After Su Yi went downstairs to throw away the garbage, he suddenly felt that someone was watching him, and turned around to look. Sure enough, on the other side of the road, a young man was staring at him motionless.

Su Yi frowned, looked around him again, and saw that there was no one else, so he was sure that the other party was looking at him.

Su Yi thought about it for a while, but still walked over.

Facing Su Yi's approach, there was almost no change. His eyes were always on Su Yi, looking very strange.

Su Yi walked up to him, pointed to himself and asked, "Are you looking at me? Who are you?"

The man hesitated for a moment, took out a business card from his arms, and handed it to Su Yi.

Su Yi reached out and took the business card, frowning involuntarily, "Yebu?"

Su Yi never imagined that the name on this business card was actually Yebu, but the base camp of Yebu in Bozhou City was located in Xiahou Middle School. Although Su Yi had not been in Xiahou for a long time, he was certain that he had never seen the man in front of him. .

"Executive Officer Yebu? I don't seem to have seen you." Su Yi returned the business card to him.

Who knew that the man said: "I'm not from Xiahou, I'm from Yuehu Lake, and I'm the executive officer of Yuehu Night Department, responsible for all the censor's rulings."

"Judgment?" Su Yi frowned and asked subconsciously, "What is the verdict? Does it have anything to do with me?"

The man nodded directly and said, "My name is Wuqing. I came to you this time to find out who you are."

"My identity?" Su Yi looked at the ruthless man, then said with a smile, "I don't need to tell everyone about my identity, right? I have my will, and I don't want to talk nonsense, so please come back. Bar."

Su Yi said that he was about to turn around and leave. After all, he was not the new censor. If he was discovered, it would definitely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Seeing that Su Yi was going to leave, Ru Qing stepped up to catch up with him, hummed to block his way, and then said with a serious face: "This matter is not something you can say without saying it, the strength you have shown is indeed It's something a Gengman should have, but as far as I know, Ye Yan is the only one in the entire Gengman sect and even collateral, where did you come from?"

Su Yi looked at the ruthless and said speechlessly: "You are so sure, do you know the strength of the players in the world? Young people, there are many hidden forces in this world that you don't know. ."

Su Yi said and patted the ruthless shoulder.

He sneered ruthlessly, and said, "Really? How should you explain the matter about the Loose Immortal? A fighter who knows the skills of Loose Immortal at the same time, even if you look at the whole world, it will be [-] years before and after. Never heard of it."

"There are still many things you haven't heard of. Is it necessary for the state to tell you all the secrets? You are a small local official, what's so good about you?" Su Yi smiled contemptuously and gave it to him After a cold look, he turned and left.

As Su Yi walked, he was paying attention to whether Wuqing was catching up. Fortunately, after Wuqing was scolded by Su Yi, he did not follow.

"It seems that you have to leave this place quickly, or you will be ganged up sooner or later."

Su Yi sighed, and originally planned to subdue the Night Demon directly. It seems that this matter can only be delayed.

Su Yi returned to where he lived, simply packed his things, and left Bozhou overnight.

There are four people to be arrested this time, but there is no order at all, so Su Yi intends to entangle with the Night Demon at the end. First, find out which of the four is the weakest, and solve the weakest first.

Su Yi took the train to Wuhu. After arriving at his destination, he found a hotel and settled down, but all his money was collected by Yebu. After opening the room for three days, there was not much money left. .

"Looks like I have to figure out a solution quickly." Su Yi looked at the shriveled wallet and couldn't help sighing.

Money is the most important thing in life.

Early the next morning, Su Yi came to the talent market, ready to find a job that suits him.

But there were too many people in the talent market, so Su Yi couldn't squeeze in, so he had to find a job in the places outside where temporary workers were recruited.

"What can you do?" A middle-aged greasy man asked Su Yi.

Su Yi thought about it and said, "I can do anything."

Although Su Yi can't beat Ye Yan and the others, as a censor, he is naturally much stronger than normal people, and he can do what others can do.

The greasy man nodded and said, "Okay, you've been accepted. This is the address of our company. I'll report in the afternoon. Remember to bring your ID card."

Su Yi nodded and looked at the business card.

"Girl themed restaurant?"

Su Yi frowned and thought about it, it was a restaurant anyway, so it should be fine.

In the afternoon, Su Yi found the location of the restaurant according to the address on the business card and simply filled out a contract. Even if Su Yi was on the job, the monthly salary was [-] yuan. For Su Yi, it was already very good.

Su Yi thought about waiting until the evening to see if he could find a part-time job.


A man in a suit looked at Su Yi and asked.

Su Yi pulled the waiter's clothes that didn't fit very well, nodded and said, "Yes, my name is Su Yi, I just came today."

The man nodded and said "don't be lazy", then he was too lazy to pay attention to Su Yi.

Su Yi followed the example of other waiters, serving dishes and tidying up the plates, but felt that life was very simple.

But as time passed by, Su Yi suddenly discovered that in the entire restaurant, the waiters were all men, but the guests who came were all women.

It was only then that Su Yi remembered the name of the restaurant, "Girl themed restaurant, I thought the waiters were all women, and the feelings came from no girls."

"You just know?"

A waiter couldn't help but leaned over and laughed.

Su Yi was startled, glanced at him, and asked, "Why do you only serve girls? Are you discriminating against boys? Isn't this blocking your own way of making money?"

"What do you know?" The man glanced at Su Yi contemptuously, and then said: "Most of the food here is based on beauty and health care, and you won't gain weight even if you eat it. You say that in this world, what else can More crazy than 'no matter how you eat without growing meat'?"

"Okay, but it's okay, it saves a lot of trivial matters." Su Yi nodded in approval.

Hearing this, the man complained again: "Come on, these girls are hard to serve. It's not that simple to be a waiter here. Alas, you'll know after a long time."

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