Just when the two sides were fighting, Scepter4's people rushed over and surrounded Su Yi and the three.

Su Yi looked at the people of Scepter4 suspiciously, and his eyes finally fell on Reiji Munakata.

The fight between Hanazaki Mayi and Suzuki Chika also stopped.

"What are you doing?" Munakata Reishi pressed their group in confusion.

Su Yi looked at Hanazaki Mayi and Suzuki Qianxia, ​​and then said with a wry smile, "I'm really playing the King of True and False Colorless."

"The King of True and False Colorless?" Rei Munakata frowned and looked at Hanazaki Mai and Suzuki Chika.

Hanazaki Mayi hurriedly said to Reiji Munakata: "She has been controlled by the Colorless King, hurry up, grab her."

Suzuki Qianxia quickly explained: "She is bloody! She is the colorless king! Don't be deceived by her! It was her just now, and she was going to take Su Yi out of Wei Middle School. Once you leave Wei Middle School, the people in the school will be The defense net will fail, and you will know the consequences for yourself."

Munakata Reiji looked at the two women who were arguing and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Yi asked suspiciously.

Munakata Reiji walked around Hanasaki Mayi and Suzuki Chika, and then said with a smile, "You two have been fooled."

"Fucked?" Hanazaki Mayi and Suzuki Qianxia both looked at Reiji Munakata with puzzled expressions, and Su Yi didn't quite understand what he said.

Reishi Munakata explained: "The memories of both of you have been modified by the Colorless King. You each thought the other was the Colorless King, but it was actually a memory that didn't exist."

"What?" Hanazaki Mayi and Suzuki Chika both looked at each other in astonishment.

But in their respective minds, this memory did indeed exist. Could it be that it was inadvertently modified by the Colorless King?

Hanazaki Maui naturally trusted her own strength. She couldn't believe that her memory was modified by the colorless king. Although she is not a king, her strength can be said to be the top existence under the king. How could she be Does the other party silently modify the memory?

"Munakata, how did you know that?" Hanazaki Maui asked Munakata Reiji, doubting it.

Reishi Mongakata explained: "Because I am the king of blue, how do I need to sell proofs for such a trivial matter?"

Seeing that Su Yi didn't seem to be lying, Hanazaki Mai still couldn't believe it, so she could only choose to remain silent.

Suzuki Qianxia was also at a loss, because she had been exploited by the Colorless King once before, so she was also at a loss at this time.

Reishi Mongakata explained: "You don't have to doubt, because the current King of Colorless is no longer the King of Colorless before, and I even doubt if it is the same person."

"How?" Su Yi asked first.

Hanazaki May also smelled: "What do you mean? Did you become more violent? Have you seen the body?"

Rishi Zongxiang nodded and shook his head again, "It is true that he has become stronger, but this is not what I am talking about, but the overall feeling he gives has changed, and I even have some doubts that he is no longer the colorless king of the past. already."

"Do you think that the colorless king has changed?" Su Yi asked with great concern. After all, whether the king has changed, this is very important to him.

Reishi Zongxiang shook his head, and then said: "I can't be sure now, but unfortunately, let him escape, this colorless king is bad enough, knowing that Weizhong Academy has a defensive net, so he deliberately hid in Wei Middle School, no wonder there has been no news of him all these years, and I really thought he was dead."

"Even you didn't catch him?" Suzuki Qianxia said worriedly: "Then what if he comes back to take revenge? There are so many innocent students in Wei Middle School, and so many things have happened in the school. Nothing can happen anymore."

"Don't worry." Munakata Reiji said to Suzuki Qianxia: "The King of Colorless will not come to Reed Middle School anymore, because the current Reed Middle School has no defense net, and if he comes, he will die. If he is a smart person, He should find a place that the king cannot reach, and that is his best hiding place."

"How dare you say it!"

Speaking of this, Hanazaki Mayi was angry, pointing at Reishi Munakata and scolding: "The defense net of Weizhong Academy was left by the King of Silver, if you don't say hello, you will destroy the protective net, not only that, you They even set fire to our teaching warehouse! We are not done with this matter!"

Reishi Mongakata was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing, and said, "The reason why Weizhongyuan is targeted by the Colorless King is that the problem lies in the protective net left by the Silver King. In this area, although No one can make trouble anymore, but don't forget, what the colorless king is good at, this layer of protective net doesn't work for him, the silver king thinks he is dead, so this layer of defense net, It's not to guard against the Colorless King."

"Then why did you burn the teaching warehouse? Do you know how many important things are in there!" Hanasaki Machi roared angrily.

Chapter [-] Turning the Fight into Jade Silk

Reiji Munakata said helplessly, "If I didn't burn the warehouse, do you think you would promise me to destroy the defense net?"

"Then you should discuss it anyway! Do you know how precious those things are? In another month, the school will be talking about those things. Now that you have given up all the fire, how can you tell me how to deal with it?" He said, while speaking, his hand had already pulled on the collar of Munakata Reiji.

The people of Scepter4 all looked away when they saw this, so they had to pretend they didn't see anything.

Reiji Munakata took a step back, thought for a moment, and then said, "We Scepter4 are willing to compensate for the loss of Wei Middle School."

"That's what you said!" After hearing the words, Hanazaki Machi let go of Reiji Munakata, then clapped his hands and said, "Tomorrow I'll sort out the list and send it to you, you can't miss one thing!"

Munakata Reiji tidied up his collar, then put on his glasses, nodded and said, "Okay, I will definitely not miss any of your things."

"By the way, there's more." Hanazaki Mayi said suddenly again: "You ate in the canteen of Wei Middle School at night, you haven't paid yet, you have to make it up together tomorrow."

Reiji Munakata shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Okay, I will make up for it tomorrow, a lot. In addition, I have caused you trouble tonight. To apologize, I will be in the city center tomorrow. Set up a hotel, invite everyone to a meal, and apologize in person."

Hanazaki Mai thought for a while, and then looked at Su Yi and Suzuki Qianxia.

"Of course, I invite everyone to join us. Tomorrow and Saturday, everyone should have time." Munakata Reiji added.

Su Yi naturally doesn't care, someone invites you to dinner, he is naturally happy, "I naturally have time."

Seeing that Su Yi agreed so readily, Suzuki Qianxia had no choice but to nod and say, "That's alright, but I still have papers to write tomorrow, so I have to come back early."

"Don't worry, dinner starts at [-]:[-], and it will not exceed [-]:[-] at the latest. You can choose to write your thesis during the day, it won't delay you." Munakata Reishi said very gentlemanly.

"Then it's settled. If there's nothing else, we'll go ahead and apologize again for what happened today."

Reiji Munakata casually bent over and made a gesture, and left with the people from Scepter4.

After all, he is a king, and it is very rare to be able to give face like this, and how can he expect greater etiquette from him.

Hanazaki Mayi cleared her throat, then looked at Suzuki Chika, hesitantly, and then hesitantly said: "That, Chika, I'm sorry, I mistook you for the colorless king before, and it almost became a big problem. Wrong, as the president, I should apologize to you in front of everyone, it's too late today, I can only apologize here."

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