Suzuki Qianxia was very surprised and surprised by this scene. For a long time, Hanazaki Mayi has always been a very arrogant existence. There is almost no one in the whole Reed Middle School who is not afraid of her. I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to admit her mistake this time, and also to Suzuki Qianxia. Apologies, if outsiders see this, others will definitely think Hanazaki Maui is crazy.

Suzuki Chika came back to her senses, hurriedly greeted Hanazaki Mayi, and then said somewhat at a loss: "Well, I can't blame you for this, I also mistaken you for the colorless king, and even suspected it for a while. You are the main body of the Colorless King, and it is my responsibility to make trouble like this, I can't blame you alone."

"But I am the president, and I will take full responsibility for this matter. If I could have taken precautions in advance, such a thing would not have happened."

Over the years, she has been appearing in front of everyone as a proud and powerful woman. Maybe everyone has forgotten that no matter how powerful she is, she is just a woman.She has been under so much pressure for such a long time, she has sighed and she has hesitated, but this burden has to be carried by someone. Since others can't, then she can't let go.

Suzuki Chika clenched her fists tightly, and it took a long time to unwind. Then she sniffed her nose and said: "You have always been so strong, even if you admit your mistakes, you have to admit to the strong, for fear of not being able to compete with others. President, I am still the vice president, the vice president appointed by the principal! We are all responsible for this matter."

Su Yi saw that the two strong women finally said a few heartfelt words, and couldn't help laughing: "Both of you are at fault, so you two have to share the burden. What is there to be afraid of? You are all strong women. In the days to come, if you can work together hand in hand, what will happen to the colorless king? No one will be your opponent!"

The two women laughed in unison.

It has been two years since Hanasaki Mai came to Reed Middle School. Although Suzuki Chika came half a year later than Hanasaki Mayi, she is also a member of the older generation of the rebuilt student union. During this time, the two of them, apart from their tasks, There was almost no communication, and they couldn't see each other. It was the first time for them to be like this today.

But this feeling, the two girls seem to like it and enjoy this peaceful feeling, as if the previous unpleasantness has been swept away.

The relationship between the people around him is better, and Su Yi's mood is naturally better.

But the next day, the members of the student union still did not escape the principal's punishment.

After all, so many things have happened in the school, and now even the warehouse has been burned to the ground. This is an extremely serious blow to Wei Zhongzhong Academy.

In the principal's office, almost all the senior members of the student union were there, and even Su Yi, an outsider, was called over.

A high-spirited elder sat silently on the principal's seat, with two middle-aged men beside him, who were supposed to be teachers of the academy.

The principal didn't speak, and everyone didn't make a sound, waiting for the principal to start.

More than ten minutes later, the principal finished smoking and arranging the manuscripts. Then he raised his head and looked at the group of people headed by Hanazaki Maui, and said earnestly: "Two years ago, with the assistance of the King of Silver, Wei Middle School was established. I have a new student council, Maui, you are the one recommended by Ye Dao Shen and the King of Blue. I trust you very much. Your actions have never disappointed me, but what happened recently did make me a little… …disappointment."

There was no expression on Hanazaki's face when he heard the words, just as Reiji Munakata said, this time they were not facing ordinary people, nor ordinary superpowers, but the King of Colorless. The King of Colorless was not dead. , what a terrible thing this is?Wei Middle School was only affected, which was a fortune among misfortunes.

But Hanazaki Mai did not intend to tell the principal that the Colorless King was not dead. After all, once this incident spread, it would cause a huge panic.

Chapter [-] Famous

"And you, Qianxia, ​​I asked you to assist Zhenyi. What have you been doing during this time? Your ability to handle affairs is really not as good as before. It seems that we have to think carefully about whether the student union will continue. It's necessary to exist." The principal sighed deeply after speaking.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. If the student union was cancelled like this, wouldn't their previous efforts be in vain?

Hanazaki Mayi wanted to say something, but because of her personality, she couldn't say anything.

And Suzuki Chika was directly promoted by the principal, and she was even less qualified to bargain.

Su Yi saw that no one spoke, he thought about it, and finally stood up.

The principal raised his brows, and when he saw someone standing out, he raised his head, looked at Su Yi, and asked, "This classmate, do you have anything to say?"

Su Yi looked at the principal with a smile, then nodded and said, "I want to say something, but before I say it, I have a few questions I want to ask the principal."

The principal nodded directly, "Ask."

Su Yi was not polite, and asked straight to the point: "In the past few days, a lot of extremely serious things have indeed happened in Wei Middle School, and several students have even been killed. If you call the police, this should be regarded as a very serious criminal case. "

"What do you want to say?" The principal couldn't guess what Su Yi wanted to say, so he put down the manuscript in his hand and looked at Su Yi suspiciously.

Su Yi smiled and said, "I just want to ask, where were you, principal, when these things happened?"

The principal was stunned, not knowing how to answer for a while.

The teacher on the side sank, and said in a deep voice, "Of course, the Principal has to be busy with his own business. The Principal is not a superpower. How could the Principal intervene in this kind of thing?"

"That's right." Su Yi clapped his hands and said while pacing: "The principal is just an ordinary person. From your perspective, you can't measure the strength of each opponent. There are indeed many masters in the student council. , but they are only human beings, not gods, does the principal expect these young people to be able to assume the post of savior?"

The principal frowned, not knowing what to refute.

This time even the two teachers were a little confused. Although they were a little angry, they opened their mouths but didn't know what to say.

Su Yi did not give them a chance, but continued: "The principal should also know that in this mission, some members of the student council have unfortunately died. This should have never happened before? This is enough to show that this mission is to How dangerous it is, and the people of the student council, especially Hanazaki Mayi and Suzuki Chika, took the risk to save the reed middle school and restrain the continued spread of the vicious incident, but the principal, you old man, not only did not reward them, but punished them. , but it's a bit unreasonable."

Almost all the people present were fooled by Su Yi's words, but after thinking about it carefully, it was so reasonable.

Everyone knows that there are three people in Wei Middle School who can't afford to offend them, one is Hanazaki Mayi, the other is the extremely strict dean, and the last is the principal.

Although the principal is just an ordinary person and not a superpower, he knows many superpowers, and each of them is not a generalist.

For example, the King of Silver, the originator of the king, is said to be a good friend with the principal. After all, the King of Silver is an old man in his [-]s with a skin in his twenties.In addition to the King of Silver, the principal also had a close relationship with the former King of Colorless, Sanlun Yiyan.In addition, there are the former King of Gold Changlu Dajue, the former King of Blue Yu Zhang Xun, and the former King of Red Kagudu Xuanshi.

Although they are all old seniors, and most of them have fallen, the forces left by these royal powers still exist, so it can be said that the principal's network is still very impressive.

But it is precisely because the principal and Kagudu Xuanshi have a good relationship, so many people deliberately distance themselves from the principal, because Kagudu Xuanshi has committed a catastrophic disaster.

Kagudu Xuanshi used to be the king of red. Before Zhou Fangzun, he had a very powerful red power, but it was also because of his strength that Wiseman's level exceeded the critical point, which eventually led to the death of Damocles. The sword fell, causing the sacrifice of 70 people in Kanagawa Prefecture, forming the Kagudo crater that was later feared.

At that time, Yu Zhang Xun, the king of blue, led Scepter4's people against Kagudu Xuanshi because he wanted to stop the red king, and both sides died in the battle.

Therefore, in the world of superpowers, as long as Kagudu Xuanshi is mentioned, almost no one will have a good face. After all, it is the life of 70 people, because Kagudu Xuanxi's insistence will eventually lead to tragedy.

It is said that the principal is also able to negotiate with the current King of Qing, Zongxiang Reishi. With so many relationships, almost no one dares to talk back to the principal, whether inside or outside the school, so Su Yi's words shocked them so much. .

The principal seemed to have not met anyone who dared to talk back to him for many years, so he was also surprised. This kind of accident gave him a strong sense of novelty. He couldn't help but not be angry at all, but felt that Su Yi was right.

"Go ahead." The principal raised his chin and motioned Su Yi to continue.

Su Yi smiled lightly, and then said: "Now that the dangerous matter has been resolved, I think the principal should reward all the members of the student union. As for the rest of the appeasement work, it should be up to you, the principal, since you are the principal of Wei Middle School. , you should have such an ability, otherwise, how can you reassure parents to put their children in your hands?"

Hearing this, Huazaki couldn't help laughing. He naturally wouldn't worry about Su Yi. Although the principal has good connections, those connections are a bit useful to scare ordinary people. Facing Su Yi, it will hardly have any effect, not because of other reasons. , just because the principal has the sword of Damocles.

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