After Su Yi finished breakfast, he walked into his office. He was about to look through the documents left by his predecessor, but the mermaid he brought back with him last night came in.

"Mr. Major, that..." After she entered the door, she whispered for fear of disturbing Su Yi.

"Adiya, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked without looking up.

Last night, Su Yi asked what he planned to do after the other party. The mermaid said that he did not want to go back for the time being, and wanted to stay in the army to repay Su Yi for his life-saving grace. In this regard, Su Yi said it was random, and it happened that he also lacked a tea and water delivery person. .

"...It was Samuel's vice president who asked to see you. He has been making trouble since morning."

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned, "What's wrong? Didn't I ask someone to interrogate him?"

"This... yes, sorry..."

"I'm not angry with you, forget it, I'll go by myself." Su Yi looked at the other party's attitude, and suddenly felt helpless, so he had to get up and go in person.

All the way to the interrogation room, Su Yi pushed the door directly in.

As soon as the door was opened, a grumpy voice was heard.

"I don't know, I don't know anything! I want to see Su Yi! You ask him to tell me!"

Danath sat in a chair, shackled, and yelled angrily at the soldiers who were interrogating him.

At this time, Su Yi happened to enter the door, and when he saw this, he sneered at him.

"Major!" The soldier quickly got up and saluted respectfully, "He doesn't cooperate at all."

"I see, I'll come in person." Su Yi waved his hand, told the other party to back away, and sat up on his own, "Danaz, let me ask a question, do you think it's better to be executed by the navy, or to be secretly executed? Is it better to sink the corpse into the sea?"

"W-what... what are you talking about? You are a threat! Persecution!"

"Tsk tsk, why don't I let you go, do you dare to go?" Su Yi said with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, "I won't stop you, you can go. After you go out, believe it or not, your body will be immediately will be sent back.”

Hearing this, Danaci's heart went cold. He knew very well that half of what Su Yi said was right. If he left, the Samuel Chamber of Commerce would definitely send him back!

Seeing that he frightened the other party, Su Yi nodded in satisfaction and said, "Do you want to live?"

"I want... I want to live!" The other party begged for mercy without hesitation. ...

Chapter [-] Protection Fees from Business

(Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I have to take a driving test again, depending on the situation, 2 or 3 more.)


"If you want to live, then honestly explain the whole process of your Samur Chamber of Commerce, looting the Tianlong people's tribute ship 'Heavenly Gold'."

Su Yi's face suddenly turned cold and he scolded.

"Injustice! Su Yi, Lord Su Yi, I really didn't do this. I didn't dare to take action on the gold transport ship in the sky even if I ate the gall of a bear's heart and a leopard!"

Danaz immediately relented. He was not young, and in front of Su Yi, he cried and begged for mercy with snot and tears.

He can't figure out Su Yi's real purpose. If it's just because he offends the other party at the auction, is it necessary to do this?It's not a life-and-death vengeance!

Danath is really afraid of this person now, and he plays cards out of line.

Su Yi can do this to Samuel today, and can do the same to other chambers of commerce tomorrow. Isn't that everyone's own danger?

If Su Yi wants to do something in the future, I am afraid that no one in the business world wants to cooperate with him.

However, obviously, Su Yi doesn't care about this kind of thing at all.

Once an officer ignores some unspoken rules, the amount of energy is indeed quite terrifying, at least there is no problem in killing a chamber of commerce.

"Don't dare? Hehe, what are you afraid of, Mr. Danath, I asked someone to investigate your recent actions last night, and I heard that you have killed people?" Su Yi sneered at the corners of his mouth, "There is a female Child, you bought it with money and took it home, and then she died."

"No...!" Danath shook his head immediately, "Don't get me wrong, this is a misinformation! Someone wants to slander me!"

"Don't give me nonsense, I dare to say it in front of you, do you think I will have no evidence?" Su Yi pouted.

Of course, he is not the Holy Father, and it is not the Navy's turn to take care of this kind of thing, but Danath's bad attitude makes him unhappy, and maybe he will take care of it.

"Lord Su Yi! I've been wronged! Can you let me go? Treat me like a fart, I won't dare to provoke you again!" Danaci was so frightened that his whole body trembled, "5000 million! Lord Su Yi, you are a major of the Navy, I am willing to support you with 5000 million military expenses, there are so many pirates in Chambord, you must need this money!"

In this regard, Su Yi looked at each other coldly.

"8000 million!" Danath even saw the shadow of death and quickly changed his words.

"Very well, you have one more charge, bribing an officer."

"1 million!" Danath screamed: "Lord Su Yi, [-] million, I am willing to give you [-] million!"

Hearing this, Su Yi raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that a vice president in this area would be able to give out [-] million casually.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something when there was a knock on the door of the interrogation room. Then, Adiya walked in pretty and whispered beside Su Yi.

"Major, a man who calls himself the president of the Samuel Chamber of Commerce wants to see you."

"It's finally here, I've been waiting for a long time."

Su Yi smiled, got up and glanced at the frightened Danath with pity, "You stay honest, it's no use begging me for your life or death, go and cry with your boss."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

He didn't think much about Danaz. At most, he felt that this person was not a thing, but he didn't have to deal with him. His purpose was the Samur Chamber of Commerce behind him. No, to be precise, it was all the people who drank in the Chambord Islands. merchant.

Shaking his head, Su Yi took Adiya to the living room.

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