Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 94 What did your daughter eat to grow up?

The Kingdom of Sorbe was originally a poor kingdom with a serious aging population. Most of the national income every year was used to pay heavenly gold.

The cost is high, but there is no way. In this sea, the safety factor of franchised countries is still much higher than that of non-franchised countries.

Unless you want to become a place outside the law, collecting the heavenly gold is the best solution for ordinary people.

The Kingdom of Sorbey ushered in its first change 8 years ago. The agreement between Oran and the king at the time allowed the Kingdom of Sorbey to open new production channels, but that did not bring about fundamental changes.

The biggest changes started more than two years ago.

Under Oran's promotion, the first arms sales order was received here, and the enhanced prosthetic parts needed by the navy began to be produced from the Kingdom of Sorbey, which brought about a chain reaction.

Essentially, Olan is helping this country build a metal processing factory. In addition to specially made things, it can also process ordinary armor.

After the news spread that the navy customized certain things here, the surrounding countries also trusted the place a little more and began to try to order more things.

In order to ensure that the factories here can produce products normally, the navy also asked the nearby navy branch to strengthen patrols in the nearby waters. For a time, the economy of the Sorbey Kingdom began to rise, and the surrounding safety factor was also greatly improved.

Residents of nearby islands were also attracted here and began to immigrate to the Kingdom of Solbay, which to some extent alleviated the aging problem here.

This state lasted for two years until Bulldog announced his abdication not long ago.

"Why did King Bulldog suddenly abdicate? I remember that he was in good health."

Some time ago, Xiong also met Bulldog. Although he was old, he was still in good health. According to Xiong, it was not yet time to abdicate.

Xiong didn't realize what was going on here, and he didn't understand the political struggle between the royal families. For the royal family, they had to gamble on luck if they wanted to complete the handover of the throne safely.

At that point, the blood ties between father, son, and brother have long been diluted by power.

"I don't know. That's not the point. The point is Bailey! He went to the palace to talk to me about the future of the factory. I originally thought he was going to extend the agreement, but he made a bunch of demands."

Ginny took out a piece of parchment with Bailey's new request densely written on it.

"The share is cut in half. But taxes are increased?? What is he thinking? How is this possible?"

The ownership of the factory belongs to the Kingdom of Sorbey, and Olan is a technical shareholder, and Xiong and Ginny are allowed to manage it on their behalf. The funds for purchasing raw materials and maintaining the factory are all funded by the Kingdom.

But Bailey's first step was to reduce his original share.

The situation of the Navy's batch of special products was a little different. The funds were delivered directly to Ginny and Bear, and the factory could only charge the cost of sub-processing. Bulldog felt that these were nothing, but Bailey was a little jealous, and finally made The idea of ​​raising taxes.

"That bastard said that as long as we pay the workers less, we can make back the money."

[The worst case scenario is to let those people be the same as they were a few years ago. They have persisted for decades. Can’t they continue to live their old lives? 】

Ginny repeated some of what Bailey had said before, and her fists felt hard.

"He thinks a lot more than King Bulldog. He even thought of a way to reduce his salary, and he still let us do it. He will make the money and let us bear the bad reputation. It's a beautiful idea!"

There are still many projects that the royal family of Sorbey is responsible for. The wage level of this factory has now become an industry benchmark. This makes it difficult for Beckley to lower the wage level there, so he plans to let the factory take the lead first. effect.

"So what do we do?"

"I called Olan before, but I don't know what happened but I didn't get through. He must be busy with something. He will definitely call us back when he is free.

If that Bailey really thinks he can take advantage of us like this, he's wrong. "

Bulldog personally discussed the details of the factory with Olan. Outsiders did not know the details. The focus was never on the factory, but on Olan himself.

This is true regardless of the technology or the source of the order.

"What about these materials?"

"No need to send it over. The factory has stopped working now. Come home and eat, Xiong Zai. Maybe you can relax for a while."

The shutdown of the factory was naturally caused by Becoli. Strictly speaking, the Navy's order had nothing to do with the Kingdom of Sorbey, and Becoli also knew this.

Although Bailey didn't understand the details, he knew that an order must have a delivery deadline. If the factory could not start operation, then Xiong and Ginny would not be able to provide goods to the Navy within the specified time.

The Sorby Kingdom will also lose profits if the factory closes, but Bailey feels that Ginny and the others will not be able to stand it at first. After reaching the new conditions, he will soon be able to make back the losses in the past few days, so he has what he has now. Case.

The factory's "holiday" did not cause riots for the time being.

The factory here has never entered the stage of people shutting down machines and working overtime. Previously, after Beckley took office, he found reasons to cancel many rest days. Most people thought it was Beckley's conscience and planned to give back the holidays.

The next day, the bear’s home.

"Xiong Zai, I'll leave it to you, old lady. I've been coming here often since your father was still alive. At that time, your family suddenly disappeared, which shocked us."

At the door of the church, an old lady stood in front of Xiong and talked about things that happened a long time ago.

"Your son has become such an excellent pastor and has opened such a large factory. Your parents who are nowhere to be found out will definitely be very happy if they know about it. You are very excellent."

The locals did not know what the Xiong family had experienced, and Xiong did not mention those things, but just casually perfunctorily passed by.

"Okay, old lady, stand still, it's time to start."

The bear's palm slapped the back of the old lady in front of him, and a light red bear paw bubble was also slapped out of her body.

"Thank you very much, I feel much better now, you can keep this money."

"Too much! Isn't this your salary for last month? What are you going to give us all for?"

Ginny, who was standing by, glanced at the money in the bag and stuffed it back to her while scolding her.

"Oh, stingy Ginny is really difficult to deal with. You were unhappy when we had no money before, and you are still unhappy now that we have more money. You can't be so irritable."

"Even if you are so irritable, you are still a beauty. I heard that the young men in the city are confessing to her. You can't stop them. Just take it. We old guys can't spend so much money. There is still some money left from the previous wages.

If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have this opportunity to make money."

Other old people in the church began to make a fuss. These people are also beneficiaries of the factory. They can't do the work of ironwork, but they can still do simple sorting and cleaning.

This is also the current situation of the Kingdom of Solbe. Even if you are old, you have to be self-reliant.

"If Bear is willing to open every day, we can pay a little more."

"Yes, yes, the new King Beckley is a cold-blooded guy. If he is sick and can't work, it will be a big trouble."

"No! This is a church, not a hospital! Once a week is enough! Well, it's time for you to go home and don't gather here!"

Driven by Ginny, a group of people left the church with a smile, and left all kinds of food and some money bags at the door of the church. They all knew that Ginny was not really angry.

They are all old, and they feel a lot more comfortable every week to see the always smiling Bear and the irritable Ginny.

After a group of elderly people left, Ginny did not return to the church, but sat outside the church alone with her knees hugged, while Bear looked at the accumulated bubbles of pain and rushed in resolutely.

Ginny advised Bear not to do this, but it was useless. It was worth it for Bear to be able to resolve the pain of others, even if the price was that he himself suffered pain.

"Miss, can I ask if Bear's home is here?"

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, several figures appeared in front of Ginny.

"We are closed today. Come back next week if you have something to do! Eh? Oran?!"

"Long time no see, Ginny. You have grown up. I almost didn't recognize you."

In the past 8 years, both Bear and Ginny have changed a lot, but the years have not left many traces on Oran. Except for growing taller, his face has not changed much.

"Long time no see! You haven't changed much from before, Kate, you too, you are still so small."

Ginny responded with a warm hug, and then saw Kate, a familiar person, at first sight.

Although Oran's current lineup is very strange, covering many species, Kate, the white-haired cat girl, is still very eye-catching.

"Meow, I need to correct you. Meow has grown 12 centimeters taller, and meow is the same age as you, so don't speak so strangely."

"Blitz is back with you! Have you taken good care of yourself? Have you not rusted after so many years?"

Before Kate finished speaking, Ginny had already come to Blitz and looked at his physical condition. When Blitz was made, she and the bear also contributed, and she only knew these three.

"Thank you for your concern. Blitz is very good. The system and materials have been upgraded. The new body will not rust."

"Wow, that sounds great, Oran, are they your new partners?"

Behind Blitz is a stranger that Ginny has never seen. To be brought here by Oran, they must be very close people.

"It's family, let me introduce you, this is Frankenstein, this is Leliana, and they are my lovely daughters."


Ginny seemed to have heard something unbelievable, and her eyes kept switching between Leliana and Frankenstein, and finally fell back on Oran.

"No way, you've only been gone for eight years."

"Yeah, I'm five years old this year, and Sister Fran is strictly the same age as me, is there anything wrong?"

"Yes, it makes sense."

Liliana's words made Ginny feel that her mind was a little overloaded. Although Liliana was very big, at least her face was relatively delicate, but Frankenstein looked different. No matter how you look at it, he looked like he was sixteen or seventeen years old.

"My experience in the past few years is quite complicated. I will tell you slowly later. There are two more people here, you can also get to know them."


"Hello, little girl."

Tyra showed her head from Liliana's shoulder. Liliana's growth rate far exceeded that of a sub-dragon species. If she didn't make a sound, Tyra could even pretend to be a dragon-shaped backpack behind Liliana.

Zach's head and arms appeared on Oran's shoulder, and he was happily greeting him.

Due to different reasons for their birth, their cognitions were also different. For example, even if Blitz upgraded the current core module, he still called Oran the master, and Zach was in a similar situation.

Frankenstein was the one with the richest emotional module, and was also the creature that was more obsessed with the name of father, which was also the randomness brought by creation.

So far, Ginny successfully met all of Oran's "family", all kinds of "creatures" that appeared in this world because of him.

"Why, don't you let us in? Speaking of which, where is the bear? Is he still busy at this time?"

"Bear him... Forget it, Brother Oran, you are not an outsider, let's take a look."

Ginny opened the door of the church and walked into the house with Oran and others. At this time, the bear had already walked over with the wall.

"I'm sorry, Brother Orlan, for making you look so miserable."

"So, you should cure the pain of those old people once a week, and then bear it with your own body."

"It's just some minor injuries. I can't do anything about serious diseases. As for bearing it, there's nothing I can do. This fruit is like this. The aggregation of pain and suffering will not disappear until someone bears it.

If left alone, they will return to the original owner's body.

As long as everyone is happy, I will feel happy. When I train my body stronger, I won't have to worry about this problem."

The bear didn't complain about anything, but just stated the facts calmly.

"You, I said before I left, you are too gentle. There must be pirates trying to rob here in recent years, right? Why don't you let them bear the pain? This way, they can also pay for the sins they have committed."

"Yes, yes, I have advised him many times, but Xiongzi insisted on doing this. Did you hear that? Brother Oran also thinks that you are not good, you are too gentle!"

Ginny echoed Oran's words, hoping that Xiong could change. She also tried to share the pain with Xiong, but Xiong didn't give her such an opportunity.

"That way, I don't think it's good, and if this matter is told, those grandfathers and old women may not come. I can bear it alone."

Character determines what a person does. Even if he has experienced countless darkness, Xiong is still willing to repay the people around him with gentleness and bear the pain silently.

"Take your time. Anyway, I'm ready to take action. Ginny, Bear, come and help me. I need your strength."

"Brother Orlan, your action means..."

"It's just as you think. The preparations are almost done. I need a stable rear to accumulate strength. I don't want to sweat in a corner when I encounter any trouble in the future.

I have already chosen the specific location. This time I came here to move with you."

There are still 6,000 words, the same situation as yesterday

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