But under this melodious voice, it is the sword and sword, which is more tricky than ever.

"This, how is this possible, I was suppressed! Even if she was a swordsman, I, who was also a swordsman, were suppressed!"

Atmos was shocked. It was not that he had never met a fast swordsman before, but it was the first time someone like Cornelia could achieve this speed.

It can be said that this is his worst opponent!

Anxiety emerges quietly.

"Oops, distracted...!"

Suddenly, in the close-range fight that lasted for several minutes, Atmos' face changed suddenly, and a stab attack passed through his defense net and stabbed him in the face.

At this moment, Atmos's mind was completely concentrated, and before his brain could react, his body had already retreated, and at the same time, his head had moved, turning his body sideways.

The sword, light and sword shadow, happened in an instant.

The next moment, Atmos pulled away, panted slightly, and his eyes showed a little shake.

"How much concentration, even when I was distracted, this woman didn't change at all from beginning to end."

While thinking about it, a sword wound opened on his left cheek.

This is not directly cut by the blade, but because of the sword energy wrapped around the blade!

Blood, a large pool of blood, dyed half of the face of the buffalo Atmos, as well as the front of his clothes.

"what is she doing?"

Wiping the blood from his face with the back of his hand, Atmos showed a solemn expression.

But Cornelia did not pursue the victory, but looked at her sword and thought to herself.

"It turns out that this is the first time the two swordsmen have met. Before I was assassinated, I used another sword to slightly shift my attack trajectory. It should be noted that it is fortunate that the opponent is not a swordsman of the fast sword type. If If so, in the attack just now, even if the opponent is desperately injured, he can fight back, and in that case, it will be me who will die..."

She summed up the lessons and kept them in mind.

Seeing her like this, Atmos was completely angry, "Stop looking down on people! A mere woman, in terms of strength, the sky is more than one level weaker! Let me tell you, what is aptitude!"

As soon as the voice fell, he had already rushed out.

Although speed is not a strong point, as a captain, how could it be weak.

A sprint, directly approaching Cornelia's body, the next moment, the raised double-edged, beheaded.

Without even thinking about it, Cornelia resisted with a knife.

With a dull ding sound, surprise appeared in Cornelia's eyes.

Her proudly upright body, under the attack of the opponent, her knees were already bent, and her other hand quickly pressed on the back of the knife, struggling to resist.

"It's so heavy. It really is the essential difference in physical fitness...!" She gritted her teeth and insisted, showing a frown for the first time.

"Hmph, do you understand?" Atmos snorted coldly and said, "It was only five points before, but it can be twice as heavy. With your delicate body, you can't resist it. Go regret it, regret it. That bastard Su Yi asked you to deal with me!"

The heavy pressure is constantly coming, and in this case, no technique can be used, but the power of one side is too much over the other side.

The girl's body became more and more curved, and her arms were shaking slightly, but her face slowly calmed down.

"Atmos, your strength is very strong, but you are not as good as the lieutenant general. I have been accustomed to this pressure from being taught by the lieutenant general since I was a child."

Between words, the momentum that was once suppressed began to grow crazily.

Cornelia's sword trembled slightly, as if responding to the master's voice, causing madness around her.

The whistling wind rolled, and from the back of the sword, it blew the front.

The front is the face of Atmos.

Suddenly, wounds appeared on Atmos' forehead, arms, and all over his body.

Although shallow, there are too many.

"What!?" His pupils shrank, and he was shocked, "This is the sword qi, the supreme sword, the sword qi of Feng Yin! It is the sword of the wind!"

With a click, his horn helmet was blown away at this moment.

Atmos gave up decisively, and quickly retreated, away from the sword energy of the storm. ...

Chapter [-] Full Power

Unable to Zone, Area 9.

In an open space on the south side of the lake in the island, Su Yi hit his energy to deal with the martial arts expert in front of Yan.

In the state of the flame man, his physical strength quickly drained, but because of the high temperature radiation in all directions, Enrique, who was in close combat with him, consumed more physical strength than him.

After fighting for more than a quarter of an hour, both sides were already slightly sweaty.

"Troublesome ability, just ten minutes of battle, it is even more tiring than an hour of full fighting in ordinary times."

An Likui forced Su Yi back with a punch, but instead of getting close again, he opened a distance.

"What, are you exhausted?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Boring provocation, then again, don't you want to say that you can't hear it?" An Likui looked indifferent and pointed to his ears, "Seeing, hearing, domineering is the power of listening, a master like you, Definitely. In the northwest, about three kilometers away, there is the sound of swords colliding with swords, ding ding ding, which has been ringing since just now. Then the question is, the battle that can transmit the sound of the sword to such a far place, the battle I am afraid that both sides are swordsmen, who could it be?”

Hearing this, Su Yi's face sank slightly, and he said inwardly, "That idiot girl, to intercept at such a close distance, at least ten kilometers away!"

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