Pirates: One Way All the Way

Chapter 80: , Graduation Exam


The resolute Zefa convened a meeting directly after agreeing to Mosa.

According to the original system and the assessment method when Kuzan applied for early graduation, the instructors of the Zefa Joint Training Camp held a meeting to discuss the matter of Mosa's application for early graduation, and put forward three alternatives to submit to Marshal Kong for review.

So, two days later, Mosa received the details of the three tasks, and all he needed to do was to choose one of them to complete.

Moza had long known that it would be difficult. After all, even a monster like Kuzan almost died. He didn't think he was stronger than Kuzan. After two and a half years of life in the training camp, Kuzan has become an adult. His strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and he has left Mosa far behind.

But as far as he knows, Kuzan almost died because Kuzan happened to meet an enemy who restrained him a little bit, and he almost killed him under restraint, so Moza still had a little bit of confidence.


Seeing the information in front of this analysis on **** Marko, Moza really wanted to scold people... scold that to death...

As the godson of Whitebeard since childhood, the Phoenix? Marco is now the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates!

You must know that this is not the era of the great pirates full of pirates. There are only six pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates, and there are only eleven pirates under it!

To be able to be the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates at the age of nineteen, one can imagine how much Whitebeard values ​​Marco!

Whitebeard Ken launched a top-tier war with the Navy for Ace. If it was Marco, Moza reckoned that Whitebeard wouldn't mind coming earlier.

And unlike the time of the war on the top, the Whitebeard who is about the same age as Father Zefa and is at his peak is still the strongest in the world!

Father Zefa, are you sure it wasn't because I was too self-willed that you decided to let me die?

What's more, even putting aside the white beard...

Although more than 20 years later, Marco still has not set foot on the realm of the general, and can only rely on the "life attribute" of the phoenix fruit to fight with the general, but...

Some time ago, when Lieutenant General Garp, General Warring States General and Lieutenant General Crane, the three powerful gold medal partners of the generals, the Iron Triangle jointly rounded up Whitebeard, as the captain of the first team, the Phoenix Marco was forced to fight head-on and barely held it back. The Warring States General's...

Judging from the battle situation, Marco's strength is not much worse than after 20 years...

Moza really didn't feel that he might kill him...

Taking a deep breath, Moza threw Marco's information into the trash can beside him. He had the consciousness to die in battle, but he was not ready to die for the time being...

The big deal is not to graduate early...

If it's a big deal, I'll be cheeky and continue to live in the training camp~~

I believe that Father Zefa should just give me a slap in the face, so the next document should be normal...normal...

As a result...the second document clearly reads "Capturing or Killing Big Sea Battle BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling"...


The captain of the "BIGMOM" pirate group with a bounty of 1.486 billion Bailey is currently offering a bounty. Charlotte Lingling of BIGMOM, who was just 40 years old not long ago, does not have the strength and power to become the "Four Emperors" in the future. , but it is also a top pirate who can successfully escape after a head-to-head battle with Garp!!!

BIGMOM is not a parallel importer who was beaten by Garp like the Green Pepper of the Cone!!!

Is Father Zefa trying to kill me?

Moza resisted the urge to immediately rush to Zefa's office to punch him twice, then grabbed his collar and questioned him fiercely, and kept telling himself to at least read all the information, so as not to be scolded for a while. to be speechless...

So Mosa "again" threw Charlotte Lingling's information into the trash, and looked at the next one...

"Hunting Navy Traitors, Former Navy G8 Base, Branch Rear Admiral Bamilit"

Phew... this is more serious...

But before Moza could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that it was written in bold below the title: It is closely related to King O'Brien of Heliopolis, a non-joined country of the World Government of the South China Sea, and is now taken in by O'Brien. Somewhere in the capital Memphis.

The kingdom of Heliopolis...

Mosa said he had heard of this name - as a person with the ability to rust fruit, Mosa will naturally pay attention to the desert islands in the world and the natural phenomena in them, in order to generate inspiration and better develop his fruit ability.

Although Heliopolis is not a big island, its size is far less than that of Alabasta, which is also a desert kingdom, but as an island of black sand, it is still very famous in the world, and Mosa has long been I want to see what the legendary black sand looks like, and whether it can provide some help for his abilities. Thinking of this, Mosa also feels that Zefa really takes care of himself...

But the thought of that O'Brien Morsa gave me a pain in my head. The gratitude I had just generated for Zefa's choice of this mission has long since been thrown into the new world, Ralph Drew.

Moza was a little bit wanting to cry, but after all...

"Pharaoh of Rain" O'Brien's name, Moza, is too clear. He is one of the strongest people in the world who restrains him!

O'Brien was the one who ate the "rain fruit"~www.readwn.com~ In the earliest days, as the prince of the kingdom, O'Brien was only able to help the arid Heliopolis through some tedious steps. Si prayed for some light rain.

Later, with the continuous development of O'Brien's abilities, not only did the rain he prayed for getting bigger and bigger, but he no longer needed any rituals to pray for rain. It is said that he is now able to pray for heavy rain in battle to a certain extent. Manipulate rainwater to form currents to fight.

And Moza's sand ability has a very nonsense weakness - when it encounters water, its power is greatly reduced, and even elementalization will fail when it encounters water!

Even aside from O'Brien's restraint on Mosa's ability, O'Brien's own strength is also very outstanding. He once defeated the "Evil Star" pirate group that was brought to the South China Sea from the new world through no wind, and killed Baird, the deputy leader of the "Evil Star" pirate group with a bounty of 261 million.

Moza looked gloomily at the three documents in front of him: "Capturing or Killing the Great Pirate "Phoenix" Marco, "Capturing or Killing the Great Pirate "BIGMOM" Charlotte Lingling", "Chasing the Navy Traitor" , Rear Admiral Bamilette, Former Navy G8 Branch.

...so that's why Kuzan almost died when he encountered an enemy who restrained him?

It is simply forcing you to choose the last one, right! ! !

Don't mention the current Moza for the first two, even if the current Kuzan goes, I'm afraid it will be cold!


After understanding the truth of the graduation assessment task selection, Moza did not try to choose Marco and Charlotte Lingling, but chose to go to Heliopolis in the South China Sea according to Zefa's wishes.

So the next day Mosa went to the Navy Headquarters aboard the ordinary branch warship of the G19 base.


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