The yellow sand flew in the sky, forming a cyclone of sand, even in the rain feast, still creating the feeling of being in the desert.


As the rain banquet continued to turn into dust, the roof collapsed and smashed towards the two.

Qin Hao nodded secretly in his heart, Klockdar’s move was extremely clever, he could use elemental immunity to physical attacks, but he had to be disturbed by falling rocks on the roof.

However, Klockdar still miscalculated one thing, Qin Hao is not only armed with color domineering, he also has seen and heard color domineering!

The corners of Qin Hao’s mouth raised, holding a throwing knife flying continuously, his toes constantly tapping the ground, flashing and moving in a small space, while dodging the falling rubble, while continuing to put pressure on Klockdar…

“Hmph! Lao Tzu is His Majesty the Seven Wuhai! Klockdar said disdainfully, but his eyes were very solemn, after all, Qin Hao’s throwing knife was wrapped around ~ around the armed color domineering, this knife can threaten his life!

The next moment, Klockdar’s whole body was completely sandified, and then it rotated rapidly, directly forming a long wind-like sandstorm, which rolled towards Qin Hao in front of him.

Qin Hao looked coldly at the wind and sand in front of him, the clothes on his body were blown hunting, the violent long wind drove a huge amount of airflow, and the whistling wind clearly reached everyone’s ears in this night…

Many people secretly opened the windows and doors and looked out curiously, but when they saw the long cyclone sand outside, they immediately retreated back….

You don’t need to guess to know that this movement was made by His Majesty the Seven Five Seas Klockdar.

The rain banquet was at the center of this storm, and almost everyone woke up, like the people of the rainy land, most of them chose silence, after all, such a battle, not everyone can intervene.

“Go and die!” Klockdar burst out, and the long cyclone spread out instantly, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to dodge, almost instantly swallowing Qin Hao inside, or in other words, swallowing the entire rain banquet inside…


There was a continuous sound of wind in his ears, and the sand and dust mixed in the fierce wind hit Qin Hao’s body, as if he had been hit by bullets one by one, extremely painful.

Qin Hao wrapped the armed color domineering ~ around his body, trying to resist the invasion of sand and dust, at the same time, he faintly felt that the water in his body was constantly losing….

If it goes on like this, sooner or later it will become a dry corpse!

Qin Hao thought that he did not have the physical fitness of Luffy, he could not fight no matter how he could fight, his body was not much different from before he crossed over, and he was even not as strong as then.

The only thing that can know pride is probably the terrifying ability to recover!

It was also such a terrifying recovery ability that made Qin Hao have the possibility of making a mistake, and he exerted strength in his legs, strode out, and shuttled between the sand and dust.

After a few times, Qin Hao felt that his nostrils and ears were filled with sand, which made him extremely uncomfortable, and the feeling of dehydration became more and more obvious…

Suddenly, Qin Hao saw Klockdar’s figure!

At this time, Klockdar was in the midst of desertification, and the whole body was almost completely desertified, but the outline of a person could still be vaguely seen….

Such a big target!


Qin Hao’s eyes were cold, and the throwing knife in his hand jumped at his fingertips!

“Eighth knife!”

An indifferent voice sounded, as if without any emotion, and the shining cold light pierced the night sky like a shooting star, shooting towards Klockdar.

This throwing knife was the eighth throwing knife thrown out by Qin Hao!

All along, all of Qin Hao’s enemies could not escape his eight throwing knives, and his precise control of the throwing knives had reached the realm of pure fire…

There was another reason, that is, Qin Hao controlled the number of throwing knives within eight for the convenience of movement, which also made him have to go all out to solve the battle within eight knives.


The furious throwing knife carried the air explosion that cut through the space, and instantly stabbed at Klockdar’s head…

Qin Hao found the timing extremely accurately, that is, when Klockdar was fully exerting his fruit ability, his whole body had been completely elementalized, but the sand still existed in the entity.

A large amount of sand condensed together, and in the face of the throwing knives that flew over like lightning, it was too late to disperse!


There was a muffled sound in the air, and almost instantly, the throwing knife pierced Klockdar’s head, and then plunged deep into the wall behind him.

A line of blood cuts through the sky, adding bright colors to this restless night sky!

The sandified body re-condensed together, revealing Klockdar’s body, and at this time, a hole was just opened in his head, unbiased, it was the forehead!

It can be seen that the horror of Qin Hao’s flying knife!

Seeing that Klockdar was stabbed, Qin Hao breathed a deep sigh of relief, and directly collapsed on the ground, regardless of his own life and death through the wind and sand, causing Qin Hao a great consumption!

It was precisely because of this that Klockdar was hit by the final knife!

Qin Hao knew that even if he had an armed domineering power, he could not be 100% sure that he would hit the body of a natural ability, or it depended on the strength of the domineering user!

If you want to kill a hit, speed surprise attack is especially important!

After this battle, Qin Hao used too many tricks to lure the enemy, but in the end, it was victory, sighed, and said to himself: “Still not strong enough, if I can arm the color hardening, kick him in minutes!” ”

At this time, a white slim figure walked towards Qin Hao, with a shallow smile on her face, she saw all the battle just now…


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