Ye Yan caught up, glanced at Ximen Guanren, and asked, "President, you proposed the plan, and you will pay for all the buildings damaged tonight."

Ximen Guanren said indifferently, "Deduct it, I have already explained it to the principal, and then all A Biao will be detained."

When Ye Yan heard the words, he almost turned a corner.

Su Yi followed out of breath, looking at the corpse monsters surrounded by water in all directions, his face became a little ugly, "What kind of medicine are you two selling in the gourd? Could it be that a trap has been set here?"

"Bingo! That's right." Ximen Guanren smiled indifferently, turned to look at Qiu Xue, who was suspended in mid-air, and said, "Qiu Xue, thank you for your gift, I accept it."

Qiu Xue frowned upon hearing this, but did not respond to Ximen Guanren's words for a while.

"Million Spirit Talisman Explosion!"

The sudden shout shocked Qiu Xue.

"Loose Immortal?" Qiu Xue's heart sank, but he didn't expect that there would be a Loose Immortal in ambush here.

"Fortunately, Huang Xiaoyan is back." Ximen Guanren said with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, countless runes suddenly appeared in the sky. The crooked handwriting on the runes did not know what was written. After the countless runes circled at high speed in the air, they suddenly burst open one by one. There are almost no exemptions, and they are all smashed by the explosion of millions of spiritual talismans.

Su Yi looked around, trying to find the person who spoke before, and finally found a girl in a white robe on the top of a second-story building.

The girl looked about the same age as Ye Yan. She was wearing a dazzling ancient robe. Her long black hair kept swaying in the breeze. A gourd the size of her palm was tied on top of her head.

Qiu Xue stared gloomily at Huang Xiaoyan who suddenly appeared, then pointed at her and said, "I don't want to take care of Xianmen's affairs, but you don't want to interfere in my affairs."

Huang Xiaoyan sneered, jumped down, and flew the Immortal Execution Sword with his right hand. With just a light stroke, a sword energy rushed towards Qiu Xue.

Qiu Xue snorted coldly, her hands condensed fingerprints, and with a coquettish shout, a terrifying light swallowed Huang Xiaoyan's sword energy without causing any damage at all.

When Huang Xiaoyan fell to the ground, Ye Yan hurried over and asked with concern, "Sister Huang, are you alright? Have the affairs of Xianmen been dealt with?"

Huang Xiaoyan glanced at Ye Yan, shook his head and said, "No, the president informed me that you were in trouble, and I'll be back."

"How can I be in trouble? It's just a corpse demon leader, and I can't solve it by fighting the dignified eight flags?" Ye Yan said and pulled his collar, looking like he didn't admit it.

Huang Xiaoyan didn't speak when she heard the words, she knew Ye Yan's temperament, even if he really couldn't handle it, he wouldn't admit it.

Ximen Guanren clapped the dust on his hands, and said, "Since you're back, I'll leave first, so be careful."

"You're leaving now?" Su Yi asked in astonishment. Didn't he say that the other party was difficult to deal with before?When Huang Xiaoyan came, it seemed that the matter had been resolved, where did this come from?

Ximen Guanren patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Leave it to Ye Yan and Huang Xiaoyan, you have to go with me on business."

"Isn't this a serious matter?" Su Yi pointed to the broken limbs of the corpse demon everywhere, and said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Ximen Guanren smiled and shook his head, "Of course not, there are more powerful characters waiting for us."

"Is there something more powerful?" Su Yi was completely dumbfounded.

Su Yi looked at Qiu Xue who was holding a long sword, and then said to Ximen Guanren: "Otherwise, you and Ye Yan should deal with the more powerful ones. I will stay and deal with this Qiu Xue."

Huang Xiaoyan looked at Su Yi and asked curiously, "Who is this?"

Chapter [-] Micro-Million Spirit Rune Explosion

"My name is Su Yi, I'm a new censor." Su Yi quickly reached out to say hello, but Huang Xiaoyan was completely unmoved.

Su Yi retracted his hand in embarrassment.

Ximen Guanren glanced at Qiu Xue, and then said: "Qiu Xue's target is me, and she is not a corpse demon, so I can't take advantage of her ability to match her, so let Ye Yan and Huang Xiaoyan resolve this matter. We need to support Cha Young-tae and Shisa."

"Support that pervert? I'm not going." Su Yi heard that he was going to support Che Yongtai, and he didn't want to go even more. As long as he remembered what happened before, he would feel angry in his stomach.

When Ximen Guanren heard the words, the smile on his face disappeared, and an unknown oppression emerged spontaneously. Su Yi felt a little bored in his heart. Seeing that Ximen Guanren seemed to be angry, he quickly said: "Xingxingxing, where are you? Let's go! "

Ximen Guanren smiled indifferently, turned and left.

"You two be careful." Su Yi said to Ye Yan and Huang Xiaoyan, and quickly followed up with Ximen Guanren.

The place Ximen Guanren mentioned was a basketball court, not too far from where the corpse monster was located. At this time, the place was already in a mess, and it was obvious that it had just experienced a fierce battle.

In the middle of the basketball court, Cha Yongtai was standing upright, and beside him was a little loli who was half a body shorter than him. Presumably this should be the reincarnation of another demon king, Shisha.

In front of the two of them is a giant two or three meters high. This person is different from the flag demon. The color of the flag demon is black because it is already a refined soul body.But this giant is a real entity.

"The prison of God has been opened, the No. [-] prisoner 'Ye Demon' has been detected, and the arrest order has been opened."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the No. [-] prisoner in the prison to appear so quickly. Just looking at the other party, he should be very strong. Can he really beat him?

Seeing Su Yi and Ximen Guanren coming, Che Yongtai turned around and glanced at the two of them, then said, "If you don't come, this big monster will be killed by this king."

"Servant, stop bragging, if it weren't for me, you would have been beaten down by this big guy." Xisha said.

"Followers, what are you talking about? I was the one who saved you just now!" Che Yongtai said unconvinced.

"Servant, you can't beat him at all!" Shisha continued to retort.

"Followers, you can't beat him!" Che Yongtai said and pulled up his sleeves.

Seeing this, Ximen Guanren smiled and said, "Stop arguing, just prove it's not good? Ye Yan and Huang Xiaoyan have already done it. As long as this big guy is solved at the same time, Qiu Xue's strength will shrink by half."

"Goddess is back?" Che Yongtai's eyes suddenly lit up, as soon as he heard that Huang Xiaoyan was back, he was like a chicken blood.

However, before Ximen Guanren could react, Che Yongtai had already disappeared without a trace.

Su Yi suddenly shouted angrily: "What time is it, can you be more professional!"

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