with your soul. Is it something I have never seen before, a new type of devil? "

Azakana is a predatory spirit in the world of Valoran. It feeds on the sadness and other emotions of others, stimulating people's negative emotions and eventually devouring them all.

Yongen encountered this creature for the first time after his "death", and it was also at that time that he killed the first Azakana.

The mask on his face is Azakana's face, and Yone cannot take it off.

But now he can see other Azakana through this mask.

They have not yet become true demons before devouring their hosts.

Yone began hunting these insidious monsters in an attempt to understand what he had become. Each demon's true name brings him one step closer to learning more about the unknown, in which he can be said to be an expert.

The aura on Oran's body is even weirder, even weaker than Zakana's, but has a more mysterious veil.

"Soul? I ate a very special fruit. It gives me unique powers. It seems that this is the consciousness of that fruit."

It is a confirmed research result that animal-type Devil Fruits are conscious.

There are still some unknowns between the superhuman and natural systems, but judging from the current situation, they are about the same.

Those who fail to awaken in the animal system will turn into stupid orcs, probably because their bodies are occupied by animal consciousness.

"You really dare to try dangerous things. No, this thing is not dangerous to you. In terms of your willpower, it will never affect you."

This is Yone's conclusion. Not to mention the original demon like Fiddlesticks or the powerful individual who has mastered his own power. This kind of consciousness is countless times weaker than Zakana, and can only be used by others.

If Azakana is a beast that may devour its master, then the fruit consciousness is like a simple tool. Unless the holder uses it too aggressively and causes an accident, it will have no effect.

"But my suggestion is still to kill it. The power of the killed Azakana will still become yours.

Demons cannot be trusted. "

"Indeed, then let's do it."

Their eyes intertwined, and the two of them confirmed each other's intentions. Two long knives condensed in Olan's hands, which were the crystallization of soul power. This is the foundation of the spiritual world.

As Olan stabbed his back with his sword, the strange shadow let out a strange roar, and then dodged to the side.

At the same time, Yongen's body also moved, and both swords came out, as if the swinging blades cut off Oran's body.

"My knife saw your real name, ***."

A strange note came from under Yongen's mask. Rather than a language, it was a whisper at the soul level. This was the power Yongen gained after killing the first Azakana.

Once the real name is revealed, the mystery is finally broken.

The shadow rushed forward, and in the process, it kept changing its appearance, and finally presented a look that was extremely close to Orlan.

The clanging sound of steel colliding rang out, and a pair of black swords pierced out from the shadow's palm like fangs, colliding with Yongen's double swords.

Looking at Orlan who attacked him together, the shadow finally chose to escape. It did not have the clear consciousness of Azakana, and it only had an instinct.

But Yongen clung to its body like a ghost. At this time, Yongen still stood in the same place as before, with his eyes closed, as if meditating.

Chasing up was Yongen's special spirit, who had been fighting with Azakana for many years. This situation was not complicated for Yongen, and he quickly subdued the opponent.

"Olan, this is your power. You have to give him the final blow yourself."

"Thank you, but I have a question. If I come into contact with the same thing again, or someone else comes into contact with it, how can I get rid of it?"

Olan turned the blade in his hand and stabbed it into the forehead of the black shadow, leaving Yongen with a question.

The person who eats two fruits will die. This is the consensus of the sea. Now it seems that this seems to be a battle of consciousness. Since one consciousness has been eliminated, the position is vacant.

"The power of the Barrier Breaking Edge is not suitable for you. Unless you want to die once first, you can't teach it. According to your ability, as long as you exist in this dream world, you should be able to deal with it.

It doesn't matter if you can't deal with it. This kind of thing is very weak. As long as you are not too greedy, you can tame it.

Doing this is just a layer of insurance.

Even if you need help, I am not the only one who can do it. The Giant God and the Balance Sect all have this ability."

Yongen added another knife to Oran from another angle, and finally the black shadow turned into a mask, and the shape of the mask was very similar to an open book.

"The recent harvest is quite good. The Spirit Blossom has bloomed again. It seems that the pain caused by Noxus here has almost disappeared."

"The scars will disappear, but the scars will not. But this may be a good thing for Ionia. This place needs change. The past balance can no longer keep up with the pace of the world."

"By the way, why can't I use this power here? According to you, this power should be in the soul."

"The consciousness resides in the soul, and the other part is in your body. If you want to use its power, you have to wait until you wake up from the dream."

The spirit of Yongen The body dissipated, returned to the original body and came to Orlan, and then continued to ask: "You only told me half of my brother's story last time.

I think you have mastered the swordsmanship almost, so you should tell me the rest."

"Of course, he did not kill Elder Suma. Elder Suma's behavior should be considered suicide. He promised to help the girl cut off the rune sword, but died because of the broken blade, so there were traces of wind swordsmanship on the body."

After hearing this result, Yongen's spirit body was obviously stiff for a moment. Suma's death had an unimaginable impact on the brothers.

The word "suicide" also had a great impact on Yongen.

"Are you sure?"

"It's hard to verify, but this is the fact. The girl is the vanguard of Noxus, her name is Riven, and I don't know where she is now."

There are only two parties involved in this matter, Suma and Riven. Now that Suma is dead, even if Riven can be found, many things may not be clear. The only evidence is the traces on the rune sword.

"Do you want me to help you pass on some information? I can also contact people in my company, maybe you can see the evidence."

"No need, Yongen is dead, let them go the rest of the way, for me knowing the result is enough."

Open-minded, melancholy, Yongen was so entangled for the first time, he even had a disrespectful thought, the respected elder Suma seemed to be a little unskilled.

After starting to hunt Azakana, Yongen also had a better understanding of human nature, and Orlan's words did not taste of lies.

"According to the agreement, I will convey all the swordsmanship to you at this time, the way of the hunter, living towards death, cutting off the past, sealing the dust and thoughts, this is the final secret of my swordsmanship, how far you can learn it depends on you.

But I still have to say one more thing, don't go astray, Sidilier."

Under the night, two figures crossed each other in the forest of Ionia

At dawn, Ionia ushered in a new day. In the lower reaches of the stream, countless chopped petals gathered at the bend of the stream.

On the sea, Orlan woke up again. For the first time, he brought out something materialized other than knowledge and memory from his dream - a mask.

With a thought, a book appeared in Orlan's palm. Compared with yesterday, this control became more delicate.

"Maybe it is the most unlucky fruit in this sea? I wonder if this fruit can reappear on the sea in the future."

After sealing the mask in the book, Orlan threw it behind him. The moment he let it go, the book disappeared again and returned to the book world in the consciousness of the ability user.

A pool of silver liquid gel lay flat on the table, but Kate was nowhere to be seen. It seemed that the exchange of night watch had been completed.

After picking up the quilt that was kicked aside and covering Leliana again, Oran walked out of the cabin quietly.

When the cabin door was opened, Zack opened one eye. When he saw that it was Oran, he didn't say anything, but became alert again.

"Oran? Are you awake?"

On the deck, Kate looked around with a telescope. She was a cat, and she could see many things even in the night. After all, this was the New World, and she couldn't be careless.

"Where are we?"

"We should be at Fishman Island by dawn. Feld said we should dive from there."

On the return trip, they did not take the ship of the BIG·MOM Pirates. After all, the BIG·MOM Pirates were not the navy, and their sphere of influence spread across the entire sea. Shortly after the tea party, Charlotte Linlin received news that the territory had been invaded.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the New World, and there is only one way to deal with it - fight.

If this wasn't Charlotte Linling's first tea party, Charlotte Linling wouldn't have sent all her children out to pick them up. In the end, Umit used his connections to arrange a boat to take them back.

"It looks like it's almost time. By the way, Kate, how good are you at swimming?"

"Not bad. Wait, Oran! What are you going to do? You're a superpower now!"

Seeing Oran moving in front of the guardrail, with some movements of jumping into the sea, Kate came up and grabbed him.

"Devil Fruits are all landlubbers. Vegapunk and Caesar have already tried this. You don't need to try it again, right?"

"I do want to try, but I don't plan to jump into the sea. There's a swimming pool on the boat. Come with me. I'm just moving around after waking up."

Becoming a landlubber is a recognized weakness of devil fruits. While eating the fruit to gain convenience, you also have to think about how to deal with this risk. If you can't even figure out your own physical condition, you are undoubtedly unqualified.

So Orlan had to try, but jumping into the sea would be irresponsible for his own safety. He was not a fishman, and this was a new world. If he was swept away by an undercurrent, he would be dead.

This boat was not an ordinary small wooden boat, it should be considered a yacht, equipped with a dedicated swimming pool. At this time, the swimming pool was empty, so it was a natural testing ground.

Just to prevent accidents, Orlan had to find a trustworthy lifeguard.

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