The Navy is coming!

The people in the rape flower port all opened their mouths in amazement~Ba, it has been a long time since the navy came here!

Because of the existence of His Majesty the Seven Wu Hai Klockdar, almost all the pirate groups who came here did not leave alive, which also made people love Klockdar very much, making him very famous externally, and was once known as the patron saint of Alabastan!

Similarly, Klockdar’s reputation and achievements here also made him very valued in the world government!

It didn’t take long for the three naval warships to reach the port of Canola and slowly docked on the shore.

The naval soldiers on the warship ran down methodically, each with a knife or gun in his hand, and after running down, they quickly surrounded the port of rape flowers, and finally divided into two rows to make way for a road.

Immediately, a tall woman dressed in purple walked down, she had long waist-length pink hair and an extremely beautiful appearance, which attracted everyone’s attention as soon as she appeared.

As she walked down, it was noticed that she was draped in a cloak that was the signature of a naval colonel, with the words “Justice” written on it.

After the tall woman stepped off the warship, she stood on the wooden board of the port and looked around, walked to a young man who was dumbfounded in place, and asked: “I am Colonel Tina, the headquarters of the navy, may I ask if the former king Qiwu Hai, Sha Klockdar died here?” ”

This tall woman is none other than the beautiful colonel in the navy, Tina the Black Prison!

Tina’s words used the word “original”, reflecting the attitude of the world government towards this matter, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai cannot be killed casually! Klockdar died after being kicked out of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas!

Of course, everyone knows the truth, such a statement is just a fig leaf that the world government has found for His Majesty the Seven Wuhai!

“Ahhh… Ah…” the teenager didn’t expect Tina to ask herself, and for a moment she was even more dumbfounded! Not only because of Tina’s identity, but also because of Tina’s appearance….

“It didn’t happen to the canola flower, if I’m not mistaken, it should have happened in the rainy field, where Klockdar used to live.” Next to the young man, a slightly older man said.

“The rain … Thanks a lot! Tina nodded proudly~ proudly, turned to a sailor not far away and asked, “Where is the rain?” ”

The sailor immediately looked at the map, found the words rain on Santin Island, compared the location of the rape flowers, and said: “The rainy land is in the northwest of the rape flowers, and we can get there along the Santa Dora River.” ”

“So you have to take a naval warship!” I really don’t know how the above intelligence is done! Tina grumbled a little, and then walked back in the direction of the naval warship, she had always strictly followed the orders of her superiors.

As Tina returned to the Navy warship, the Navy soldiers from Canola Flower Port followed, and the three Navy warships set sail again, along the Santa Dora River, straight to the rain.


At this time, Qin Hao was in training, sweating in the training room, increasing the training of strength and speed, and he was surprised to find that every time he used the ability to recover quickly, his physical fitness would be improved to varying degrees.

The heavier the injury, the greater the lift!

Conversely, the lighter the injury, the smaller the boost!

After Qin Hao found this law, he complained fiercely, this kind of improvement speed is simply irresistible temptation ~ confusion, but the price paid is serious injury, even if there is the ability to recover quickly, the pain endured at that time is real!

Isn’t this forcing yourself to fight and get hurt!

Qin Hao smiled helplessly, in this way, he really deserves to be a challenger! The more challenging you are, the stronger you get!

After training for a while, Qin Hao sat on the ground, letting the beads of sweat drip on the ground, and he now had a faint feeling that he was only one step away from the third level of armed color domineering, armed color hardening!

Like a layer of window paper, you can already see a trace of light dimly, and you can see the light completely after it is pierced!

“Perhaps… All it takes is one battle! Qin Hao whispered softly, narrowing his eyes slightly, Klockdar has been dead for a day, the world government should have received the news!

Qin Hao firmly believes that the world government will not be indifferent, and will definitely send someone to check it out, after all, the death of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai can be a slap in the face of the red fruit!

The world government also needs the name of His Majesty Qiwu Hai to deter other pirates!

“I don’t know who can come, I’m still looking forward to it, I hope not to disappoint me!” Qin Hao said to himself with a smile, he had already made up his mind, he definitely wanted to fight with the experts who came forward!

After World War I, maybe you can arm the color hardening!

At that time, for those who are capable, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Knock knock….

At this moment, a gentle knock sounded, Qin Hao frowned, the rhythm of this knock is neither Tony’s nor Robin’s, then… Who would come to me at this time?


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