Su Yi was afraid that the flag demon would suffer more serious damage, so he had to take the injured flag demon back first.

After the previous battle with Che Yongtai, Su Yi has a general understanding of the rank he is in in hand-to-hand combat. Being able to fight against the devil has already shown that his body is already relatively strong. Su Yi thought that if the flag demon really lost, he would Had to do it myself.

At this moment, Ximen Guanren and Ye Yan arrived in time, but the two of them looked at the battle circle and didn't seem to have any intention of starting.

"Hey, are the two of you from the Yebu? You've already played this way, so come and help!"

Su Yi yelled at them both.

Ximen Guanren always looked relaxed and said indifferently, "Don't worry, their boss hasn't come out yet."

Su Yi frowned, suddenly feeling like there was a story in it.

"Did you deliberately use me as bait to lure their boss out?"

That's all Su Yi could think of. Ximen Guanren obviously knew that these three girls were abnormal, so he arranged him here. No wonder why Su Yi felt abnormal. Now that I think about it, everything is much more logical.

Ye Yan was still wearing a frog costume, but what he was watching was not the corpse monster, but Su Yi's flag monster.

"Seven flag demons, Ye Yan, I remember that you are the eight-faced brilliant demon banner. Fortunately, he is one less than you." Ximen Guanren squinted his eyes and smiled lightly.

Ye Yan didn't speak, but looked at Su Yi, and after a long time he said, "No, he is also an eight-faced bright demon."

Ximen Guanren was a little surprised, but he quickly regained his senses and said with a smile, "According to the rules for beating guards, it seems that there can only be one guard in a place. It seems that there is a need for a test between you two."

Ye Yan did not speak when he heard the words. There is indeed such a rule in the Gengren clan. If Bozhou really has a Gengren, then the arrival of Su Yi will undoubtedly set off a battle that the Gengren only sees.

Unless Su Yi is not a beater.

But what he is holding in his hand is the Huang Yao Banner that can only be owned by a fighter. Yebu clearly knew this regulation, but sent Su Yi over. What happened here?

At this time, the battle flag demon has fallen into an absolute disadvantage, but fortunately, the corpse demon is not interested in fighting, but has the idea of ​​retreating. After all, there is still one of their nemesis "gravekeeper" who is eyeing, they don't want to Enemy with the tomb keeper.

"President, you shouldn't have mistaken the time, where is their boss?"

After waiting for a long time, Ye Yan didn't see the boss of the corpse demon appear, so he had some doubts about Ximen Guanren's strategy.

Ximen Guanren pressed his hand and signaled Ye Yan not to worry.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew, and the eyes of the people who were blowing were a little hard to open.

The sudden change made Su Yi a little panicked, because this kind of wind could actually interfere with the battle of the flag demon, and Su Yi couldn't imagine who the other party was.

After a while, the wind stopped, and there was no change except for one more person.

"Is this the boss of the corpse demon?"

Su Yi looked at the girl who appeared beside the corpse demon and muttered in her heart.I really don't understand why all the corpses have to turn into such beautiful skins, is it just for the convenience of seducing men?Or maybe they are really ugly, so they want to become so beautiful?

When Su Yi was thinking wildly, Ye Yan said, "After waiting for you for so long, it finally appeared."

The girl in front of the corpse demon looked about sixteen or seventeen years old. Although she was very beautiful, when Su Yi remembered that her body was also a corpse demon, he felt nauseated.

Ximen Guanren looked at the girl with a smile, and then said in a soft tone: "Qiu Xue, your plan has already been seen through by the principal, so you should surrender earlier."

Qiu Xue also laughed after hearing this, "Ximen Guanren, you are too naive, do you really think that my goal is only the spirit of these ordinary people? Hahaha, it's really ridiculous, just relying on the spirit of these poor bastards, why? When can I heal my wounds?"

Chapter [-] Huang Xiaoyan

"Otherwise? Do you have any other ideas?" Ximen Guanren seemed to have seen a big scene, and always had a calm attitude, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't think you know everything, huh, no matter how many corpses I send, the energy I absorb will not be enough to heal my wounds, so my target is you." Qiu Xue's eyes suddenly turned sharp as he spoke.

Su Yi raised his brows when he heard the words, "Is there a story? This is too bloody."

Ximen Guanren's expression was still calm, he half-squinted his eyes and asked with a smile, "What do you need me to do?"

Su Yi, who was beside Qiu Xue Ximen Guanren, thought crooked, and quickly explained: "Stinky boy, what are you thinking, I need Ximen Guanren because he once absorbed the inner elixir of both male and female, if I can eat it You, then my injury will naturally return to its peak state!"

Ye Yan frowned, looked at Ximen Guanren and said, "President, Qiu Xue has many tricks. We have been fighting her for so long, and we have hardly gained any advantage. If his target is really you, you are still Be careful."

"It doesn't matter, if I can quell a war, it will be a beautiful thing." Ximen Guanren said nonchalantly.

Ye Yan roared angrily when he heard the words: "Beautiful ass! If you are eaten by her, who in the whole Bozhou city can beat her?!"

Qiu Xue was too lazy to waste time with them. With a wave of his hand, countless corpse monsters suddenly ran out of nowhere, rushing towards them.

Su Yi has never seen so many corpse monsters rushing together, as if a flood is coming, and the momentum is very spectacular.

"It's amazing to see so many corpses running in this life." Su Yi couldn't help but complain.

Ye Yan suddenly had a black line when he heard the words, "Hey, new comer, don't run away!"

"What!" Su Yi saw that Ximen Guanren and Ye Yan had already run out dozens of meters away. Didn't these two people deliberately lead out the boss of the corpse demon?Now that he has succeeded, he actually started to escape. What kind of routine is this?Since you knew from the beginning that you couldn't beat him, why the hell did you provoke her out!

Su Yi was speechless, but in the face of so many corpses, he had no choice but to run away.

The road in the middle of the night was empty, and after a while, a dark figure could be seen at the end of the road, and then quickly zoomed in. It was Su Yi and the three who escaped.

At this time, Ximen Guanren ran at the front, Ye Yan followed closely, but Su Yi, who was not familiar with his own strength, ran at the back, and he was about to be caught up by the corpse monster behind.

"Mother, wait for me, you two scumbags!"

If all three of them are caught, at least the combat power will be able to fight, but if only Su Yi is caught, it will be cold.

At this moment, another group of corpse monsters appeared on the street ahead, and the roads before and after were blocked.

Ximen Guanren slowed down, and at this moment, the smile on his face finally disappeared.

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