Chapter 99 Psychosis released? 【Fourth, ask for subscription】

Two days later, New World, naval division G1 base.

No, to be precise, it should now be called the headquarters of the Navy.

It has to be said that the efficiency of the world government is extremely high, and in just one month, the building of the new naval headquarters has been completed.

Whether it is height or artistry, the office building of the new naval headquarters is much more high-end than the Marin Fandor’s.

At this time, a charming woman in a pink suit and pink hot pants on the lower body was patrolling all corners of the new navy headquarters.

Now that he has set out at the naval headquarters, Taotu, who has been promoted to the rank of candidate for general, has naturally become the highest officer here.

All she had to do was prepare a grand welcome ceremony for the victorious return of the navy after eradicating Whitebeard.

“Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, the intelligence from the front is coming that at the latest three days, at the earliest, there are two days at the earliest, and the naval headquarters is about to complete the strangling of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.”

A major general came to report.

“There are actually 2 days left, the Whitebeard Pirates, it’s really tenacious.”

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit sighed, but a trace of jealousy of the white-bearded pirate group rose in his heart.

The entire naval headquarters poured out, dispatched nearly seven lineups with the combat power of generals, and fought a white-bearded pirate group, which actually fought for three days and three nights.

You know, the Navy made a very sudden dispatch this time, and the Whitebeard Pirates are likely to be defenseless.

Sure enough, the pirates of the four emperor level, any one, is enough to shake the world.

However, staying here, Peach Rabbit naturally has her job.

“Good, then hurry up and make the final preparations. On the day of the triumph, no mistakes are allowed! ”

Peach Rabbit, who was promoted to a candidate for general, also has a different temperament at this moment than at the beginning.

Although the beauty is still the same, it will not be as impulsive as before, and it is a little more pressing.

Speaking, it is also more majestic.

“Also, once again strengthen the alert level of the headquarters, although the probability is very low, but you must always keep an eye on the remaining three emperors to avoid their surprise attack.”

Without waiting for Peach Rabbit to finish speaking, a voice immediately sounded.

“All attention, unidentified ships found.”

“All attention, unidentified ships found.”

This is the siren of the headquarters of the Navy.

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit immediately picked up the phone worm in his hand that contacted the observation deck.

“Report detailed information, is it the Four Emperors?”

“Nope: Not. ”

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit breathed a sigh of relief, but the sound that came immediately made her puzzled.

“Ship: The ship is flying in the sky! Moreover, the ship: It’s made of gold! ”

The incredible voice of the reporter came from the phone worm, and Peach Rabbit looked down the sky.

Although the distance is very far, in this empty sky, a ship is extremely conspicuous.

“Who’s up there, do you see clearly?”

“Also: I don’t know yet. ”

“Then bang down, no matter who he is.” Peach Rabbit ordered.

Although the bounty system did not collect the appearance of the ship, it flew directly over the naval headquarters like this, which must be a bad comer.


As soon as the words fell, on the square of the new naval headquarters, ten huge gun batteries were aimed at the golden ship in the sky at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

Like a tide, dozens of shells burst out.

At the same time, in the sky, a huge thunder instantly poured down, squeezing all those dozens of shells into powder.

“Is it really an enemy attack? It seems that nature is a lightning ability. ”

Looking at this scene, although Peach Rabbit was horrified in his heart, he was not afraid.

As long as it is not the Three Emperors and the Rocks Pirate Group, with the current military strength of the Navy Headquarters, it is more than enough to deal with any pirate group.

“Hahahaha, stupid untouchables, God is in a very bad mood, since you have met, even if you are unlucky. Next, accept God’s sanction! ”

Suddenly, on the deck of the Ark’s Proverbs, a strange voice sounded, as if some mental illness had just been released from a mental hospital.

In fact, Anilu today feels that way.

Those days in that dark and damp room, every day, he was beaten and abused by that big chin.

Its cruelty is even more heinous than that of a mental hospital.

Now he has a sense of joy of being reborn.

“Go ahead, Raiden Kid. If it’s dead, I don’t care. Behind Anilu, Ye Tian smiled leisurely.

Just now, he scanned the entire naval headquarters with his sight, and almost none could be an opponent.

This is also good, and it also gives Anilu a little chance to exercise.


Hearing Ye Tian’s words, Anilu immediately changed his personality and became serious, and in an instant, he jumped and came to the square of the naval headquarters.

“All attention, find the intruder.”

“All attention, find the intruder.”

As the alarm sounded, at the first time, almost everyone rushed to the scene, including Peach Rabbit.

“Hahaha, untouchables, feel the wrath of God!”

Seeing more and more people, Anilu became more and more excited, holding his golden stick aloft and beating the big drum engraved with three hooks of jade on his back.

“30 million volts, Thunderbird!”

A shrill sound appeared, and on the big drum of three hooks of jade on the right shoulder, a phoenix condensed by thunder and lightning burst out of the air, engulfing hundreds of navies in one mouthful.

Immediately, Peach Rabbit held the famous knife Jin Biluo, and a slash hundreds of meters long rose up and flew over in the face of the thunder and lightning.


The two forces collided together, creating a strong aftermath.

“Huh? I didn’t expect such untouchables. If you are willing to surrender, I might consider making you a slave of God. Anilu raised the golden rod and pointed at the peach rabbit and said.

“Hmph, presumptuous!” Peach Rabbit’s pretty face was cold, and the thick armed color domineering attached to Jin Biluo, and stabbed towards Aniluo fiercely.

Not only that, the navy on the side saw that their goddess was so insulted, and they also rushed up together.

“Arashi Foot Qilin Time Rain!”

“Arashi Kaido!”

“Finger gun Huang Lian!”

“Finger gun moonshine!”

For a time, hundreds of six-style attacks attacked Aini Road from different directions, many of which were mixed with domineering.

Knock, knock, knock, knock!

Even if it is elemental, it is still no match for group fighting, Anilu… Again gloriously falling.

After all, although he understands the principle of domineering now, he does not know how to use it.

“Take this fool who doesn’t measure up his strength and escort him to the Great Deep Sea Prison immediately!” Peach Rabbit said coldly with a pretty face.

Although I don’t know what the Deep Sea Prison is, out of survival instinct, Anilu shouts at the Ark Proverbs.

“Master, save me!!”

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