"What? Su Yi, in your eyes, has nothing to do with this matter? Then why does he have his breath at the scene? I think you are also very clear that he is not a king at all, but he has Damocles just like the king. Sword of Si, you shouldn't understand it, right?"

Chapter [-] Progress

Hanazaki Maui naturally understands this, she said indifferently: "This is something that you kings should take care of, I have no interest, and I have no right to ask. I only care about the affairs of Weizhong Middle School, if anyone wants to put their minds on Wei Middle School On the body, I, Hanazaki Mayu, will never forgive him lightly!"

After the war a few years ago, Weizhong School has gradually become an independent place. In addition, Weizhong School itself is on an isolated island, isolated from the world, with its own independent order, and the outside world will rarely interfere Although they, Scepter4, have some rights about "order" events, they are not too concerned about the closed Reed Middle School Scepter4. After all, they also have their own system.

"Mai, you know, I'm also afraid that you will work too hard." Reishi Munakata looked at Hanasaki Mayi. Because of this incident, Hanasaki Mayi seems to be tired a lot these days. Like fate, one is prosperous.

Hanazaki Maori's face was calm, and she didn't go to see Reiji Munakata, "This matter is naturally handled by people from our school's student council, so I won't bother Scepter4 anymore."

Reishi Zongxiang smiled and nodded, and said, "Since you insist on doing this, I don't need to say more, but the manipulator behind this incident is obviously coming to your Weizhong Academy, although I don't know if it is yet. I don’t know who did it, and I don’t know their specific purpose, but I hope you will be more careful and come to me anytime if you need help.”

"Then I would like to thank Zongxiang-kun." Hanazaki Maori said calmly.

Hanazaki Mayi took someone to collect the evidence at the scene, and hurriedly returned to Reed Middle School.

"President, what should I do? Things are getting more and more serious." Awashima frowned, his expression very solemn.

10 people were missing before, but in the end they just disappeared, and no bodies were found, but now 5 people have died. This is bad news for Wei Middle School, and the parents of the students can't give an explanation. The student union is the management of Wei The existence of all things in the middle school, now I am afraid that it will live up to the expectations of the principal.

Hanazaki's brows were slightly wrinkled and she didn't say a word, but judging from her expression, she was helpless about this matter, because the other party disappeared without a trace, and she couldn't even figure out who it was. He hasn't said anything so far, as if he did these things because he was controlled by external forces.

"Where's Suzuki Qianxia?" Hanasaki Machi looked around and found that Suzuki Qianxia was not there.

"I don't know, we haven't seen her for a day," Awashima said.

Hanazaki was a little annoyed when she heard this, slammed the table and scolded: "She actually missed the meeting when such an important thing happened. It seems that she, the vice president, doesn't want to do it!"

"I don't know how the principal took a fancy to her at the time, and actually made her the vice president."

"In my opinion, she must have gone through some back door. Otherwise, how could she get one of the only two vice president positions?"

"I think so too. It seems that we have to report to the principal that we must change to a vice president!"

Hanazaki Maui glanced at everyone present, and then scolded: "When is it? Did I come to you to discuss this matter?"

Seeing that Hanazaki Mai was angry, everyone quickly closed their mouths.

Hanazaki Maori gave them a white look, and then said: "You are not ordinary people, but the people who disappeared this time are almost not ordinary people. According to the identity investigation, the 10 missing people are servants of seven kings, so you investigated At times, be careful not to let the enemy take advantage of it.”

Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

Hanazaki Machi continued: "I believe you all heard about what happened last night."

Speaking of this incident, everyone's faces became extremely ugly. This is the worst thing that has happened in Wei Middle School in recent years. First, 10 students disappeared in the school, and now, 5 students have died directly. If this matter is not investigated, it will be difficult to explain to the outside world.

Hanazaki Maori said with a solemn expression: "Everyone is well aware of the danger that Weizhong High School is facing this time, so we must not tolerate this matter, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the principal, the students, and the parents of the murdered students. Let us explain!"

After Hanazaki Mai finished speaking, she said to everyone: "What do you all think about this matter? Let's talk about it."

Shenmu Yuhui thought for a while, and said first: "Our investigation recently found that the dark river in the academy should be the way for the murderer to leave Weizhong Academy. The passage, because the passage is too long, it is impossible to pass by holding your breath, so we don't know where the other end leads, but we have sent a diving team to investigate in depth, and I believe there will be results soon."

Shenmu Yuki is the other of the two vice presidents of Reed Middle School, and has the same rights as Suzuki Chika, except that Shenmu Yuki climbed up step by step, while Suzuki Chika was personally appointed by the principal. This is also true. It made Shenmu Yuhui feel very unconvinced.

Hanazaki Mayi nodded and said, "The progress has to be accelerated, and the interrogation on Akitayama Masako's side has to be intensified."

After talking about the disappearance, Hanazaki continued: "Reiji Munakata, the head of Scepter4, has spoken to me, and they have already investigated. The five students who were killed last night were most likely the ones who committed the disappearance on campus. It's the same incident, it's just that the cause is not known yet."

Shenmu Yuhui hesitated for a moment and said, "President, the five people who were killed, except for Matsuyama, the other four were members of our student union, and they were also instructed last night. It is said that the one named Matsuyama is very Suspected, but what I didn't expect was that Songshan actually died."

"So, Matsuyama was killed by our people? No, no, our people were killed by Matsuyama? That's not right, then why are they all dead?" Awashima asked in confusion.

Hanazaki's brows were slightly wrinkled, and she also felt that this incident was very strange, "There must be other people at the scene, and we didn't find the PAD at the scene, it was obviously taken by the murderer, maybe there are clues hidden in the PAD, the murderer's The purpose is to destroy the evidence."

"By the way, the president, what about the person named Su Yi? Why didn't he come, didn't the president call him?" Shenmu Yuhui asked, although Su Yi is not from the student union, but Hanasaki Machi has already given it to him Many rights, and also invited Su Yi to solve the case together. In the past, Su Yi would be interested and come to the meeting to observe, but this time something big happened, and it didn't appear.

Chapter [-] There are still many good people

Hanazaki's brows were furrowed, and she suddenly felt that this matter was not good, because she also felt Su Yi's breath at the scene, especially the breath of the king's power emanating from the sword of Damocles, which is simulated by anyone. No, all the signs show that Su Yi was indeed there at the time, but why didn't he see him?Where has he gone?Why can't I contact him again?

Hanazaki Mayu didn't know what happened last night, but Su Yi really seemed to have evaporated from the world, and he couldn't find it no matter how he looked.

"Let's end today's meeting, Shenmu, take someone to thoroughly investigate the cave under the river. Awashima, take the others to search for Su Yi, but remember that he is not a suspect. If you are alive, you must contact me first."

They naturally did not dare to have the slightest objection to what Hanazaki said, and nodded.

After Su Yi fell into the water last night, he passed out. Although the blow was not very strong, with the impact of the sword of Damocles, it was indeed difficult for Su Yi to resist.

"Cough cough cough-"

Su Yi coughed violently a few times, his eyelids trembled twice, and then he slowly opened.

But the dazzling sunlight made it difficult for him to open his eyes, so he could only block the sunlight with his palms and barely looked around.

Su Yi could feel that he was still lying in the water, he quickly got up and found himself on the beach by the sea, and the surrounding environment, at first glance, was not near Weizhong Academy.

"I remember being knocked into the sea last night. Did it float to the shore along the current?"

Su Yi was a little surprised. After all, the sea was so big, and if it really floated to the far coast, how would Su Yi get back?You must know that if it is too far away from Wei Middle School, the PAD will not be available. Su Yi's current expenses are all the money given by Hanazaki Mae in the PAD. Without the PAD, Su Yi can't even take the bus.

Su Yi quickly took out the PAD, and said happily: "Fortunately, the PAD is waterproof, but I don't know where it is and whether the PAD can be used."

Su Yi found a place where no one was around. After taking off his clothes and wringing them dry, he used his own strength to evaporate the remaining water on the clothes to dry. After doing this, Su Yi walked towards the town on the coast.

After entering the town, Su Yi found a restaurant. After the boss was free, Su Yi stepped forward and asked, "Hello, can I ask you, is Wei Middle School Park far from here?"

The boss raised his eyes and glanced at Su Yi, saw Su Yi wearing the school uniform of Wei Middle School, then shook his head and said, "It's not too far, walk forward from here, take bus No. H9 on the platform, and you can get to Wei Middle School. At the Weizhong intersection, and then take the special school bus of Weizhong Middle School there, you can arrive at Weizhong Middle School."

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