Overlord is domineering!

Su Yi felt this domineering face to face, but, unbelievably, he didn't feel anything.

"It's impossible. How did he ignore me and attack the people in the venue behind me? This domineering control is a bit unscientific."

While thinking about it, Su Yi looked sideways at the people under the stage, including the vice-chairman, all of them had fallen to the ground.

"Okay, I've done it as agreed, don't let me down, then, let's see you again, don't come to investigate me, you can't find me where I am."

With that said, Rayleigh jumped off the platform directly, then walked to the vice-chairman's side, reached out and touched it, looted all the money, patted his butt and left.

"Isn't this causing trouble?" After a long silence, Su Yi muttered to himself with a headache, "I didn't bring troops here, so how can I get people back? They were supposed to go by themselves, but now they have to find someone to move them, tsk tsk..."

Just as he was thinking, the mermaid behind him suddenly spoke.

"That, Mr. Navy, thank you."

Hearing this, Su Yi glanced at her, shrugged, and said, "It's nothing, the three fires of the new officer's appointment, I'm just taking advantage of the topic to tell the people here, I'm here, this is my territory, here to hang out, Just follow my rules. By the way, Miss Mermaid, I haven't asked for your name yet."

"My name is Adiya...that..." The mermaid was in shackles in both hands, hesitating, and she was afraid to say something, but she looked up, but found that Su Yi didn't pay attention to her at all, but took the With the phone bug, contact your own army.

"Come to the No. 29 area, there is an auction here, don't talk nonsense, come quickly... I tell you, Tina, do you think I have a good temper? Let me tell you, I am angry, I am afraid... …”

"That, Mr. Navy..." The merman flinched and tried to interject, but there was no chance.

Soon after, Su Yi's army arrived and took everyone back to the station.

The next day, the news spread throughout the Chambord Archipelago, causing a shock! ...

Chapter [-] Vibration

The Navy's new major in Chambord, Su Yi, ordered the closure of the Narcos auction house last night, arresting a number of people, including the auctioneer.

At the same time, one of the participants of the auction, the vice-chairman of the Samuel Chamber of Commerce, was arrested and investigated for looting the gold transport ship in the sky.

These two things, like growing wings, spread throughout the Chambord Archipelago in the blink of an eye.

"There's a good show, the Navy is going to take over the Chambord Islands!"

"It's more than a good show, it's a big show in the middle of the year, I just don't know, what is the origin of this Su Yi, so bold?"

"I know that I have a lot of connections in Malinford. This Su Yi is the son of Lieutenant General Trydamer and a general of the Warring States Period. No, he is now a marshal. "

"No wonder... I did two things when I first came here. The other party has a big background, and I'm not afraid of what big waves these people will make."

"In my opinion, Su Yi's actions must be directed by Warring States. Warring States has just become a marshal, so he must do something to stabilize his position."

"It makes sense. The new officer takes office as three fires. This new officer refers to the Warring States Period, and it is also Su Yi who just came here."

In the high-end club, the nobles were discussing frantically. Unlike ordinary people, their vision was higher and they saw more thoroughly.

In the tavern, the pirates also gathered in twos and threes to chat about the latest major events.

"This Su Yi is so arrogant. The first step is to stand up, and the second step must be the pirates on our island."

"I can't let him go so smoothly, captain, the Chambord Islands are the only place to enter the new world. If the navy controls this place, we will be in big trouble."

Whether you enter the New World or return from the New World, you will pass through the waters near the Chambord Islands.

This is not just a foothold, but a strategic location.

The navy has always wanted to control, but it is not easy to handle. This time, the Warring States just let Su Yi do whatever he wants, just to see how far Su Yi can do it.

"Well, you're right, we have to find a way. The other party is just a mere major. On the way here, we don't know how many navies we killed, many of them!"

The pirates are fighting with each other, of course, it is just to say that no one will really do it, unless Su Yi takes the initiative to sell a flaw.

Pirates are pirates after all, if it is not necessary, who will provoke the navy?

On the other side, in a tall building, one of the offices.

A man in his fifties slapped the table with a livid face, and roared at the woman at the table, "What did you say? What did that idiot Danath do?!"

The woman was startled and reported to her scalp, "President, according to my investigation, the vice-chairman was at the auction because he competed with a young man for a mermaid, and finally annoyed the other party. I didn't expect the other party to be the Navy. Headquarters major."

In fact, she considered the words a little, and tried her best to cover up the actions of Vice President Danaci. After all, threats in person would damage the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce.

"This rubbish! Can't do anything well, and it's first-class to cause trouble."

The president's blue veins burst into anger, and he has the heart to kill. In such a chaotic place, if you annoy the navy, don't think about making money safely.

"Get ready, I'm going to Area 60 to see that major in person."

Taking a deep breath, the president began to think about countermeasures.

He didn't believe it, the other party really wanted to kill the Samuel Chamber of Commerce. According to his thinking, the idiot Danath might have just hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Okay, he wants face for face, he wants money for money, and the name of robbing the gold transport ship in the sky must not be touched!"

While making preparations in a hurry, the president has a calculation and a bottom line in his heart.

"As for that trash Danatz..."

In the resentful voice of gnashing teeth, a strong killing intent appeared in the middle-aged man's eyes.


Area 60, the Naval Base Building in the Chambord Islands.

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