"Senior brother, don't worry about it." Looking at Gai Nie's appearance, Su Yi knew that Gai Nie was thinking too much.

"Yeah." Gai Nie nodded, "Then this Feixue Pavilion?" Gai Nie knew that what Su Yi noticed must be a problem. This Feixue Pavilion doesn't sound like a serious place. But Gai Nie understood that Su Yi must have some reason to come out, so he asked this question.

"I don't need to worry about Feixue Pavilion for the time being. We will go there after we meet Concubine Yan."

"it is good."

"Guardian Su, I'm a little surprised. Since this Princess Yan has already been detained and imprisoned, how can she pass the news to us through the hand of the grocery stall owner? Besides, how can we see her without going through the prince? "Looking at the tacit understanding between Su Yi and Gai Nie, Zhong Limei, a general, is a little confused.

"Zhong Limei, you are a man of justice, but sometimes you need to use your brain." Su Yi smiled playfully, which made Zhong Limei a little embarrassed.If it wasn't for the past few days of getting along with Zhong Limei that Su Yi was not a villain, Zhong Limei would have sunk his face directly.

"Guardian Su, I'm a military general..." Zhong Limi touched his head, very innocent.

"Hey, don't face me with this attitude, you, a military general, have to act like a little girl, don't you think it's too discordant and too scary..." Su Yi began to hurt people again.

Chapter [-]: Crown Princess Yan's Approach

"Uh... Guard Su..." When Su Yi said this, Zhong Limei didn't know where to put his hand, and he was so embarrassed that he was restless, his eyes looking for help to Han Xin, who had been silent all the time, but Han Xin was also smiling forbearance. look.

"Losing friends!" Zhong Limei secretly said.

"Zhong Limei, use your brain and think about it, who is Concubine Yan? Before she became Princess Yan, she was the most talented and most outstanding disciple of the Yin Yang family, and her status was second only to the highest ruler of the Yin Yang family, Emperor Dong Taiyi. Do you think she will have no power of her own?"

"Furthermore, Concubine Yan and Prince Yan are in love. Even if she is deprived of power and banned, she is still a concubine. King Yan has always been sluggish, and he does not have much real power in his hands. Under such circumstances, Prince Yan would Dan's power is correspondingly greater, as his crown princess, can Concubine Yan have nothing?"

"Zhong Limei, thank you for being Zhang Han's most trusted military general. You and Han Xin are his right-hand man, how can you not understand such a simple thing?" Su Yi's tone was quite helpless, and he also hated iron. It means that he admires Zhong Limei very much, and doesn't want Zhong Limei to be just a simple general.

"Take ten thousand steps back, military generals also need to use their brains to plan their layout. Soldiers, deceitful ways, you don't understand this sentence? Or, the art of war you learned will only be used to fight?"

Zhong Limei felt uncomfortable when Su Yi said it with a burning face. Yes, he is a military general, the most trusted general of General Zhang Han, and a general who needs to make plans. How could he not use his brain?

"Guardian Su, after listening to you, it's better than ten years of study, Zhong Limi understands!"

Finally, Zhong Limei got up, came to Su Yi, and clenched his fists solemnly, "Thank you for the advice from Guard Su."

"Yeah." Su Yi said indifferently, but he felt very comfortable. Fortunately, this kid was not that stupid, and he finally made it through.

"Since you've figured it out, let's go back and rest. Tomorrow, we'll go to the Crown Princess's palace."

"Ah? Tomorrow? The Crown Princess's Palace? Don't you need to prepare any more, or send someone to explore the way?" Zhong Limei asked stupidly.

Su Yi's raised foot suddenly retracted, his eyes stabbed at Zhong Limei like a knife, "Tomorrow you will lead someone to guard this inn, you don't have to act with us."

After Su Yi left, Gai Nie glanced at Zhong Limei sympathetically, and followed Su Yi's footsteps.Han Xin finally came to Zhong Limei's side, reached out and patted Zhong Limei's shoulder, "Seek yourself for more happiness."

"What? Hey, you guys..." Zhong Limei was still puzzled, did he ask the wrong question again?But this Concubine Yan didn't make an appointment with them when and where to meet. How did they decide?

Zhong Limei, who couldn't figure it out, was confused and had to go to bed.Tomorrow, he may guard the inn.

All night without incident.

On the second day, Su Yi did not bring Zhong Limei, but he did not bring Han Xin either.Su Yi felt that it was better to leave Han Xin, the think tank, to help Zhong Limei.

When Su Yi was in the Palace of Longevity, he taught Gai Nie "a leaf to obstruct the eyes", which was just in use at this time.In fact, the absence of Han Xin and Zhong Limi has something to do with this.Although Su Yi admired the two of them, he did not want them to know too many secrets about him.As for Gai Nie, Su Yi has long trusted him.

When Su Yi and Gai Nie came to the Crown Princess Palace, the Crown Princess had just packed herself up.Being grounded has saved a lot of trouble. For example, it is no longer necessary to get up early to serve the prince early in the morning.

"You two, show up, it's safe enough here."

"Prince Concubine is really amazing. We used special martial arts to cover up our existence, and you can see it." Su Yi withdrew the "one leaf that blocked his eyes" and sat down on the seat in the Prince Concubine's Palace.

"That's too bad. Actually, I really can't decipher the special martial arts you used. The reason I know you're here is only because of the cherry blossom hosta in your arms." Wan is beautiful, such a peaceful princess makes people feel very comfortable.

"Oh? It was this little hairpin that betrayed us." Su Yi took out a cherry blossom hosta from his arms. It was the same day he entered Jicheng and bought it from the grocery stall at the gate of the city. that one.

"This hairpin is indeed an orphan. I have cast a tracking spell on its body, so your special martial arts can cover up your own existence, but it cannot obliterate its existence."

"So it is. The Crown Princess is very capable."

"Young Master Su is joking. If I was really good at it, why would I be forced to escape from the Yin-Yang family and toss myself to the point where I am now under house arrest."

"Prince Concubine is joking." Su Yi put the hosta aside, "I can escape my hidden martial arts spell, but there are not many. Moreover, as far as I know, the so-called Concubine Yan defected to the Yin Yang family, It's just because my husband was coerced. As for this house arrest... I'm afraid, it's a way for the prince to protect the prince, and it's also the prince's cooperation for the convenience of seeing us, right?"

"Also, the Crown Princess is far away in the country of Yan, but she can know the news of our coming here. Isn't this a good skill? Now, I should be able to say that the Crown Princess even knows our purpose, the cause of the incident, and our thoughts. What is the result you want. Crown Princess, do you say yes or no?"

"Young Master Su is really smart." The Crown Princess smiled lightly, acknowledging what Su Yi said.

"In this case, we don't have to be around to test each other." The crown princess plucked the hairpin in the bun, and Su Yi noticed that the hairpin was also a cherry blossom hosta, but it was rougher than the one in his hand. Much older.

"Young Master Su, the Moon God and Da Si's life are in your hands, right? I can bear the blame for you, but in the same way, you have to keep me and my husband safe and sound."

"In addition, the Yin-Yang family has a puppet art called 'following the shadows'. This is one of the supreme incantations of the Yin-Yang family. At present, apart from Lord Donghuang, only I can perform it. I will use this spell to create a puppet, this puppet. Concubine Yan, you will bring it back for business."

"In this way, I can also be considered a concern, and completely get rid of the label of Yin Yang family."

The Crown Princess spoke slowly, her tone was light, and the expression on her face was also light, but the sadness and relief in her eyes were clear, "Actually, this can't be regarded as mutual benefit, more, please You help me with this."

"However, this is indeed the best way."

The Crown Princess looked up at Su Yi, the emotions in her eyes faded away.

Chapter [-] Inheritance of Concubine Yan's bloodline

Seeing the appearance of the Crown Princess, Su Yi suddenly couldn't bear it.Concubine Yan is a good person, a virtuous princess, and she will be a great mother in the future.

"Everything is as the princess said." Su Yi looked at the prince who was calm at the moment, and felt that the woman who showed vulnerability just now was not the person in front of her.

Unconsciously, Su Yi especially wanted to help a bunch of Crown Princesses.

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