After the whole class, Yuli continued to analyze and understand the naval warfare tactics that humans currently possess.

The simulation just now was a battle plan formulated with the human navy as the starting point.

Perfect, without any shortcomings. According to this way of fighting, many people think that it is possible to end the war with human victory. In fact, it is not. After all, what the naval battle is facing is the fog fleet.

This mighty monster.

They are not as simple as you might think.


The place where it appears is unimaginable.

"I know, but if you change your mind, if you use my super battleship as a simulated attack target, will the situation be reversed!"

After listening to Yuli, she said without hesitation.

"This tactic is suitable, group attack, as a super battleship."

"Not suitable for this kind of crowd tactics!"

When Yuli spoke, there was a hint of pride.

Between her words, she revealed a sense of pride in a super battleship.

But it is true that, by virtue of himself, these super weapons equipped on the battleship simply cannot use the so-called tactics.

"But when facing the entire fleet, this tactic can play a key role!"

Su Yi's idea was correct, and he thought very far. He planned for the worst. When his super battleship meets the entire Oriental Fleet of Mist, in that situation, this tactic can turn the tide.

Therefore, I learned a lot from this class, and I silently wrote down this way of fighting in my heart.

Then get up and prepare to leave the class.

At this moment, Iori on April [-], who was beside him, suddenly stood up.


"Student Su Yi, right? When we first met, my name is..."

The beauty was introducing herself, but Su Yi was not very interested, just nodded slightly.

Then he went straight away, leaving behind Iori on April [-], who was stunned in place.

Staring at the back of his departure.

"What the hell is going on with this guy, isn't he just relying on himself as the captain of the battleship!"

"There's nothing to be proud of."

"The rank of lieutenant general, I still despise it. If I graduate, I will definitely become a general!"

Among the crowd, many people said disdainfully.

Some are very jealous, some admire, and of course some don't care.

On April [-]st, Iori is the kind of girl who admires Su Yi very much.

"Lieutenant General, and also the captain of a super battleship, if you can become a member of it, it will be the happiest thing in your life."

On April [-], Iori was all smiles and very excited, if I could.

Especially want to join his fleet.

"Come on, people have gone far, you don't have this hope."

"It's better to die as soon as possible..."

A man suddenly stood up beside Iori on April [-].

He said with a slight laugh, the two were classmates and grew up together. Although they were not childhood sweethearts, at least they had a good relationship with each other.

"It's not your turn to take care of my affairs. If you have nothing to do, leave me quickly."


"I'm nosy, I'm so sorry."

The man smiled and left.

Chapter 38 Choosing the Crew

Wearing weird goggles, hairstyles are also in the "trend" category.

He is also a student of this class and Iori's classmate.

He has dark skin, and some people even begin to doubt his race, but this guy is an out-and-out native species. Maybe this dark skin has a lot to do with his frequent exposure to the sun outside, and he likes to watch anime.

Belong to that kind of typical tech house.

However, his personality is quite lively, which is completely opposite to his otaku attributes.

His name is Xingping.

Also a cadet at the Naval Academy.

Excellent grades, especially in some areas of technical operation, this guy's mind is quite smart, don't look at him on the surface, he seems to be joking and not doing his job properly.

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