Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 89 Fruit Power, Return to Fishman Island

"Kate, wait for me for thirty seconds. After thirty seconds, come and pick me up no matter what happens to me."

Although the swimming pool was empty at this time, there might be people who would come for a night swim. In order to prevent people from saying that there were people with swimming abilities, even if he could overcome this weakness, Oran decided to let Kate pick him up.

After moving his wrists, Oran jumped directly into the water in a not-so-graceful posture. He had never practiced diving. If the competition was about who could make the biggest splash, then he would definitely have won.

Then, less than thirty seconds later, Kate jumped in.

The reason was simple. After Oran jumped in, he never floated up again. All that could be seen was a string of bubbles.

"Kate, are you too impatient? Didn't I say to wait for thirty seconds?"

Olan did not sink to the bottom. He just chose to swim underwater. His strength did not disappear as he entered the water. This showed that Yongen's help was successful.

"Meow, I thought you sank to the bottom."

"It's okay, the result is the same, do you want to swim for a while?"

"No, let's go back after you finish the test."

A puff of steam came out of Kate's body. She used electric current to dry the moisture on her body surface, and then picked up a comb to tidy up the hair on her body.

"By the way, take this, it will be much more convenient to put things in it in the future."

Olan raised his hand and made a book and handed it to Kate. The items made by the superhuman fruit of the creation system can not only be used by oneself, but also by others.

And unlike the Shadow-Shadow Fruit, the Childlike Fruit, which loses consciousness, the fruit ability will be invalid.

The ability of the creation will not disappear even if the ability user is unconscious.

"Each page is a special independent space. You can put your clothes or trivial parts in it. Things won't fall out after turning the page.

If you want to store living things, use the bookmarks on each page to fix them. This size is enough for you."

Olan adjusted the size of the book to the size of a general folder. Although each book has an exaggerated space and a large capacity, the size of the objects put in it is limited to the size of the book.

For example, a bamboo pole can be put in when it is laid flat, but it will be stuck outside when it is stood up or turned sideways.

The size of the book is not impossible to change, but only Orlan can do this, and when taking it out, the book must be restored to its original size. Outsiders only have the right to use it and cannot make changes.

This way of storing things also has an anti-theft function. Even if the book is stolen, Orlan only needs to eliminate the book and then summon it again to bring the things back.

It's just that there is a certain distance limit. If the distance is too far, Orlan can't do anything.

Even so, this ability is still very unreasonable, but this is the nature of the devil fruit.

The research on MADS can let others know how to use or replicate abilities, but it has not been able to study how this ability works. This matter itself is metaphysics.

The operating rules of many devil fruits do not follow the laws of physics at all. They are things that Newton's coffin cannot hold down. However, Newton seems to have been cremated, so it should be impossible for him to resurrect in this case.

"This ability is really convenient. Can it generate a catalog and introduction information by itself?"

Kate tried to put the comb into the book. Not only did the page where the comb was located appear in the catalog, but there was even an introduction text in the space on the page where the comb was stored.

[A wooden comb made of sandalwood. ]

A simple line of words reflects another ability of the Book-Book Fruit. It seems to be able to analyze the information of objects stored in the book.

"A kind of ability. The fruit I have been looking for is not simple. After I develop it for a while, my control over it will be much stronger than before. The potential of this fruit is quite large."

Olan waved his fingers, and a row of fingernail-sized pocket books lined up like flying birds. Under his thoughts, they formed various shapes and finally disappeared out of thin air.

The ship's route had a little problem in the end. The changeable weather in the new world affected them. An inexplicable lightning waterfall forced them to change their route.

It was not until noon that they reached the diving position.

The ship had completed the coating work in advance, so there was no need to waste time waiting and go directly to the deep sea.

People in the underground world often need to travel back and forth to Fishman Island due to business needs and many other reasons. For this reason, they have also trained reliable coating craftsmen.

This profession seems insignificant, but it is related to the fate of everyone on the ship.

The environment promotes the profession. There are a large number of coating craftsmen living in the Sabaody Archipelago. The problem is that there is no assessment for this profession. The level of coating craftsmen varies, and there are even many scammers.

It’s okay to encounter poor craftsmanship. The bubble will break directly as soon as the ship dives. In that case, the loss will not be great. At most, some materials will be lost, and the ship can be salvaged and used again.

The most feared thing is to encounter a coating craftsman who is not good at it. At the beginning, it’s fine. After diving to a certain depth, the bubble will break because it can’t withstand the water pressure. The result is generally that the ship is destroyed and people die.

In the Sabaody Archipelago, you can often see the wreckage of ships that were crushed into pieces by water pressure because the bubble film was broken.

It just so happens that these people hide very well, and people who have accidents can’t come back to give bad reviews. These people are even like excellent craftsmen, with a 100% positive review rate.

Therefore, looking for wild craftsmen in the Sabaody Archipelago is as exciting as opening a blind box. You never know what the next box will open.

The craftsmen trained by themselves are different. They have only one requirement for the coating craftsmen. All participants must go with the ship every time they go to sea.

No one will be irresponsible for their own lives. Under this management method, the safety of the ship is guaranteed to a certain extent.

"Dad, is it like this underwater? It's so dark, it's not interesting at all."

Leliana has read the picture book about Fishman Island, which describes the beauty of Fishman Island in great detail, and even describes it as a treasure land full of corals and pearls.

Picture book culture is a feature of this sea, similar to serialized comics. Orlan himself is also reading a story called Seven Monkeys Pearl, which is a means of relaxation.

After all, he has always disagreed with Vegapunk's idea of ​​investing all his energy in research. Excessive high pressure will only turn interest into torture.

"We haven't arrived yet. This is at most halfway. If you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, you have to endure the loneliness on the way. Nothing can be achieved overnight.

And look carefully. There are actually many secrets hidden in this silent deep sea."

Hearing this, Leliana squinted her eyes and looked at the deep sea. In the end, she really saw a bunch of light spots. They were a group of jellyfish drifting with the current.

This deep sea area has not seen sunlight all year round. Except for sea beasts and sea kings that float to the surface of the sea, most of the marine creatures that live here have degraded vision, and some have also developed special luminous organs.

"It really exists!"

"This is a secret hidden in the world. You need enough patience to discover all this."

The appearance of the jellyfish group is just a coincidence, but this creature can make children happy for a long time. Not long after, another abyss appeared in front of them. The crew members skillfully manipulated the boat to adjust the angle and continued to move deeper along the gap.

When they left the darkness again, Fishman Island also appeared in front of the ship.

"Wow, is this the Fishman Island?"

The branches of the Sun Tree Eve are inserted into the seabed, and countless fish are swimming around. Due to the light, the creatures gathered here are almost the most in the deep sea.

The Fishman Island in the bubble is also floating in the ocean.

"Yes, the desserts you ate before were bought from here. This time we will buy more, enough for you to eat for a long time."

With the Shushu Fruit, you don't have to worry about food preservation and fresh water.

When sailing, these two points are very fatal. If there are no fruits and green leafy vegetables for a long time, sepsis and many other diseases will come up.

The storage time of the refrigerator is limited. When sailing, people generally rely on canned food and vitamin tablets. Most people bring some beans for bean sprouts. It is quite rare to grow fresh crops on the ship.

There is no need to consider this problem with the Shushu Fruit. As long as the food is not corrupted when it is put in, even if it has been several years, the food is fresh.

The same is true for fresh water. Many ships will carry some fresh water purifiers to purify seawater, but due to the uneven development of the technology tree, this purifier is also very different.

The equipment on their current ship is pretty good. You can even see the water tanks covered with green hair on the pirate ship. There is no way to clean it halfway through the voyage. These pirates usually drink water mixed with strong liquor, which can reduce some problems.

Now Fishman Island is not protected by Charlotte Linlin, so the dessert factory has not been established, but the inventory of the dessert shops on the island is enough for Leliana to eat for a while.

Unlike Katakuri taking them to participate in the tea party, this time the ship is not only transiting through Fishman Island, but also needs to purchase some things.

When the ship entered, Orlan also picked up the Den Den Mushi. After coming here last time, he asked for Shaq's number.

It has been a month since he hired Shaq, and he plans to see how Shaq is doing now.

"Shaq, it's me. Are you on Fishman Island now?"

"Mr. Oran? Are you here again? Of course I am. Please wait at the immigration office. I will pick you up."

Shaq hung up the phone in a hurry without even giving Oran a chance to speak.

"Shaq? Is that the fishman?"

Kate recalled a little and remembered the name.

"Well, the fishman who left there with us. I asked him to help me do some things."

"Meow, I still remember him. He said he wanted to go back to his home first."

Speaking of the word home, Kate's voice paused, as if she remembered something.

"Speaking of which, I wanted to find a way to Zou for you, but I didn't find it. If you want to go home, I'm afraid you will have to wait for a while."

The home of the fishmen is Fishman Island. The fur tribe naturally has its own hometown, the furry principality on Zou's back, which is the hometown of all fur tribes.

"No, it might be a good thing if you can't find it. There is no Meow's past there, and now Meow has a new place to live."

That place is her hometown, but that's all. Kate has no relatives in Zou at this time.

Zou's situation is very special. It exists on the back of a giant elephant and will not be captured by the magnetic field of the recording pointer. If you want to return there, you can only rely on the life card.

And those who hold this kind of life card are all fur tribes. It can be said that the outflow of any life card means that a fur tribe member who is away from home has encountered an accident.

Without using the life card, the way to find Zou is to go around in the new world, which is still a bit dangerous for them now, so they put it aside.

"Don't be discouraged, it just takes some time, and you will find a way,"

"Well, meow, I believe in you."

Not long after, Shaq's figure ran from a distance, but compared with the last time, he had more scars on his body.

Next chapter later

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