In their opinion, the person who can summon the sword of Damocles is the king, because the sword of Damocles is the symbol of the king, which is almost common sense.

"You are the king? No, there is no king's breath on your sword of Damocles. Who are you?" Songshan pointed at Su Yi and asked in horror.

Su Yi looked at Songshan indifferently, then moved his body and said helplessly: "I didn't expect you to be quite difficult to deal with, but your good days are over. If you confess now, I may be able to start a little easier. "

Matsuyama kept swallowing his throat, hesitating in his eyes. After all, Su Yike is now completely different from just now. The current Suyi Westman level has reached a critical point, but the momentum makes it a little hard to breathe.

Suzuki Qianxia on the side was also surprised by all this, and looked at Su Yi in disbelief, "No wonder I looked at Su Yi, so he is a king? However, the color of his ability seems to have never been seen before. Ever? There shouldn't be any king with such energy, right?"

Su Yi glanced at the sword of Damocles on the top of his head, then raised his fist and waved it towards the front. A milky white energy circle flew towards Songshan in a fan shape, and the speed was terrifying.

Chapter [-] Interference Capability

Songshan turned pale in shock, and hurriedly bent over to dodge. Although he avoided Su Yi's blow, when he straightened up, Su Yi had already rushed in front of him, and his right hand was like a tiger's claw and directly grabbed Songshan's neck. , and lay down on the ground.

Songshan also planned to attack Su Yi, Su Yi looked calm, raised his fists directly on both shoulders of Songshan, and directly dislocated his bones with brute force.


Matsuyama screamed in pain and immediately lost the ability to fight.

Su Yi pinched him by the neck, and then forced him to ask: "Come on, who are your comrades? Be honest and suffer less, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"Student Su Yi." Suzuki Qianxia hurried over and pleaded with Su Yi: "Let's take him back, you're beating him like this, he's going to die."

Su Yi said with a smile: "He is so strong, how can he die so easily? I think his king should be watching all this nearby. If they don't force him, they won't come out."

Suzuki Chika turned around and looked around, then said: "It's so late now, there is no one on both sides of the road, and the sea is on the left and right, where can there be people? And Rukawa Valley, they are also seriously injured, we have to call an ambulance quickly. Row."

Su Yi thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, then you call an ambulance first, and I'll contact Hanazaki Mayi."

Su Yi took out his PAD, but when he was about to contact Hanazaki Mayi, Matsuki took advantage of Su Yi's distraction and broke free from Su Yi's hand, his knees lifted suddenly, and hit Su Yi's head heavily.

Su Yi was hit and flew out. After rolling on the ground, he rushed directly to Songshan who was about to escape.

Su Yi threw Songshan to the ground and slapped Songshan on the back of the neck. After confirming that he was really knocked out, Su Yi stood up and said, "This guy is really a lunatic. Desperately, it seems that the person who controls him should be around here."

Su Yi turned around and was just about to speak to Suzuki Qianxia, ​​when she suddenly found that Suzuki Qianxia's eyes were a little off.

"not good!"

Su Yi hurried back, but it was too late. Suzuki Qianxia rushed forward to catch up with Su Yi who was retreating, and threw a punch, hitting Su Yi's chest heavily.


Su Yi directly spit out a mouthful of blood, feeling that he was hit by a rhinoceros, then broke the concrete guardrail, and fell into the sea with a "thump".

A light flashed in Suzuki Qianxia's eyes, and then said with a sneer: "It turned out to be just a guy pretending to be a king, and I thought it was so powerful, hum, I was over my head. But that's okay, I changed my body, it seems to be stronger. ."

After speaking, Suzuki Chika glanced at the people lying on the ground, and then used Pine's PAD to contact Hanasaki Mayi, and she turned and left.

Hanazaki Mayi came to the scene almost overnight, and there were more and more people in the student union, but before they came, the people from Scepter4 had already arrived and blocked the scene as much as possible.

"Where's your head?" Hanasaki Mayu asked Ye Meng.

Ye Meng said: "Our president has something to do, but our president has called, and he asked me to ask you, did a guy named Su Yi in your academy do something he shouldn't? If the president of the student union of Wei Middle School can't control this person, Scepter4 does not recommend to control it."

Hanazaki Mayi frowned, and then said blankly, "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about. There's something for your head to say in person."

Hanazaki Mayi brought people into the scene after saying a word.


Greeting students who have already checked inside.

Looking at the dead pine tree, Hanasaki May frowned, and then asked, "What's going on?"

"When we came, we found the bodies of the five of them lying on the ground. There were signs of fighting at the scene. It should look fierce. After all, even the guardrails on both sides were broken a lot."

Hanazaki Maui nodded and continued to ask, "Have the identities of the five people been confirmed?"

"It has been confirmed that they are all students of Wei Middle School. This person is called Songshan, and the other four... are members of our student council."

Hanazaki May frowned upon hearing this, and said angrily, "People from the student council? Who is so bold!"

Hanazaki Mayi turned around and waved to Ye Meng who was not far away, "You, come here."

Ye Meng pointed to himself, then trotted over, "What advice does President Zhenyi have?"

"These are the students of Reed Middle School. You Scepter4 don't need to investigate, we will investigate it personally." Hanasaki Mayi said.

Ye Meng frowned, and then smiled embarrassingly: "President Zhenyi, you are embarrassing me a little bit, the incident happened outside Wei Middle School, so naturally we Scepter4 will take care of it, even if the victims are Wei Middle School. Neither can the gardeners."

"I didn't plan to discuss it with you." After Hanazaki Mai finished speaking, she didn't plan to pay any more attention to Ye Meng, and turned to leave.

Ye Meng's face was full of embarrassment, but fortunately, Munakata Reiji arrived in time.

"Scepter4 has the right to manage some things related to order. In this matter, Rei Junior High School is the one who has no right?" Munakata Reiji said with a smile to Hanazaki Mayi.

Hanasaki Mayi frowned, turned to look at Reiji Munakata, and said, "Scepter 4's headmaster is really good at joking, and the one who was killed was a student of our Reed Middle School. Although it didn't happen in the school, it was not far from the school. It can be said that what happened at the gate of the school, why doesn't we have the right to control the middle school?"

Reiji Munakata looked up at the sky, then at the surrounding sea, and said, "Where's the one named Su Yi in your academy?"

Hanazaki Mayi said: "The genius has just turned up now. Of course he is sleeping. Although I am the president of the student council, I can't monitor every student's every move, right?"

Seeing that Hanazaki Mayi was still pretending to be stupid, Munakata Reishi said: "No need to pretend, the Wesman ability here has not dissipated, and the only person in your academy who can summon the sword of Damocles should be Su Yi alone. Bar?"

Hanazaki Maui remained expressionless and said, "Then you should ask him. My purpose is to find out what happened. As for the rest, I don't have time to worry about it."

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