Pirates: One Way All the Way

Chapter 81: , their respective journeys (again the 4000

Mary Joa.

In the exclusive room of the Five Old Stars, the five people gathered together like countless days and nights in the past, leisurely and casually deciding countless major events in this world. The direction of the whole world was manipulated by them at will, and they were firmly in their hands. superior.

"The siege by the Golden Lion failed again."

"It doesn't matter, the original purpose is just to consume the pirates under the golden lion. It is better to catch the golden lion, and it doesn't matter if you don't catch it. Compared with other pirates who run away when they see the navy, they like to fight head-on with the navy fleet. The golden lion is the most suitable object to consume pirates, if those pirates run away, they will consume more manpower and material resources and affect the balance of the world!" The old man with a scar on his brow said coldly.

"By the way, it can also consume the navy." The sword-wielding old man pushed his glasses and suddenly said.

"..." No one answered, but the expressions on his face were calm and accustomed to it.

"Then let's decide, give awards and more material rewards."

"Well. That's it."


"Hominger and Naluca have lived in Marinvando for three years, and it looks like they are ready to live forever." The bearded old man said suddenly.

"Just let them be like this? Didn't they release news after they left Marijoya to get rid of them?" The round-faced old man said angrily. He was the one who was the most dissatisfied with this matter among the five.

"That's the news that CP0 voluntarily released. We didn't make such a decision, it's just the next Tianlong person, there's no need to be afraid of anything!" The man with blond hair and golden beard scolded the round-faced old man every day.

"Okay, don't care about them, they won't leak the news of the elimination of national treasures." The bearded old man spoke again, stopping the two people's daily quarrel with each other.


"......All right."

"Speaking of the navy, the natural departments that appeared in the navy should be dealt with." The old man with the sword cooperated and changed the topic.

"Sakaski, Polsalino, and Qingzhi Kuzan, right?"

"Mosa's potential is still a little worse, he's also a little young, and he's still Zefa's son, so don't think about it for now. So does Smog. I've read the report, and he's too weak." The bearded old man commented casually.

These people are super geniuses in the eyes of ordinary people, but in their eyes they are nothing more than that. Even if they have successfully grown up, they are just barely out of the identity of ants. Chess player!


"Let's get in touch with Sakaski. Among the three people, Sakaski has a strong personality and should be the most suitable as our spokesperson." The round-faced old man suggested first.

"Why not Polsalino? Compared with Sakaski's strong opinion, Polsalino should have more control." The blond man raised an objection and asked directly.

Among the Five Old Stars, the round-faced old man and the blond-haired man have always been at odds with each other, and their opinions are often very different, perhaps because one of their original characters is Lincoln and the other is Gorbachev.

And the other three of the Five Old Stars are also used to their occasional quarrels, because the five of them are aware of the existence of the bottom line, and no one will dare to break the bottom line, so naturally they will not worry that they will cross the line. Moreover, although their proposals are very different, they also express the inner thoughts of other people, and it is a good idea to maintain stability by manifesting and venting internal conflicts.

"Because Polsalino doesn't have the potential to become a marshal!" The round-faced old man replied without showing weakness.

"But Sakharsky's character is very strong. If he gets our support again, he will make the navy vigilant if he is too strong. The navy is no longer the navy of 800 years ago!" The blond man said without hesitation. The worries of the old stars.

"Then let's get in touch and have a look." The old man with scars interrupted them to continue to deepen the topic.

"Then let's get in touch with all three!" The sword-wielding old man with a strong and aggressive personality suddenly said, directly expanding the contact range.

"You still need to take care of Kong." The bearded old man glanced at the sword-wielding old man.

"Empty." The sword-wielding old man touched his saber and sighed in an unclear tone.


There was no sound in the room.


"Marshal Kong!"

Malin Fando, in the Marshal's office, Kong looked at Emily who ran in front of him again with a headache.

Since this woman discovered that kid, she has been pestering him to nurture him...

The problem is that the boy's talent is so good, so good that he is moved, but there are many small problems with his personality, and the most important thing is that his identity is too difficult to deal with!

Even if he is unwilling to be casual, but he has such a big relationship, thinking of this, Sora's resentment towards Moza is a little stronger!


"He is definitely a child who has the hope of becoming an admiral! Marianne's growth has proved that my ability has gone further! Marshal Kong! You must nurture this child!" Emily said excitedly.

Seven-year-old Mariana has already shown extraordinary talent. The Navy's training department judged that she has 80 to 90% hope of becoming a lieutenant general in the future. Now they are discussing her follow-up growth, and Emily also takes this opportunity. Re-stabilized his position and authority in the navy.

"You also know about his identity..."

Sora clutched his forehead and struggled to speak out. Is this woman pretending to be confused with him by arguing with him about her talent? !

"Isn't it the original Tianlong people? Don Quixote's family? The five old stars let them live in the Navy for so many years, why are you still hesitating!" Emily pierced Dover without hesitation. Ming brother's identity.


"You don't know what I'm hesitating about!" Sora patted the table and yelled!

He doesn't want to go around in circles with this woman!

"The navy is already in a tough situation. No matter how much it invades the realm of the world government, the five old stars will not have too much action. At most, they can support a few more spokespersons with sufficient weight, unless... .Ah!"

"I really understand the world government, as expected of the former CP0..."

"To shut up!"

"..." The two looked at each other without showing weakness.


"I agreed, let's go, pay more attention psychologically, there is some hidden deep evil in that child's heart." Sora waved his hand to see off the guest.

"As you wish, Lord Marshal!" Emily grinned proudly and silently, but there was no rudeness in her actions and words, she was as elegant as a lady drinking afternoon tea chatting with the ladies.

The corners of his eyes twitched.

What a twisted woman!


Doflamingo didn't know that there were many big names discussing about his future.

Even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care much. He is now discussing a serious issue with Ronandi.

Rossindi insisted in a slightly embarrassed whisper: "Dover, I think it should be like what I just said."

Hearing this, Doflamingo's face turned dark.

"Rosie, you have to believe me! And you should call me brother!"

Roxandi changed his name and continued to repeat:

"Oh, brother, I think you should do what I just said."


Doflamingo raised his head angrily, holding a pitch-black stick in his hand.

He yelled at Rosinandi:

"Don't my grilled fish taste good?!"

Rosannadi timidly pointed to the pile of fish bones and the remaining live fish in the tank, "But they were raised by Uncle Raddy..."

"I don't care about those things! I like to eat! No one has found out, what are you worried about? You are my brother, you must believe me and support me!"

Ronandi has been afraid of this brother since he was a child. Seeing Brother Doflamingo say this, he gave up without hesitation and continued to talk, and directly used his trump card: "Mr. Moza will be embarrassed..."

One hit is sure to hit!


Doflamingo was silent.

Immediately, even more anger, he took off his sunglasses and shouted, "Mr. Moza doesn't care about these little things!"

He tore off the grilled fish, "I don't have your share! Rosie! Go and train me!"

"All right......"

Roxandi, who turned around and left, breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he is not used to many things my brother does.


On the other side, Doflamingo glanced at the back of Roxandi leaving, and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, Mr. Mosa will support me and understand me!"

Saying that, Doflamingo took a big bite out of the grilled fish.

Slowly chewing on the grilled fish, Doflamingo was also hesitating, he thought silently in his heart, "Mr. , Mr. Mosa certainly won't mind me, but I can't always trouble him..."

Suddenly, Doflamingo got up and dropped the grilled fish.

"Forget it, let's give Ronandi a face. I'm the brother who loves him the most."

While talking, he destroyed the fish grilling tools and fish bones. After confirming that no one could find them, he clapped his hands and looked at the fish tank with half of the live fish missing.

He held the fish tank and looked inside, tilted his head and said to himself:

"I shouldn't have found it... Only a few are missing..."


"Where's Marianne? Why hasn't she come yet? Doesn't she know how precious her time is?!" In one room, a woman was pointing at the clock to vent her dissatisfaction.

A man in a justice coat next to him warned this lady who always wanted to control every minute and every second of Mariana in an unceremonious tone.

"Ma'am, I have to remind you that Marianne is a talent that the Navy focuses on training, but she is also a child, and she needs the same childhood as a normal child."

The man's speech seemed to allow the woman to find an outlet to vent her dissatisfaction: "Childhood? If you want to be a strong man, how can you become a strong man without going through hard training and life? In this sea, I am afraid that there are people in the family area of ​​your naval headquarters. Qualified to talk about the word childhood!"

"Pay attention to your tone, ma'am! You are the elite we transferred to Marin Vando from outside, not some foolish woman who complains!" The man was angry. She had no right to know the exact origin of this woman, but he knew that she was not a navy. She was just a subordinate that the First Deputy Dean, Lord Emily, had transferred from nowhere.

"Oh! I'm a subordinate of Lady Emily. Just keep this sentence for Lady Emily!" The woman sneered, mocking these navies in her heart... and envy and jealousy!



The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged woman walked in quickly with an excited look.

"Sir Emily!"

"Ms Emily!"

Emily ignored their greetings and said as she walked, "You are all just right! From today, we will fully hand over the training authority of Marianne to the Navy, and we only reserve the right to observe and advise!"

The woman looked puzzled at Emily, who was standing at the table with her head down and focused on sorting out the information.

She couldn't help but ask: "Why? Lord Emily! We..."

Emily looked up into her eyes, stretched out a hand across the chair and lightly tapped her forehead.

"You know what? I found a better child!"

"His name is -- Don Quixote Doflamingo!"

When the woman heard the name, she was in a trance, "Don Quixote?!"


Somewhere in the Marin Fando family area, more than a dozen children gathered together to chat and laugh.

"Marianne, Marianne, is it really okay for you not to go to class?"

"It's alright~ Everyone treats me very well~" Marianne, who skipped class to play, shook her head indifferently.

Marianne, who is more than seven years old, has initially shown her beauty. She has attracted a large number of children of the same age to surround her with her pink and jade carvings. Now they have not learned to be jealous of too beautiful things~www.readwn.com ~ Hee hee. "

"It's my turn for this game!"

"Come and catch us!"

"Haha, run away!"

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..."

When the countdown reached 1, a group of people scattered, laughing and running, innocently.

Mariana slowly slowed down as she followed, and gradually stopped, scratching her already thick sky-blue hair in confusion.

"That aunt, although she treats me well, even better than Aunt Emily treats me, but when I get along with her, why do I always feel uncomfortable..."

He looked at the white and warm little building at the end of the road.

"Mosa, I miss you so much."


at the same time,

A branch warship slowly landed on the huge port in front of Marine Fando.

In contrast to the group of headquarters warships, this branch warship from the G-19 base of the pension base looks so small and thin. The holy land of justice in front of him showed a longing expression from his heart.

A young navy who was not tall was not wearing a justice coat, but stood at the bow of the ship in an ordinary military uniform, with short purple hair flying in the wind.

Moza, who has been keeping his face straight these days, smiled for the first time when he looked at Marin Fando, who was so familiar in front of him.

"I am back."




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