"They thought that after getting rid of me, they would be able to improve their status in the Yin-Yang family and get the appreciation of Lord Donghuang in my place. Unfortunately, they miscalculated. So after they lost hope, they started to trouble me."

"It's okay to make a little trouble, but they even hit my husband's idea once. As a last resort, I used a Yin-Yang spell that I haven't used in the past three years."

"Moon God and Yun Zhongjun are naturally good strategies, but the worst thing they did back then was that they didn't abolish my yin and yang spell. So, as long as I am willing to take action, I will be able to control Feixue in turn. Ge. What's more, the two of them just sent people here, and it's more convenient for me to deal with some small minions."

"Soon, my power in Feixue Pavilion will be able to compete with them. But I've reached that point. I haven't done any more. As long as I can guarantee my normal life, I don't care if they send someone to monitor me."

"I haven't made any big moves in these years. They are doing things for Ying Zheng again, and their control on my side has relaxed a lot. But the disappearance of Luna pushed me into their sight again. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that I really took the blame for this."

"That's why they couldn't help but use the people who were placed in Feixue Pavilion to dominate this competition. If I guessed correctly, they should be trying to use this competition to select a suitable person and send them to the competition. come to me."

"Send it to you?" Su Yi was a little puzzled. He had guessed it before, but he was still a little unclear about the purpose of this competition.But listening to what Concubine Yan said, there seems to be an inside story.

"Yes, because every year the most outstanding women in the Feixue Pavilion Song and Dance Conference will be sent to the palace, or given to King Yan, or to follow the children of the royal family."

Having said this, Concubine Yan suddenly gave a wry smile.

Chapter [-] The Secret of the Attic Curtain

Seeing the wry smile on Concubine Yan's mouth, Su Yi couldn't help but sigh, no matter how wise a woman is, once she enters the palace, she cannot escape the fate of the women in the palace.

However, this is also Concubine Yan's own choice, she is willing, isn't she.

Su Yi quickly pulled back his wandering thoughts, Concubine Yan was not a person who needed pity from others.On the contrary, judging from the things she has done in the past six years, Concubine Yan is very thoughtful and independent, and she deserves respect from others.

"Since you know the purpose of their organization of this competition, why didn't you stop it? You clearly have enough strength to compete with them." Concubine Yan's bitter smile, Gai Nie naturally saw it.Genie has always been soft-hearted, he can't see everything clearly like Su Yi.

Gai Nie didn't understand why Concubine Yan didn't stop or change something. She probably wouldn't want her husband to have another woman beside her, or a woman sent by her enemy.

Concubine Yan looked at Gai Nie, her eyes softened suddenly, "Young Master Gai, you don't understand how much I long for a life with my husband. Even, Ruofu is not the prince of the Yan Kingdom, and there is nothing on his shoulders that the country has given him. Responsibility, we all have to get out of here forever, go to a place where it's just the two of us, and live in peace."

"Young Master Gai, in order to be with my husband, I don't even need to be one of the Yin-Yang family, and I don't care about my reputation. How can I bother about a poor woman who is destined to achieve nothing. Woolen cloth?"

Gai Nie stared blankly at Concubine Yan, this fortunate and unfortunate woman, her mind was so transparent.

Seeing the two of them like this, Su Yi patted Gai Nie on the shoulder, then cast a slightly apologetic look at Concubine Yan, and changed the subject, "Concubine Yan, I went to Feixue Pavilion this time because I noticed it. Attic screener, do you know what's going on with this attic screener?"

"The man behind the curtain in the attic?" Concubine Yan suddenly laughed, "That's right, Young Master Su is very smart, he will definitely find out about Feixue Pavilion's problems early on. I used to wonder how Young Master Su knew about so many behind-the-scenes matters in Feixue Pavilion. Yes, now when it comes to the screener in the attic, I also want to understand."

Concubine Yan's eyes on Su Yi were no longer defensive, and she now fully trusts her.If it was said that the two cooperated before because each got what they needed, then now, Concubine Yan recognized Su Yi from the bottom of her heart.

"The attic curtain people are in the hands of the Yin Yang family. Over the years, I have been controlling my power in Feixue Pavilion, and I have never allowed my power to surpass Luna and the others, and I will never take the initiative to provoke them."

"I told you just now that I only want to live in peace. Therefore, half of this attic curtain person is in my hands, and the other half is in the hands of Moon God and Yun Zhongjun."

"Sure enough, it's the Yin-Yang family." Su Yi's mouth curled into a confident smile, "I discovered the Yin-Yang spell in the top floor of Feixue Pavilion, so I thought of it so much. But I'm also very curious, what exactly is this attic curtain person? Who is in control, and who is qualified to be the screener of the attic, and thus decides the winner of the Feixue Pavilion singing and dancing conference or competition."

"Young Master Su can actually discover the Yin-Yang spell in the attic, what a genius!" Concubine Yan couldn't help but praise Su Yi.You must know that the yin and yang spells in the attic also belong to the supreme spells of the yin and yang family, and of course they cannot be compared with the puppet arts.The puppet technique can only be performed by Concubine Yan and Emperor Donghuang Taiyi, and the yin and yang spell in the attic is the lowest level of the supreme spells, called "Void Illusion".

But even if it is the lowest level of the supreme spell, it is still the supreme spell.In Concubine Yan's opinion, although Su Yi is excellent in all aspects, Yin-Yang spells cannot be learned casually. Concubine Yan felt that Su Yi should not see through such high-end Yin-Yang spells.Now that Su Yi went to lie down in the attic and found the Void Illusion Curse, Concubine Yan was very surprised.

"Young Master Su..." Concubine Yan asked how Su Yi saw through the Void Illusion Curse, and when Su Yi came to his palace for the first time, his yin and yang spell didn't work for him at all.But Concubine Yan then dismissed the idea, although she recognized Su Yi, but Su Yi did not necessarily trust her completely.

After such a meal, Concubine Yan swallowed the words that came to her lips, and changed it to what Su Yi wanted to hear about the people in the attic.

"There are ten people in the attic curtain. Luna and Yun Zhongjun can decide five people, and I can decide five people. As for how people are selected, there is actually no special way, but it's just to deceive the world."

"For the outside world, the attic curtain man is mysterious, no one has seen his true face, and no one knows his origin. Everyone in the world guesses that this attic curtain man is either a master of the rivers or lakes or a dignitary, and no ordinary person can reach it. But in fact, these ten people We choose our own men to act. What we value is only the sense of mystery and the world's sense of awe for the attic screener."

Hearing such a result, Su Yi was a little dumbfounded. Yes, he also felt that the status of the attic screener must be high.But now after listening to Concubine Yan's explanation, Su Yi has accepted it. This is a very valuable secret.

"If that's the case, can I ask Concubine Yan for your help?" Su Yi said in a joke.

"Yes." Concubine Yan also smiled and answered very happily.

"Hahaha, well, it's comfortable to talk to smart people. Su Yi, I am here to thank Concubine Yan."

Concubine Yan pursed her lips and smiled as a response.After laughing, he said sternly, "Young Master Su, Master Gai, this attic screener sounds mysterious, but when we talked about it like this, it felt a little ridiculous. But even so, I hope that the two of you can let the attic The secret of the curtain man will continue to be kept. Any secret, if many people know it, loses its value and can no longer be called a secret."

"Concubine Yan, don't worry, we understand this attic screener, but it is for our convenience, and what we want to do is not a bad thing for you, Concubine Yan. As I said at the beginning, if it is done properly, it can be regarded as a good thing. Helping you out. Although my brother and I have occasional jokes, we will definitely not be confused on such a principled issue."

With a tone that was half serious and half joking, Su Yi was very easy to use, which not only dispelled all of Concubine Yan's concerns, but also showed what she meant.

"Concubine Yan, since we had a great conversation this time, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. Let's take it as an exchange of secrets with you." Before leaving, Su Yi suddenly turned around. She smiled slyly at Concubine Yan.

Chapter [-] Candidates for the New Vice-God Warden

Concubine Yan was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Young Master Su, this kind of joke is not acceptable. Regarding this secret, I believe you are all that matters. It shouldn't be convenient for you to reveal too much about what you are going to do, so you don't need to exchange it like this."

"I won't reveal too much. I just want to tell you that I pay attention to Feixue Pavilion only for two people. And one of these two people is the dancer who won in the end." Su Yi said, then He and Gai Nie instantly disappeared in front of Concubine Yan.Of course, it used "one leaf to obstruct the eye", but did not actually walk away.

Su Yi also wanted to see how Concubine Yan reacted when she found out about this.

And Concubine Yan did not live up to Su Yi's expectations. She stood there blankly, digesting Su Yi's words.Two people?And one is the dancer who won in the end?At this time, Concubine Yan no longer seemed to be chatting with Su Yi and the others before. She just stood at the door in a daze, with her head lowered and her eyebrows raised, looking quite gentle and pleasant.

I don't know, has Prince Yan ever seen such a lovely side of his princess?

Su Yi smiled wickedly, took one last look at Concubine Yan, and left the Yan Palace completely.

After Su Yi and Gai Nie left from the Qin Palace, they went directly back to the Jufu Building.Now, Su Yi has mastered all the information of Feixue Pavilion and reached a consensus with Concubine Yan. They only need to wait patiently for the news at the inn. If you want to come here, Concubine Yan will not be too slow. , there will be results.

As expected, Su Yi didn't expect it. Before dawn, Concubine Yan started to make arrangements. Before noon, Su Yi received an invitation letter to compete in Feixue Pavilion.

Of course, this invitation letter is for Su Yi and his party on the bright side, but it is to confuse the public.In fact, Su Yi participated as a screener in the attic, while Gai Nie accompanied Su Yi and did not occupy a place.Anyway, the world only knows that the attic curtain is mysterious, there are ten places, but they don't know how many people each place corresponds to.

After receiving the invitation letter, Su Yi greeted everyone in advance to prepare lunch, intending to make up for sleep quickly.

After a few people had lunch, they all went back to their rooms.Su Yi not only wanted to rest, but also ordered to continue. In the few days before the competition began, they only needed to grasp the movements of Feixue Pavilion, and they didn't have to do anything else, so as not to attract attention.

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