Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 90 I would rather make mistakes than do nothing

"Mr. Oran! I'm here to pick you up!"

Shaq waved his arms and ran over, his tone still as happy as a month ago.

"How did you get this injury?"

Shaq had more than one injury on his body. Except for a scratch on his arm, the rest were bruises, which were obviously traces left by fighting.

Olan knew that many people on Fishman Island were not friendly to humans.

Hodi Jones and his gang in the original timeline were such people. Aaron at least knew how to take care of his compatriots, but Hodi Jones was so extreme that he could kill his compatriots at will.

If Shaq's injury was caused by such a group of people, he would have to find a way to deal with it, otherwise it would be a hidden danger sooner or later.

"It's nothing serious. I had a fight with a group of human traffickers before, and fortunately I won in the end."

Facing human traffickers, Fishman Island is not without resistance, but some pirates can't beat them, and some human traffickers are even fishmen themselves.

Not everyone will sit back and watch their compatriots being abducted, especially those who have had painful experiences.

"What do human traffickers do? Sell people?"

"Yes, they will take people away from their families. They are a group of hopeless guys. Those who do this should all be hanged."

It was the first time that Leliana heard this word, and she also felt extremely disgusted from Orlan's answer.

Taken away from family, Leliana could understand this sentence. Based on this description, she had already put this group on the list of bad people.

"Hey, this is"

"Leliana, also my daughter."

"Looks a lot like you, Mr. Orlan, where is your eldest daughter, didn't she come with you this time?"

"Fran is at home, there is something over there that I need her to pay attention to for me."

"It seems that Mr. Orlan has a happy family."

Looks a lot like you, this sentence is a common language used to praise other people's children in Fishman Island, which is related to the reproduction method of the fishmen.

Mercans and mermaids can intermarry and reproduce naturally, but their offspring have more random attributes.

Gender is random, male and female, morphology is random, and even the genes of marine life in the blood are random.

Mermen and mermaids have a common ancestral genetic memory. The species of fish they belong to when they are born depends on the genes of the ancestral species many generations ago, and is not necessarily related to the species of their parents.

If a child is of the same species as one of the parents, it is a thing worth celebrating, and looking alike is the best way to compliment.

"Isn't this Kate? You look exactly the same as you did a few years ago. Are you living well?"

"My body is a little special, but it's okay."

"It seems that you have stayed with Mr. Oran. That's great. By the way, Mr. Oran, I have started to act on the things you entrusted me with before. At present, I have found a total of five people, including me."

The surroundings were quiet for a while. This number is a bit exaggerated. Fishman Island has a population of about five million, and it has basically fluctuated within this range for so many years.

From this point of view, and these five people also count Shaq himself. If we continue to calculate this way, it is also a probability of one in a million, which is almost the same as the probability of the birth of Conqueror's Haki.

"Uncle Shaq, five is not enough, my friends all have it, well, more than five."

Leliana counted her fingers and finally gave a positive answer, and Tong Yan broke the silence.

"I know it's a little less, but Mr. Oran, this is an accident. I don't know which big mouth spread the news of my previous divination. Mr. Oran, you are a human after all, so most people are unwilling."

This is a racial conflict that has lasted for hundreds of years. The last time the relationship between the two sides was the most relaxed was probably nearly 800 years ago, during the generation of Joy Boy.

In addition to Joy Boy's efforts, it is probably related to the fact that the mermaid princess of that generation was an awakened sea king.

Saturn, the king of this generation of Fishman Island, did not do much, and Shaq finally achieved so little.

"Don't be discouraged, at least someone is willing to do it. I brought a lot of funds this time. You can do it first, I believe someone will be tempted."

Olan did not force them to traffic in people or fight, but simply explore in the water, which is the easiest thing for the fishmen.

As an aquatic race, they only need to explore the seabed like taking a walk, but the area to be explored may be a little far away.

Oran believes that as long as the money is in place, there will still be people who will be tempted.

At this time, it is meaningless to talk about feelings, and talking about interests is the most direct.

"Take these first. You can appear a little richer than usual in life, but don't show too much, or you will get into trouble."

Oran handed Shak some gold coins. In today's Fishman Island, gold is actually more popular than Bailey. After all, this is the deep sea and paper money is not easy to preserve.

"I know, Mr. Oran. In addition, that Otohime has also joined."


"Well, she took the initiative to find me, and it seems that she wants to prove something with this behavior.

Mermaids swim the fastest in the ocean and can communicate with fish. They are just a little weaker in strength, but if it is just exploration, she has a greater advantage."

Mermaids and fishmen each have their own advantages. The fishmen have ten times the arm strength of humans, but they cannot communicate with fish. This is one of the reasons why fishmen eat fish.

Among the entire group of fishmen, only a very small number of cases can talk to fish.

Mermaids are different. It is their instinct to talk to fish. The mermaid princess can even communicate freely with sea kings.

In terms of surveying the environment, Otohime's ability is even stronger than the other four people combined, but she can only survey things that are exposed, and she can't do anything deeper.

Even if she can communicate with the fish school, the fish school can't take samples.

"But Otohime's ability is limited. Her body is too fragile."

Speaking of this, Shaq is also a little helpless. Although the physical strength of mermaids is not as good as that of fishmen, they are not weak either. After all, they are a race that can swim at high speed in the deep sea.

But Otohime is like an exception. Let alone fighting, if she slaps someone, the final result is that her arm will be broken.

"She is actually quite fragile inside. The look you saw before, Mr. Oran, was all forced on her. The five of us had a small gathering before, and she got drunk after a glass of wine, and then..."

"Uncle Shak, it's not a good thing to say bad things about girls behind their backs. You will end up lonely like this."

While talking, Otohime has also appeared here. She rushed here after receiving the news from Shak. Now her goal is to make humans, mermaids and fishmen live equally, so she cherishes her human friends very much.

"Hahaha, I'm telling the truth. Otohime, you can't drink well. You'd better not drink with strangers in the future."

"I know. Only you like to drink that kind of unpalatable stuff. Mr. Oran, look at this. I made it during this period."

Otohime is holding a shell painting, which contains things like racial friendship.

"Can you help me promote this idea on land? I know it may not be very useful, but what if it can influence even one person?

Humans have too deep prejudice against the sea. As long as one person can accept it, he will teach his children new ideas.

This way, prejudice will be reduced by one point."

Otohime's current thoughts are still very simple. She would rather face setbacks and failures than do nothing.

In any case, it is a very stupid idea to sit and wait for death.

"It's just a little effort. You should be able to see that I don't have too much racial prejudice."

At least before a race makes the heavens and the people resent it, Orlan will not raise the matter from an individual to a race, unless this race is hopeless from top to bottom. Yes, I'm talking about the group of Celestial Dragons on Marijoa.

Other groups give birth to a small number of evil parties, while this group gives birth to a very small number of good people, or normal people.

In the worldview of Celestial Dragons, what ordinary people think is normal is heresy.

"Yes, we have many different family members in our family, and everyone comes from different races."

In Oran's family today, humans, robots, fur tribes, dragons, and "slimes" are more or less directly related to Oran, but these are all intelligent creatures with independent thinking, and are even more complex than the racial composition of the sea.

"Indeed, I can feel it. Are you Mr. Oran's daughter? Very cute."


Olan stopped Otohime from trying to pull Leliana's hand, and handed Leliana a stick in Otohime's puzzled eyes.

"Leliana, bend it."

"Okay, Dad."

Leliana took the stick, and with both hands, she bent it into a V shape.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Leliana is very strong. According to your situation, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep your hand in the future."

Olan handed the bent stick to Otohime, and the touch of her hand told Otohime that this thing was made of iron.

With her glass body, Leliana might accidentally break a comminuted fracture.

"This child is really healthy."

Otohime retracted her hand, and after listening to Oran's future plans, she took them to a newly opened dessert shop.

Shaq's family is not as wealthy as Otohime's. He knows some cost-effective shops, but Otohime knows some special products, such as the handmade tiramisu in the Mermaid Cafe.

Although it is more expensive, it tastes better.

With Oran's reminder, Otohime did not rashly contact Leliana, but this did not prevent her from chatting with Leliana. The innocence of human children gave Otohime more hope for the future.

After arriving at the shopping area, the group also split up and started purchasing activities.

"Do you really want it all?"

"Yes, I've given you the money. What else are you worried about?"

"That's right. Wait a minute, I'll prepare it for you."

Facing a big money sponsor, even if it is a human, the shop owner did not refuse this business.

In the concept of Fishman Island, working for humans and simply making money from humans are two different concepts.

It's just that it still takes time to pack and box this amount.

Orlan began to write his own plan, such as the specific direction of fruit development control. For now, he has no intention of eating another fruit.

The devil fruit was born from fantasy, which came from Vegapunk's hypothesis, and the fruit battle was Orlan's hypothesis. The two have one thing in common, and neither has been confirmed.

Before there is an accurate conclusion, Orlan does not intend to take this risk.

If successful, he will have an extra ability, and if he fails, he will die directly. This kind of benefit and risk are not proportional to him. The ability of the Book Book Fruit to form its own world is enough for him to develop.

Even if he got a stronger fruit, he had ways to use it, such as Zack and Frankenstein, or the application of bloodline factors, Oran had ways to use it, so there was no need to gamble with his life.

After the shop owner prepared everything, Oran wrapped his book with Zack's body and put the piled snacks into the book under the cover of mercury.

But at this time, there seemed to be some chaos outside. Otohime stopped a man carrying a bag and some kind of quarrel broke out.

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