This just gave everyone a time to rest and adjust.Since entering Jicheng, Su Yi and the others have been fine, but that team of shadow guards has been miserable.It's not that they couldn't bear the burden of the task, but the suppression along the way made them physically and mentally exhausted, and then they were ruthlessly thrown into Jicheng to fend for themselves. It was hard for Su Yi to think of them. , but let them go out to inquire about news and stalk them one after another, and they must not be reused.

This kind of tossing made the Shadow Secret Guard, who always felt that he was extremely brave and valuable, felt aggrieved.As soon as the incident at Feixue Pavilion happened this time, Su Yi promised to rest for a few days, and then went straight to let them see the hope of doing great things, and they all jumped up and down, wishing that they could make a great contribution immediately and let Su Yi know that they were in the shadows. Secret guard is great.

However, it is a pity that it is true that Su Yi let them rest, but he did not think about how to reuse them.

Su Yi was lying on the bed, rubbing his stomach that was just a little stretched, hoping to digest and digest quickly so that he could fall asleep as soon as possible.After all, he went out in the middle of the night, and Su Yi didn't want to be tied down by these things. He was still the unrestrained Su Yi.

"Respected Lord God Prisoner."

Just about to fall asleep in a daze, Su Yi suddenly heard someone calling him, and it was the core of the Divine Prison that had rarely appeared on his own initiative.

Su Yi's drowsiness dissipated in an instant, and suddenly sat up from the bed, staring viciously at the dog-shaped Divine Prison Core beside his legs, "You'd better tell me why, otherwise, it will disturb my sleep like this. , even if you are the core of the Divine Prison without a body, I will find a way to fix you!"

"Respected God Prison Master," Su Yi was so intimidated by Su Yi, the core of the God Prison was still calm and calm, and did not take Su Yi's words seriously at all.It's not that he did it on purpose, but because he has no emotions and doesn't understand the emotional color in Su Yi's words.

"If you have something to say, I still have to sleep!" Su Yi naturally understood this, so he just glared at the core of God Prison before laying back and ignoring the core.

The core does not feel that he is being ignored, and his tone is as flat as ever, "Do you remember the Deputy God Warden I mentioned to you before? In this Yandu, a new candidate has appeared, do you want it? think about it?"

"Oh? The new vice-god warden candidate?" Su Yi's heart moved, but he didn't show it all at once. "Let's talk about who this person is, and what is there for you to like."

"Respected God Prisoner, you are now in Jicheng, the capital of Yan, and there are shadows of yin and yang spells everywhere in this city. It can be said that it is a place controlled by yin and yang spells. And Concubine Yan of the Yin and Yang family, She is known as a genius of the Yin-Yang family that has never been seen in a century, she is very talented, and her cultivation of Yin-Yang spells is extremely high, so you can try to subdue her."

The Divine Prison Core finished his suggestion in one breath, waiting for Su Yi's reply.But Su Yi just laughed and didn't reply.

After being silent for a while, Su Yi said, "Core, I have been in Jicheng for quite a while. Concubine Yan, I have been in contact with her since I first entered the city, and I am working together now. What you said has always been the same. It's a fact, just based on these, you want me to subdue Concubine Yan and make her the deputy warden?"

"If that's the reason, why didn't you say it earlier and wait until now?"

Su Yi's tone had already brought a hint of dissatisfaction, but unfortunately the core couldn't hear it, and the still light tone made Su Yi even more unhappy.

"Respected God Prison Master, I didn't say it before because the time has not come. Although Concubine Yan is a very good candidate, the God Prison System also needs to assess her. If she fails to pass the assessment, even if the conditions are suitable, she cannot have this opportunity."

"So, the Divine Prison System has passed the assessment now?"


"What is the content of the assessment?"

"Concubine Yan's attitude towards you, your cultivation of yin and yang spells, your ability to do things, and your attitude from the point of view of problems."

"Okay, I understand." Su Yi finally sat up from the bed again, "Since you have already passed the assessment and think she can become the deputy warden, why are you asking for my opinion?"

"You forgot that it was your first idea to elect the Deputy God Prisoner."

Su Yi was startled, yes, he came up with this idea when he fell in love with the old man Guiguzi!

Chapter [-] The Conditions of the Vice-God Warden

Su Yi suddenly laughed. After a long time, he himself forgot these details. Now that he thinks about it, it is indeed that he raised it first, and then nodded at the core.

Thinking of this, Su Yi no longer felt uncomfortable, but became a little more interested, "Core, although I said before that I want to choose the deputy warden, I don't know how to do it, you know. how?"

"Respected God Warden, God Prison only recognizes one God Warden, and that is you. For other people, as long as God Warden agrees, there is no problem. Although the God Prison system is not suitable for being known to too many people. , but those who can both pass the assessment of the divine prison system and be recognized by the divine prison chief can also understand some situations."

"It's so good..." Su Yi's eyes lit up, and the identity of the God Warden he picked up was also very interesting.

"As for how to do it, you don't have to worry, it's very convenient."

After the core finished speaking, he stood up straight. This is a common action that pet dogs do. Now that the core is doing it, he feels inexplicably funny, so Su Yi couldn't help but turn his face away.

Su Yi tilted his head and asked helplessly, "What kind of convenient method is it? How to do it?"

"You just need to give the item you exchanged from the God Prison Store or one of the martial arts to the person you choose."

"That's it? Then I have taught the 'one-leaf obscurity' to the elder brother before. According to you, isn't the elder elder brother also the deputy head of the god prison? But I didn't see anything between the elder brother and the previous one. different?"

"Respected God Warden, the gift of being promoted to Deputy God Warden is also different from ordinary gifts. First of all, you must recognize this person from your heart and make sure that this person will serve as Deputy God Warden. Second, You have to make gifts in the island of God, otherwise this person will not know about God's prison. Finally, you have to take part of your own power and pour it into this person to ensure that this person will always be loyal to you and God prison."

"It turned out to be like this, it's really troublesome." Su Yi couldn't help but curled his lips, "Just relying on my part of the strength can guarantee this person's loyalty? In case, the person I choose is not willing to be this deputy god prison. long?"

After talking about the conditions for being promoted to the Deputy God Prison, the core lay down again. I don't know if it was the reason why Su Yi didn't send people to the God Prison very much recently. The core looked a little lazy, not as spirited as when he first met him.

After the core lay down, he continued to explain to Su Yi, "Respected Lord God Prisoner, the power to decide all this is in your hands. If this person has your approval, then you will definitely have a way to make this person willing. Become the Deputy God Prison, be your helper, and serve you and the God Prison."

Su Yi was taken aback for a moment, so it seemed that it was true, "Okay, I see."

Su Yi cut off the connection with the core of the prison, watching the core turn into a wisp of white smoke and scattered into his body, he closed his eyes again, and began to think about the problem of the deputy head of the prison.

His own approval, the things of the God Prison Store, the empty island of God, his own power.Su Yi recited these four conditions silently, thinking about when to find Concubine Yan, and it would be better for her to become the deputy warden.

Concubine Yan is now completely trustworthy, and it is no longer necessary to consider Su Yi's approval of this condition, and it is very simple to pour her own strength.As for what to give to Concubine Yan, Su Yi still needs to think about it.Also, taking Concubine Yan to the empty island of the gods, it should also need to be managed. The sudden disappearance of the prince concubine of a country is afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble.

In addition, Su Yi is also considering taking this opportunity to promote Genie as well.First of all, Gai Nie is the person he absolutely trusts, and Su Yi remembers the kindness that Gai Nie has treated him these days.Second, Su Yi had taught Gai Nie that "one leaf obstructs the eyes", and he thought that he was also related to the prison, so he might as well follow him.

Deputy God Prisoner...hehe...

Su Yi turned over and finally fell asleep.

Su Yi slept for two full days this time, and during this period, Gai Nie prevented anyone from disturbing Su Yi.Probably Gai Nie also felt that Su Yi was busy these days, and hoped that he could rest more.Even Zhong Limei, who had three days to inquire about the news that he had returned, was stopped by Gai Nie, waiting for Su Yi to wake up.

Su Yi opened the door full of energy, and saw Ge Nie who was about to knock on the door with a bowl of porridge outside.

"I heard that there was movement in your room, and I thought you must have woken up. If you haven't eaten for two days, let's have some porridge first." Gai Nie smiled and entered the room, closing the door.

Poor Zhong Limei, looking at the reopened door, wailed inwardly.

"Why didn't you wake me up, brother. What happened in the past two days?" Su Yi took the porridge in Gai Nie's hand and drank it slowly.As soon as you taste it, you can tell that this was made by Genie himself.

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