Qin Hao sorted out his clothes, opened the door of the room, and walked out.

The atmosphere on the street was much hotter ~ hotter than he thought, almost everyone was talking about Klockdar, and a few of the more agitated~ people still shouted and cursed from time to time, claiming to hack the assassin of Klockdar…

Of course, they meant that even if the Lord stood in front of them and gave them a knife, they would not dare to cut it!

After all, that’s a master of killing Klockdar!

While listening to the discussion, Qin Hao thought about the rain banquet and walked, and at the same time a big stone in his heart was completely put down, it seems that Klockdar is really dead, and his strategy of fighting to hurt and lure the enemy has finally succeeded!

You definitely can’t let yourself be so embarrassed in the future!

Qin Hao walked the route of last night’s shuttle, and came to the front of the rain banquet after a few turns, he was focused on the battle, did not look carefully, and now found that the rain banquet had collapsed in half, and all kinds of rubble ruins looked extremely tragic.

“What… That guy in Klockdar actually made such a big move, and he didn’t let me feel at ease when he was dying! Qin Hao complained and said, the rain banquet was destroyed like this, I am afraid that the whole world will know that Klockdar is dead!

Qin Hao scolded a few words in his heart, and then wanted to walk in the rain banquet, according to his reasoning, this matter had already spread, and he understood what he was going to face.

If you can, it’s better to hide your identity now and not let the world know that Klockdar was killed by him, otherwise he will become the target of everyone and directly appear in everyone’s sight.

He doesn’t want to let those potential opponents guard against him yet!

Qin Hao returned to the underground training room, opened the door, and the two doctors were still inside, really did not escape! However, the way they looked at Qin Hao at this time was already a little different…

Although they didn’t go out, they all heard that Klockdar had been killed last night….

Coincidentally, Qin Hao didn’t come back last night….

Whether Qin Hao did it or not, these two doctors have already made up their minds to pretend to be stupid, the smarter they are at this time, the faster they may die!

“You two are quite obedient! Don’t worry, just do what I say, and I won’t hurt you. Chu Han said with a grim face.

“We will do whatever you let us do!” One doctor immediately spoke, and the other doctor quickly nodded in agreement, and the two of them couldn’t wait to take out their hearts and prove them to Qin Hao.

“Very good! During this time, no matter who comes to ask you, they all say that I was seriously injured after the boxing match, I have not been anywhere, and I have been recuperating my injuries, got it? Qin Hao said coldly.

“Got it! Got it! The two doctors immediately nodded like pounding garlic, and at the same time their colors became even more ugly, although Qin Hao’s words did not admit anything, but the two doctors listened to their ears, it was simply hinting to them – Klockdar was killed by me! If you don’t listen to me! I’ll kill you!”

Immediately, the two doctors looked at each other, and both could see fear and worry in each other’s eyes, knowing that they had thought of each other, and their hearts were even more afraid!

Qin Hao did not care about these two doctors, he could clearly feel that the spirits of these two doctors had been suppressed, and they were completely frightened, and they would not resist his words at all.

Thinking that it was still early and he had nothing to do, he walked to the formal training room and began a new day of devilish training under the astonished eyes of the two doctors.

Even with training, in the eyes of the two doctors, Qin Hao became extremely terrifying….

Alabastan, the capital, Albana.

A middle-aged man stood in the main hall, dressed in purple with worry written on his face.

“Gaka, is there still no news from Princess Vivi?” He sighed slightly and asked a strong man beside him, his tone was heavy, but it showed irrepressible worry.

This man is none other than Nafirutali Kobra, the king of Alabastan and the father of Princess Vivi.

“Your Majesty, Ikalem replied that Princess Weiwei is safe…” replied the strong man, wearing a green cloak and a long sword pinned to his waist, none other than one of the two patron saints of Alabastan, Jackal no Gaka.

“Hey! Alabastan is not safe now! Even Klockdar of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas is dead! It always feels like there’s a thug controlling this! King Kobra said with a sigh.

“Your Majesty, Princess Vivi will be fine!” Jaka said comfortingly.

“I hope so!” King Kobra nodded and said a little weakly.

On the other hand, the country of Alabastan, port cities, rape flowers.

At this time, the port of rape flowers has begun a day’s work, and although the dancing powder incident has had a serious impact on the area, the people are still forced to maintain their daily lives due to their livelihood.

Suddenly, the sailors all stopped their movements and looked at the ocean in the distance.

Three steel warships are heading here, all with white sails painted with doves of peace…

“The Navy … The Navy is coming! ”

In an instant, the port of rape flowers exploded, and almost with your toes you could think that the navy came for Klockdar ….


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