As soon as this shock was born, it directly shattered the ground and lawn within a radius of tens of meters. During the collapse, the shock spread outward and directly radiated to Joz in the distance.

"It's so hot! It feels like I'm going to be scorched! These two..."

Joz raised his hand to cover his face, and his body changed involuntarily. Half of his head was turned into crystal clear masonry, in order to resist the baptism of unspeakable high temperature.

But the impact did not disappear. It continued to spread, and it rushed into the lake in the island. The lake water surged, setting off a wave, and then it was instantly evaporated into air, filling the air.

As soon as the wind blew, this large stream of steam rushed out in one direction.


At the same time, the boundary between area 9 and area 10.

A burly man wearing a horn helmet and simple armor was scratching his head and looking at the unfamiliar environment.

"It's weird, it should be in this direction, where did that bastard Su Yi go?" Atmos was like an angry cow, his nostrils spewing anger, "Am I lost? Impossible, how could I be lost!"

He yelled and vented his dissatisfaction.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

"My opponent, is that you?"

Atmos suddenly turned around and looked at the person behind him. At this look, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"It's you! I remember you, the female navy who was caught by Marco!"

Regarding her being recognized, Cornelia's expression did not change at all, and she even said that she had no expression at all, just staring at the opponent in front of her faintly.

"Hey, what's your name, I forgot, forget it, it doesn't matter. Woman, that bastard Su Yi, shouldn't you let you deal with me? Hiding behind a woman is such a cowardly bastard! I hate it the most. Yes, it's a guy like him!"

His words caused a subtle change in Cornelia's face.

The eyebrows moved slightly.

"Xiao Su has changed a lot. As me, who graduated two years before him, I was caught up by him in a blink of an eye. The current Xiao Su is not something you can defeat. No, if the opponent is you, you don't need Xiao Su to do it. It's enough for me to deal with it."

As she spoke, Cornelia held the blade horizontally and slowly drew out her beloved weapon in front of her opponent.

And as the silver blade came out of the body, a quiet momentum was also accumulating and climbing.

This momentum is full of sharpness, hopeless and invincible, everything is cut, and everything is invincible!

" is it possible...My body was actually alerted!"

Atmos was shocked.

"You can't go wrong. I have fought against various swordsmen in the new world, and only a few of them will give me the same feeling. This is a master! A master of kendo! This woman is actually a swordsman. !"

Cornelia didn't care about the roar in his heart, and her expression was still calm.

Draw the sword, raise the hand, swing the sword.

"Storm whistle!"

This sword was swung, and the sword energy was invisible, mobilizing the surrounding air to form a unique airflow, and then, a tornado was born abruptly. ...

Chapter [-] Swordsman

Jianhao's sword directly gave birth to the sword energy, and the sword energy caused the air flow to change, causing a tornado directly on the ground.

"This is not something that ordinary weapons can do, that sword... is it one of the twelve supreme swords, Feng Yin!"

Atmos's eyes widened, but he recovered quickly, "However, in the final analysis, it is only this level, not my opponent. I can easily break through an attack of this level!"

While speaking, he suddenly pulled out the double knives from his waist, and immediately chopped off the oncoming tornado.

In the end, he was a captain-level master, and he was also a sword user. His attack easily cut through the tornado.

At this moment, the tornado separated up and down, and from the central area, Cornelia's figure suddenly entered the field of vision.

She strikes with a sword!

"Don't underestimate the pirates of the new world, woman!"

Atmos snorted coldly, and with a flick of his wrist, the part on the side of the knife blocked the opponent's attack, and then he shouted loudly, his strength soared, and he shot Cornelia directly.

The attack was broken, and Cornelia didn't move at all. He was like a butterfly dancing in the wind, gently falling down.

Immediately afterwards, she pointed her toes, and her figure rushed out again, and she stabbed again with a sword.

This sword is faster and more formidable than before.

Atmos crossed his two blades and blocked another blow, but this time, the opponent's strength increased, and he didn't knock it flying in the first place.

"Your strength is very strong, but your movements are slow, how will you deal with the fast sword?"

Speaking softly, Cornelia suddenly retracted her sword, and the next moment, lightning-like thrusts were fired one after another.

To Atmos, it seemed like three swords appeared in an instant, attacking at the same time from three different angles.

"What a fast sword, is it because of Feng Yin? Why is the blade so light? Or is she the type that uses a fast sword?"

The circuit of thinking is still running, but the battle-hardened body automatically starts to defend.

In the face of the unexpected and violent attack, Atmos kept retreating and resisting.

The collision of swords and swords continued to sound, and the rhythm of ding ding ding was like music played, touching the heart.

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