Sure enough, a hero comes out of a boy!

Whether this guy is mature, or in the process of speaking, the rendering power to others is very high, even himself, and is deeply stimulated.

Chapter 37 Beauty Instructor

"But this is war!"

Shut up.

Su Yi came to a position, and it happened that there was also a beautiful woman beside him.

On April [-]st, Iori was in a more excited mood, I really didn't expect it.

The young man in front of him would sit beside him, his heart was beating non-stop at this time, and he had no way to control it.

It made her seem a little shy, and honestly, the speech just now made every student present basically completely infected.

deeply touched.

That's right.

This group of students, through their own efforts, were admitted to this military academy with excellent grades. The purpose is not simply to get higher pay and social status.

Many of them have dreams, hoping to become a real navy.

And soars in the sea.

On April [-], Iori's heart was pounding and beating non-stop, from this angle of hers.

Just can see each other.

Su Yi kept his eyes fixed and sat dignifiedly here, while Yuli sat next to him.

Under this zero distance, many students see mental models for the first time.

Such an intelligent product.

Mental models have the same appearance as humans, and there is no difference between them in terms of linguistic intelligence or other aspects.

"Really like it!"

The crowd exclaimed.

In addition to being able to achieve this level of artificial intelligence, there is absolutely no way to distinguish between true and false.

I am very suspicious of Yuli, but she is actually human at all!

"Then everyone, please be quiet, we will have class next!"

The beautiful teacher said softly.

Then everyone heard it and started the class.

"Today we are going to explain some details about and still need to pay attention to, especially when facing the fog fleet."

Said loudly, I really did not expect that the beautiful teacher has such a crazy side.

A class ended soon, and Su Yi was not very interested in these contents.

Tactics are very important, especially on the sea. If the two sides are equal, tactics can turn things around very well.

But you have to know that now mankind is facing a completely crushed fleet.

No matter how perfect your battle plan is.

Under the suppression of such powerful firepower, it can't play any role at all.

After a class, it was very quiet. Su Yi didn't say any words. Although he also listened to the so-called tactics of some beautiful teachers, it was completely useless when used on his own super battleship.

The first point is that the two sides are not equal.

The fog fleet is powerful enough to crush everything.

But humans are different. Whether it is technology or missiles, there is no way to keep up with the strength of the other party.

Every naval encounter basically ended in failure.

"This is the crushing of strength..."

After a class, Iori on April [-], who was sitting on the side, stared intently at a person.

There was no evasion in her eyes.

"So handsome!"

To be honest, Su Yi in military uniform has really changed a lot compared to his usual lazy personality.

Under that more mature and serious face, is the object that many beauties hope for.

"Why are you young?"

The beautiful instructor, after the entire class, finally left such a sentence softly.

"Captain! The tactics I heard in the class just now have no effect at all. The fog fleet can easily defeat the human navy with its powerful and various torpedoes."

"This tactic is superb, but also in a reciprocal situation."

"If you target humans, it won't work at all..."

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