Sitting on the sofa was a man in his fifties or sixties. His temples were already pale, and he had a serious face on his face. With his appearance, he looked like a leader of the underworld rather than a businessman.

Seeing Su Yi entering the door, he immediately stood up and stretched out his hand: "This must be Major Su Yi, who is indeed young and promising. The Navy Headquarters asked you to administer this island. It seems that Chambord has some expectations in the future."

"Ha ha……"

Su Yipi didn't smile, the old man praised him in name and hurt him secretly, thinking he couldn't hear it?

It is nothing more than saying that he is young and does things without thinking, looking forward to what he will encounter in the Chambord Islands in the future.


Immediately, Su Yi ignored the outstretched hand of the other party, sat on the opposite side carelessly, crossed Erlang's legs, and stared at the other party playfully.

For Su Yi's ignoring of his "enthusiasm", the president was not at all embarrassed, he sat back naturally, and said, "Major, I am the president of the Samuel Chamber of Commerce, Samuel Chenier."


"I came to visit you today because I heard that the vice president of our chamber of commerce was taken away by you because of a misunderstanding. I am here to resolve this misunderstanding."

Hearing this, Su Yi felt very comfortable. As expected of the president, he was not at the same level as the vice president at all.

"and then?"

For the cold reception, Samuel had long expected that this kind of thing would not be difficult for him.

"Major, I have [-] million Baileys here. It was a group of pirates who wanted to attack the ship of our Chamber of Commerce, but were intercepted by our uniforms. I think this money should be handed over to you. I believe your navy will. Use it properly."

Saying that, he winked at the bodyguard behind him.

Immediately, the two men put the four suitcases on the table and opened them in front of Su Yi.

Suddenly, the eyes of people who were shaking with piles of cash were blurred.

"What does this mean? Bribery?" Su Yi was noncommittal, completely unmoved.

On the other hand, Adia, who was standing behind him, covered her mouth. She was so big, and it was the first time she saw so much money, [-] million. For ordinary people, it was unbelievable wealth.

"No, no, major, this is indeed the money obtained by intercepting the pirates. You know, there are many pirates in the Chambord Islands, and there are always some who don't have long eyes." Samuel explained calmly.

Su Yi snorted, who is the president after all, he is more "sensible" than the unreliable vice president.

It is obviously to send money for peace, but it is very high-sounding.

"I see, that's what happened, I really don't know, yes, your Samur Chamber of Commerce is worthy of commendation for doing so, and I will have someone send you a pennant of commendation later." Su Yi nodded with satisfaction, "Adiya, Pack it up."

Seeing this, Samuel was also relieved in his heart, as long as he received the money, he couldn't help shaking his head at the same time. After all, he was young and he could solve it with money, which was also his first plan. There is a follow-up.

However, Su Yi's next sentence changed his complexion slightly, and suddenly put away his peeping heart, and his vigilance against Su Yi was raised to a very high level.

"This is the end? I thought you really knew what to do, I'll tell you," Su Yi raised his eyebrows, stretched out a finger, and said, "First, issue a public apology letter to the chamber of commerce. Second, secretly spread the news to the outside world that your Samur Chamber of Commerce intercepted a pirate account and handed it over to the Navy. Third, publicly passed it on to your peers, the Samur Chamber of Commerce sacked the sky The gold carrier was a misunderstanding that has been 'temporarily' resolved!"

As soon as these words came out, Samuel's face changed suddenly.


His words, just as soon as they were exported, were restrained abruptly.

At the same time, his heart was very shaken, and the purpose of the person in front of him was instantly clear at this moment.

It's not that idiot of Danath at all, nor the Samuel Chamber of Commerce, but the entire Chambord Islands business community.

Su Yi fancy [-] million?How could it be that there are countless [-] million behind the [-] million! ...

Chapter [-] Plan

Su Yi said three things in one breath, all of which are worth pondering.

As a successful chamber of commerce president, Samuel still has the judgment he should have.

When the other party said these three things, it was nothing more than a message.

The Samuel Chamber of Commerce offended the new major. The major suspected that the Chamber of Commerce had looted the Tribute Ship of the Tianlong people, but the merchant soon relented and sent 4 million Baileys to protect himself.

That is to say, if the Samur Chamber of Commerce paid the "protection fee" today, then there will be new people to pay the "Protection Association" tomorrow. Otherwise, who knows if he is the next Samur Chamber of Commerce?

"This person wants to eat billions in one go!" Samuel shook his heart, "Also, this is temporary!"

Seeing that the other party understood, Su Yi chuckled a few times and said, "Mr. Samuel, what do you think of the Chambord Islands?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is a good place. It is close to the naval headquarters, with an advantageous geographical location, prosperous business, and dense personnel exchanges compared to other places. Here, six large chambers of commerce have emerged, and you are one of them."

After a pause, Su Yi continued: "Correspondingly, there are also many pirates here, and illegal areas are everywhere. I am not happy to see these. A chaotic place, even if you can make a lot of money, there are hidden dangers. ."

This is true, and Samuel has to admit it.

Although he is very wary of Su Yi at the moment, but agrees with these words, the existence of pirates has indeed disturbed the Chambord Islands, and to a certain extent, has curbed the development of commerce.

"Your vision is like a torch. When you came here, you understood this level. I'm looking forward to your next move."

After a moment of silence, Samuel could only compliment him.

"Of course, I have a plan, and I need your cooperation." Su Yi deliberately aggravated your two words, "If the pirates disappear, no, it is impossible. If the pirates are regulated and contained to a certain extent, The business of the Chambord Islands will be greatly developed. Today, you put out 4 million yuan, and in the future you will earn twice as much. This is an investment, and you can’t just enjoy the results without paying in the early stage.”

Hearing this, Samuel was obviously brought in. He couldn't help but move in his heart and asked, "I want to know the plan in your mouth, Major."

"You don't need to know this." Su Yi snorted, how could he just tell others, "In order to deal with the pirates, I need money, and if you pay the money, you can get a stable situation in the future, a win-win situation, very good, no ?"

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