“Armed color domineering? How can Alabastan be armed and domineering? Klockdar roared in a low voice, and instantly his whole body turned into a cloud of yellow sand.

The next moment, Klockdar changed back to human form and stood on the sofa, his right hand was stained with blood, and his left hand was directly broken off at the position of his forearm!

“Who are you?” Kroc glanced at his left arm, and Dahl said coldly: “No matter who you are, don’t think about leaving alive today, you remind me of the pain of a broken arm in the past!” ”

He will never forget that many years ago, because of relying on the ability of the Devil Fruit, he was carelessly cut off by that man’s left hand!

This is a shame that he will remember for the rest of his life!

It was because of this that he vowed to find the ancient weapon Hades, improve his strength, and go to that man to take revenge!

The corner of Qin Hao’s mouth raised an evil smile, ignoring Klockdar at all, and instantly seized the opportunity in front of him, his eyes flashed coldly, his ankle suddenly burst out, and the speed was much faster than when he was in the life and death boxing match, almost comparable to Gavin Marcus of the animal department.

In an instant, Qin Hao appeared in front of Klockdar, raised his fist and blasted towards his mouth, the fist was wrapped ~ around the domineering of the armed color, because of the existence of the armed color domineering, the power on the fist has been strengthened to a certain extent!

Qin Hao did not choose to continue to use the throwing knife, one is that in the face of the guarded Klockdar, the effect of the throwing knife has been greatly reduced, and the other is that he wants to test how he compares with Klockdar’s strength!

“Hmph!” Klockdar snorted coldly, clenched his teeth, and stared at Qin Hao’s eyes full of anger… The next moment, he raised his injured right arm, turned into a yellow sand sickle, and split it towards Qin Hao’s fist.

“Huyue-type dunes!”


The scythe made of sand collided with Qin Hao’s fist, emitting a shock, and the strong force made both of them take a step back!

“Your fist can actually withstand the attack of sand! It is worthy of being armed color domineering! Klockdar said coldly, the confrontation just now seemed simple, but it made a heaviness rise in his heart.

The fist of the person in front of him is wrapped ~ around the armed color domineering, which can not only attack his own body, but also resist the characteristics of sand pumping, which is simply both offensive and defensive!

“I still underestimate you…” Klockdar’s body began to rapidly sand, and the walls around the bedroom with yellow sand instantly drained, and countless sandstorms formed a small sandstorm.

Klockdar rushed towards Qin Hao with the furious yellow sand, vainly trying to suck up all the moisture on Qin Hao’s body and turn Qin Hao into a dry corpse!

“It seems that… Your understanding of armed color domineering is not enough! Qin Hao said lightly, facing the rushing yellow sand, the figure flashed, and a leg whip swept out, “Making such a pile of sand will only make you a bigger target!” ”


Entwined ~ around the armed color domineering kick directly kicked at Klockdar’s waist, at the same time, a violent whirlwind of sand and dust instantly surrounded Qin Hao, and the characteristics of pumping water suddenly made Qin Hao’s clothes sandy.



The mask on Qin Hao’s face and the black cloth on his head instantly shattered into pieces and floated down, revealing a black cross star tattoo on his forehead, which was slightly distorted in the dark night, looking extremely enchanting!

Qin Hao only paused, then continued to chase after the victory, not using the God of War leg method in the ring, but reaching out, and the throwing knife that cut off Klockdar’s left arm appeared at his fingertips again, cutting through one strange arc after another like a dagger.

At this time, Klockdar also saw Qin Hao’s face and the iconic cross star tattoo on his forehead, and suddenly became furious, bursting out: “Qin Hao! Sure enough, it’s you! I didn’t expect you to have an armed color domineering! ”

“There’s so much more you don’t know! However, you don’t have a chance…” The corner of Qin Hao’s mouth raised an evil arc, and the whole person looked completely different from usual, less indifferent, more enchanting.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Entwined ~ around the armed color domineering throwing knife in Qin Hao’s hand continuously swinging, or stabbing or slashing, constantly attacking the key point of Klockdar, Qin Hao at this time is more like a senior swordsman, but the sword in his hand is a little short!

However, Klockdar’s continuous appearance of yellow sand, on the one hand, attacked Qin Hao, on the other hand, counteracted Qin Hao’s strength and speed, and at the same time, his whole person also dodged.

Even if he does not rely on the ability of the natural system to be immune to physical attacks, Klockdar’s own strength is still very strong!

“You’re awesome! It’s a pity you met me! You and I are not progression people after all! Klockdar’s face suddenly became gloomy, and swirling sand appeared all over his body, instantly sucking up the canopy of the rain banquet, and the weathered sand continued to join his sandstorm.


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