The current crown princess is only a teenager, but she has been honed by life to be so mature.

In this war-torn era, no one is qualified to enjoy life, and even teenagers have to compromise with life, abandon their innocence, and let themselves become adults.

At this moment, the Crown Princess is such a young man who has been forced to grow up by life. Her face is calm, and there is sadness in her eyes that can't be hidden, and her words can't help but forget that she is only a teenager.

Su Yi sighed in his heart, there were some words that he didn't know whether to say or not.Su Yi wanted to help the Crown Princess and gave her a few words, but worried that it would be too early to speak now.After thinking again and again, Su Yi finally made up his mind, looked into the eyes of the Crown Princess seriously, and slowly opened his mouth.

"Prince Concubine, have you ever thought that one day in the future, you will give birth to the prince's child. And your child may inherit your bloodline and have an extremely noble bloodline. Maybe you hope that your family will no longer have a relationship with Yin and Yang. There is any involvement in the family, but if, I mean, if you and the prince's child are really what I said, what should you do?"

Hearing Su Yi's words, the Crown Princess was shocked. Yes, how could she forget that the talent of the Yin-Yang family can be inherited with blood, especially those with the surname Ji.In this way, wouldn't she, wouldn't she never let the words "Yin Yang Family" fade from her life!

The Crown Princess's eyes were instantly filled with tears, her whole body exuded an air of helplessness, and even her back, which had been standing up gracefully, trembled, "Su... Young Master Su, I... I'm so stupid. , I forgot about such an important matter, what should I do, what should I do..."

The Crown Princess's voice was broken, and finally she couldn't hold it anymore, she covered her face with her hands, and two lines of tears flowed from between her fingers.

"Prince Concubine, in fact, everything is possible, and we cannot be defeated by life. In any case, our life is our own, and the road must go on. There will inevitably be thorns on the way, but we can cut the thorns and move on. "

Su Yi looked at the Crown Princess steadily, and there seemed to be a bewitching power in her voice, allowing the out-of-control Crown Princess to slowly regain her elegance.The Crown Princess slowly raised her head, the traces of crystal tears flowing on her face were very obvious, but it made her even more noble and indestructible, "I'm sorry, I lost my temper."

Seeing that the Crown Princess straightened her back again, Su Yi grinned, "Prince Princess is really a phoenix among people, she can figure it out so quickly and get out of her self-torture."

"Let Su Gongzi laugh." The Crown Princess's tears had not yet dried, but she still smiled beautifully, "Thank you Su Gongzi for reminding me and giving me advice. Su Gongzi is right, life is full of difficulties and difficulties. Challenges, we must be able to step through, not be intimidated by them."

"It's best if the Crown Princess can understand this." Su Yi smiled lightly.

After regaining her composure, the Crown Princess couldn't help thinking about the issue of blood inheritance that Su Yi said.Although she and the prince are reciprocal, love and trust each other, but it is precisely because of this relationship that the prince will not tell her many things, for fear that she will worry about it.Therefore, every time the prince goes out, the princess doesn't know what he's doing at all, but just stays virtuous and takes care of their home.

Now, after being reminded by Su Yi, the princess began to worry that if they had a child in the future, the child would have to wait for the prince at home just like her.If their child inherits her yin and yang talent and attracts the attention of the yin and yang family, what should she do and what method can she use to protect this child.

The crown princess fell into hard thinking. She loves Crown Prince Dan, and she must love their children. What should I do to ensure that her husband and children are happy and stable.

"Prince Concubine, think about whether you want to hide the child's yin and yang talents and let her be an ordinary royal princess from now on, or let the child develop freely and go his own way." , Su Yi had to remind again.Sure enough, mothers in the world are all the same. Once their children are involved, they will lose too much reason.

Hearing Su Yi's words, the Crown Princess was startled. If she concealed her child's yin and yang talents, she would always feel that it was unfair to her child. Originally, her child would have higher achievements, but she had to live an ordinary life because of her worries.But if she didn't hide it, the Crown Princess would really be in a state of fear, for fear that one day she would be discovered by the Yin and Yang family, and she would be doomed from now on.

After Su Yi reminded him, he stopped talking and just sat quietly with Gai Nie, giving the Crown Princess enough time to think about it.Anyway, the mission they came this time has been completed. The issue of inheritance of blood is just something Su Yi couldn't bear for a while, and he just said one more thing. After all, how to choose is not something they can manage.

After a long silence, the Crown Princess finally moved again.

"Master Su, I've decided that the children's affairs are left to them. No matter what happens to the children in the future, I hope they can live the way they want according to their own ideas. Although I most hope that my children live safely and happily , but I know it's just my opinion and it's not fair to impose on children."

After making such a decision, the Crown Princess relaxed and looked at Su Yi a little embarrassedly, "This matter is actually still early, I don't have any children yet."

"Well, I just thought of this, and reminded the Crown Princess in advance, so as not to be caught off guard." Su Yi smiled lightly, and the atmosphere was finally no longer so heavy.

"Of course, we still do the things that we discussed earlier, and this will not change. No matter what the child is, I will not go back to the Yin Yang family again." The princess narrowed her eyebrows.

"Okay, we respect the Crown Princess's decision." Su Yi nodded and agreed.

"Young Master Su does things, I can rest assured that you have full authority to handle this matter, and you don't have to worry about other things." After speaking, the Crown Princess closed her eyes and began to make knots with her hands.

Soon, a puppet technique was cast.

Looking at the other "Prince Concubine" in front of them, all three of them smiled.

Chapter [-] The Crown Princess Takes Action In Advance

"Okay, let's go." After performing the puppet technique, the crown princess seemed to be a lot weaker, and her breath was a little empty, but she insisted that she didn't want Su Yi and the others to worry.

Seeing that Su Yi and Gai Nie hadn't left yet, the Crown Princess had no choice but to explain.

"This puppet technique is one of the highest incantations of the Yin-Yang family. It naturally consumes a lot of energy when used. It is normal to have some qi deficiency. Moreover, in order to ensure that this puppet and myself are exactly the same from the inside out, I added an extra one. Go in. Don't worry, I'll be fine after I rest for a while."

Seeing that Su Yi and the others were still still, the Crown Princess sighed, "Okay, I admit that this spell is harmful to my body, but it's only the damage to the Yin-Yang spell, I just can't use it in the future. With such a high-intensity yin-yang spell, the rest doesn't matter. This is better, I'm more like an ordinary person, and I don't have to worry too much."

The Crown Princess smiled, these two children are really kind.

"Prince Concubine take care, we will leave now." Su Yi finally spoke.

"Well, take care of you too. I'll take care of the aftermath here. You should go back quickly. That Ying Zheng is not a good match, and the Longevity Palace is not as noble as it looks from the outside, so be careful."

"Thank you Crown Princess, there will be an appointment in the future."

After saying goodbye to Su Yi and Gai Nie, the Crown Princess stood at the gate of the palace for a long time.Young Master Su, I wish you all the best.

"Xiaoyi, this Crown Princess is also a poor person."

On the way back to Jufulou, Gai Nie looked at the puppet Concubine Yan beside him, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Gai Gongzi, everyone has their own path to take, and the path you choose, you must stick to it no matter what." The puppet Concubine Yan smiled lightly, and her expression and tone were really exactly the same as those of the prince concubine in the palace. .

Gai Nie was amazed in his heart, this puppet technique is really powerful, if he hadn't known the truth from the beginning, Gai Nie felt that he would not be able to distinguish the two Concubine Yan.

"Senior Brother, the Crown Princess is right, it doesn't matter if it's not pitiful, our feelings and the Crown Princess's feelings are different after all." Su Yi looked at Gai Nie pointedly, "What outsiders see is just floating in the air. The lotus leaves and lotus on the surface, and the mud in the bottom of the water, how big the lotus root has grown and what it looks like, only the lotus itself understands."

Gai Nie also became interested at this time, "We can dig out the lotus roots."

"The lotus root dug out and the lotus root that grows in the mud are not the same after all." Su Yi sighed, "Okay, brother, let's go in, it took so long to come back, Han Xin and Zhong Limei should be in a hurry. ."

"Okay." Gai Nie responded and stepped into the Jufu Building, temporarily letting go of the lotus root issue.

"Guard Su!" As soon as he entered the Jufu Building, Su Yi heard someone calling him.Looking at the sound, it turned out to be Zhong Limei.Su Yi couldn't help hooking his lips, why, after a few hours of absence, this person has become a lot more cheerful?

"Guardian Su, you're finally back! Come on up, something happened in King Yan's Palace!" Seeing Su Yi standing at the door and not moving, Zhong Limei couldn't help but feel anxious, "Quick! It's a very important thing!"

Hearing what Zhong Limei said, Su Yi frowned, in the palace of King Yan?He just came out of the Yanwang Palace, and nothing happened.Su Yi thought about it for a while, and didn't think there was any problem. However, when his thoughts were spinning, Su Yi suddenly sank in his heart. Could it be that Concubine Yan started to act?

Su Yi's face was cold, and he looked at Genie, who pouted, looking at it, the two of them were thinking of going together.

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