Su Yi was about to ask something, but the man had already turned and left.

Chapter [-] New Jobs

"Waiter, add some drinks."

Su Yi quickly responded: "Okay, here we come."

After Su Yi filled the other party with drinks, he asked again, "Is there anything else you need?"

The three girls looked at each other, and then looked at Su Yi again.

The three of them didn't speak, they just looked at Su Yi like this, and saw Su Yi get goosebumps.

"Uh, that, what else do the three girls need?" Su Yi looked at the three of them suspiciously, not knowing what they meant.

One of the little girls dressed in Lolita suddenly stood up and said to Su Yi, "What's your name?"

Su Yi straightened up, and said sarcastically, "My name is Su Yi."

The girl nodded, and then said, "Seeing that you are handsome, I will order you."

"What? Click me?" Su Yi pointed to himself, looked at the three girls blankly, and asked, "Click me for what?"

Seeing that Su Yi didn't understand anything, the girl asked subconsciously, "Are you new here?"

"Yeah, I just came here today, and I don't know the rules here very well. I don't know what 'click me' is?" Su Yi asked curiously.

As soon as the girls around heard that there was a new arrival today, they rushed over, looking at Su Yi as if they were looking at a national treasure.

"Little handsome guy, are you new here? Come to us, I'll give you double the price."

Suddenly, another wave of girls said.

The previous three girls became annoyed after hearing the words, and said to the others displeased: "What? You want to rob someone? Who can try to rob someone who this lady likes?"

Many people looked away in fright because of the girl's words, but some were not afraid, and said with a loud voice, "Yo, where is the little girl? Don't you know who is covering this place?"

"Xueqi, forget it." Another long-haired girl quickly pulled the girl who was talking to Su Yi at the beginning to avoid the quarrel becoming more intense.

Xueqi snorted and gave up when she saw this, but she didn't seem to plan to give up on Su Yi, "Su Yi, right? Today is yours, and no one wants to take it away."

Su Yi looked at them blankly, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he asked with a trembling voice, "Isn't it supposed to be that...?"

"Which one?" Xue Qi gave Su Yi a puzzled look, and then suddenly remembered something, she quickly turned around and stared at Su Yi and said angrily, "Stinky rascal, what are you thinking!"

"Why doesn't this kid understand anything? Call your manager." At first, he was a little unhappy.

As soon as Su Yi heard it, it was okay. This was the first day he came to work. If he disturbed the manager, he would not be able to do it in the future. "Don't, what's your name as a manager? If you don't know anything, you can teach me. Isn't it the most emotional thing?"

"What are you thinking! I'm letting you show off your talents!" Xue Qi said angrily.

Su Yi was taken aback, thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "What talent? I can't."

"No? Then how did you get in? Hurry up, hurry up." Xue Qi said and sat back, just took out a wad of money in her hand and put it back in her bag.

As soon as Su Yi saw so much money, his eyes straightened, and he quickly said with a smile: "I know, I know talent, what do you want to see? Whatever! I know everything!"

Xue Qi looked at Su Yi blankly, then smiled and shook her head and said, "The talent I want to see is not an ordinary talent. Of course, if you can make me happy, money is not a problem."

After Xue Qi finished speaking, she put a stack of money on the coffee table very generously.

Seeing this, Su Yi quickly nodded and said, "It's easy to talk, but I don't know what the beauty wants to see? Say whatever you want!"

Xue Qi thought for a while, then said, "Let me see your foundation first, will you do some flips? Let's take a look at ten flips first."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that these little girls, who were so cute in appearance and dress, had such unique tastes and liked to watch men do somersaults. Is the world already so avant-garde now?

"No? Forget it!" Seeing that Su Yi didn't speak, Xue Qi thought he wouldn't, so she would take the money back.

Su Yi held Xue Qi's hand and said with a serious face, "I know how to do ten somersaults? It's trivial."

As a censor, Su Yi, let alone ten somersaults, can even jump ten meters. Can this kind of thing even most of his friends do in his eyes?

Su Yi pointed to the stand, and then asked, "Are you performing there?"

Xueqi nodded.

Su Yi pulled up her sleeves and walked up.

When the other waiters saw that a newcomer from Su Yi actually pulled the guest, jealous eyes suddenly appeared in their eyes.

"Ladies, the first guest has appeared today. She is Miss Xueqi from the Shangguan family! Let us thank Miss Xueqi for her support!"

As the broadcast sounded, the lights in the venue also changed instantly, and the environment suitable for dining before suddenly became the feeling of a bar.

Su Yi stood in the middle of the stands, seeing everyone looking at him, he suddenly became a little shy.

"Cough, then, I started?" Su Yi asked Xue Qi.

Xue Qi leaned on the seat and nodded lightly.

Su Yi moved some muscles and bones, and then his body suddenly leaned back, and turned ten somersaults in succession like flowing clouds and water, and suddenly remembered the thunderous applause in the field.

Xue Qi's eyes lit up, but she didn't expect Su Yi to look inconspicuous, but she was still a trainer.

"Yes, what else is there, let's use it freely." Xue Qi said and took out another wad of money.

Seeing that Xueqi was so loyal, Su Yi immediately became interested, "Okay, I'll let you guys have a good time today."

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