Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 95 The first pink-haired gathering in history

"The Grand Line. Are we going there in the future?"

"Yes, although the world is stable, the distance from the Grand Route is too big. This position is just right. How about it? Do you want to work together as promised?

Xiong, your efforts are just a drop in the bucket.

You know the reasons why those old people have to work. If you can't bring about changes at the root, you can't change the status quo no matter how hard you try. "

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the strength of the bear. Whether it is his physical fitness or the ability of the meat ball fruit, he is a unique individual in the sea.

As for his own identity, there is no big problem. In the original timeline, he met and even had a conversation with Satan in the Valley of the Gods, and then joined the revolutionary army, and still did not suffer any large-scale pursuit.

If it weren't for the key information being eavesdropped by Sartan at Vegapunk's research institute when he took Bonnie to seek medical advice, the World Government would never have noticed him as a person.

Now the traces on the Valley of the Gods have been wiped out even more completely. Even because of the appearance of Oran, Xiong never encountered Satan in the Valley of the Gods from beginning to end, as long as he did not go to the exclusive institution of the World Government for a blood test. , then there is no problem.

As for the fruit abilities, those things were basically robbed by pirates at the beginning. In the end, they changed hands through many parties, and they had no reference value at all. If you have to pursue it, Kaido is now well-known on the sea.

After eating the fish fruit, he is much more conspicuous than here.

As for Ginny, it would be a waste of talent to let her go to the front line. In a rubbish environment like the Valley of the Gods, Ginny was able to steal information about the Draco with DIY equipment and spread the information.

The genius of this capable intelligence department is the right way to use it to collect intelligence. Letting such a person lead the team to fight on the front line like in the original timeline is simply frying the fresh Eastern Star Spots that have just emerged from the water, and wasting everything.

"Of course I have no problem. Where is Xiong Zai?"

"Well, I'm ready too. Little Ivan left first, and then Brother Oran. Everyone has their own way to pursue their ideals. I don't want to hide here forever, but I'm a little worried about the people here. We If you leave"

"Don't worry, population is also an important part of development. Didn't I ask you to keep in touch with the workers in those factories? You have done this, right?"

Moving, as the name suggests, means moving your home together. If conditions permit, moving with your house is also a very good choice. Now Olan has this ability.

"Ginny is doing very well. Many young people from outside are willing to confess their love to her. She is the most attractive scenery in the factory."


Ginny's chopsticks suddenly hit the bear's palm. Oran came back just in time for dinner, so they ate and talked.

What Xiong said just now made Ginny very unhappy.

"What's wrong? Ginny?"

"It's nothing, I just want to hit you suddenly."

It is a fact that there are many people confessing, but confession is not a charge, it is a closing song. This step should only be carried out when the feelings are in place.

If you confess your love for the first time you meet, and if you continue to persist even if it doesn't work out once, it may be regarded as one-sided harassment.

The reason why Ginny got angry when she heard this was simple. She wanted to see the bear confess his love to her, not those messy people.

However, Xiong is very slow in this regard, or rather he is actively avoiding this point.

[I am the blood of Bakania, their mother and son are innocent, let them go! 】

Xiong couldn't let go of his father's words, so he was a little afraid of these things, lest the tragedy would happen again.

"It seems that you have a good relationship over the years. In short, let's go and tell the workers tomorrow. Those who are willing to leave with us and go to the new factory will have their wages doubled and housing allocated.

If you don't want to leave, just let them be. "

"Olan, do you want to move the factory together?"

"No, I'm just taking away some workers."

The factory here is not like the laboratory Feld built for him, which contains all kinds of sophisticated equipment. There are not even advanced lathes here, and they are not worth transporting.

Besides, this was built by the Sorbey Kingdom, so packing it up and taking it away would be a bit excessive.

"That's great. That guy Beckley made quite excessive demands, and now his dream is in vain."

Ginny laughed out loud when she heard Oran's plan. Oran's plan to withdraw was almost like flipping the table.

But this was Oran's original idea. The Sorbey Kingdom built fixed facilities, and he used chickens to lay eggs to cultivate skilled craftsmen.

Afterwards, the chicken was left to the Kingdom of Sorbey. If they had their heart set on it, they would not lose. After all, there was nothing wrong with the chicken.

If you get out of here, it has nothing to do with Oran.

"Beckley? Who is that?"

"It's the new king of Solbei Kingdom. He made quite excessive demands. I wanted to call you about this before, but the call never got through."

"Well, this is actually an accident."

Olan took out a phone bug, but the phone bug was now very sick, and its body showed a strange blue color.

"What's wrong with it?"

"It started like this a few days ago. It was probably due to fear of heights. It has recovered well recently. I thought it was going to die a few days ago."

Phone bugs do the same thing as a telephone, the problem is that they are living things.

Whether the phone is clear depends on the status of the base station, and the phone bug depends on the life strength of the snail.

The phone bug was originally just a special kind of snail in the sea. Later, some people discovered the special characteristics of this kind of snail and began to equip them with special equipment for long-distance communication.

The biggest habit of this snail is to lie flat.

If they are raised by humans, they don't have to worry about food and clothing, so they are happy to be captured and modified by humans.

But biological instincts have not disappeared. For example, after being blinded by irritating smoke, the monitoring phone bug will lose the picture. If the phone bug is afraid and shrinks back into its snail shell, it will also lose its communication function.

Oran's phone bug fell into a coma the moment Oran took off. After all, there are individual differences in living things. Perhaps Oran's phone bug never thought that one day he could fly.

"This is really unexpected. I have also cultivated a lot of phone bugs during this period. I will change one for you later."

Ginny did not expect that the reason why the call could not be connected was because the phone bug was afraid of heights and fainted. As she spoke, she reached out to grab the food on the table, but in the end she missed it.

The table that had just been full of food was now filled with only scraps.

"Where's the pizza?? I remember there were five more!"

"Dad said you have to pay attention when eating. Sister Ginny, you will miss a lot if you do this."

Riley on the side picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth. She had learned one thing in the past two years - table manners. Now Leliana could eat her meal elegantly.

The effect of this is to hide it. In the past, because the movement was too large, it would often attract attention at the beginning.

Now, Leliana can wield chopsticks or knives and forks to create afterimages, but her upper body basically doesn't move, so she can finish her meal without others noticing.

Just when Ginny and Oran were talking about things, Leliana had been eating silently and ate all the remaining food before Ginny, a big eater.

"My appetite is so good."

"Yeah, this is the first time I've met someone who can eat better than Ginny."

At the same time, Blitz also returned from outside, holding two five-meter-long grilled fish in his hands.

"Okay, we've finished the snacks, now we can have our main meal."

The corners of Ginny's mouth twitched twice. She seemed to feel that her status as the biggest eater had been shaken, and she began to compete with Leliana unwilling to admit defeat.

But in the end, I regretted my defeat and collapsed on the chair with my round belly.

"It's great. It hasn't been this lively here for a long time."

Xiong stood aside and watched the scene on the dining table with his chin clenched. He was so easily satisfied. As long as he saw the people he valued happy, that was enough.

However, there were some coincidences at the dinner table at this time. Oran, Leliana, Ginny, and Frankenstein, these four people are the closest to humans in body shape, but these four all have pink hair.

The rest of the people are becoming more and more like supermodels. Kate has obvious fur features, and the bear is already five meters tall. Although Leliana is also a supermodel, in comparison, she is still normal.

"By the way, Dad, take a new photo. Aren't they your old friends?"

"That's right. Just take a picture. Zach, I'll leave the photo to you."

At Leliana's suggestion, Zach acted as a selfie stick, using his extended body to adjust the angle of the camera and ensure that he could get into the frame smoothly.

The next day, Ginny began contacting workers on the island. Find out what they think.

There are many people who are unwilling to leave here. The Sorbey Kingdom is a franchised country and the current environment is relatively stable. They have adapted to this environment.

There are also some locals who are simply nostalgic and don’t want to leave the island where they have lived for half their lives.

There are also many people who are willing to leave together under the temptation of money, especially those who moved here from outer islands. They are originally pursuing a better living environment. For better living conditions, it is not a bad idea to try again.

Bailey had been waiting for news in the palace during this period. He originally thought that Ginny and Xiong would compromise soon, but in the end, he received news that a group of people planned to move away.

"No! We can't let them leave! These are the property of the Sorbei Kingdom. Where are the guards! Assemble! Stop them!!"

Bailey immediately ordered the guards to gather together, intending to stop Olan and the others, and picked up the phone to contact others.

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