Chapter 100 After Whitebeard, it’s the Rocks Pirates! 【First more subscription】

“Master, save me!!”

Seeing that he had no ability to resist, out of the instinct to survive, Anilu immediately shouted at the Ark Proverbs in mid-air.

Originally, Anilu didn’t want to shout like this, but after being tied up once, he had a serious psychological shadow about being tied up, so he directly put down his dignity and shouted at Ye Tian.

“This idiot, does he actually have accomplices?”

Seeing this, Peach Rabbit sneered and looked up at the sky: “It must be in that ship, give me a blast.” ”


Soon, those dozens of shells rushed away like a tidal wave.

Instantly, buzz~!

As if time had stood still, there was a faint inaudible noise in the air, and the shell seemed to have encountered strong resistance and fell directly.

“What is this momentum? Overlord color domineering! And it’s still the top kind! ”

Seeing this, Peach Rabbit’s body full of curves was instantly startled, this kind of domineering, the whole world, only three people have.

Whitebeard, which is now being wiped out by the headquarters of the Navy with all its might.

Red-haired Shanks would not be on such a boat.

Then there may be only one left, the man … It’s really coming!!

“It’s been a long time, are you all a candidate for a general now?” Gee, the whole person’s temperament has also changed. ”

Sure enough, the next moment, a familiar voice sounded. If it weren’t for the fact that it was a pirate on the other side, Peach Rabbit still thought this sound was quite good.

In mid-air, Ye Tian stood on the edge of the Ark’s proverbs, and immediately jumped down and smashed on the square with a bang, frightening the surrounding navies into taking a step back.

“Law: Lockes ?!! ”

“Rocks is coming!!!”

“Quick: Request support!! ”

“This man again!!”

When the smoke and dust cleared, the navy saw the faces of the people who came, and there was an uproar.

Feeling the invisible domineering aura on Rocks, the navies continued to retreat with very small steps, and the scene looked very funny.

A month ago, the miracle of the war against one was still lingering in my mind.

Even some timid people fainted directly before Ye Tian released his domineering energy.

“The host…”

Anilu, who fell to the ground, saw Ye Tian’s figure, and his hanging heart finally let go.

It was also the first time he had seen his master confront the rest of the people.

Just standing up deterred the guys who beat him up to the point where he couldn’t take care of himself. This also made Anilu’s respect for Lox a little more.

After all, this kind of scene is also what Anilu has asked for all his life, like a god, just showing his face is enough to cause a great deterrent to the enemy.

“Raiden imp… It’s a shame…” Ye Tian couldn’t help but laugh as he looked at Anilu, who was bleeding nonstop on the ground.

Sure enough, for Anilu, although there is a thunder fruit, it is enough to run amok in [Paradise].

But for the domineering new world, it is not enough to have fruit ability, it must be combined with a strong physical skill.

“Bastard Lockes… Is it you again! Come here to harass while our main forces are away? Confirming that it was Lox, Peach Rabbit looked angry.

As she said, naval headquarters today are not much defended.

Even if there is, it is useless for a pirate of Rocks’ level.

“That’s what I said… What’s the difference between being absent and not there? Ye Tian said with a smile and looked at the peach rabbit carefully.

I don’t know if it’s the reason for being promoted to a substitute general, but today’s peach rabbit is much more beautiful than before.

“Quickly ask for support, I’ll hold him back!”

Peach Rabbit shouted, as if he had made some major decision, and the golden biluo in his hand raised a burst of wanton sword qi, as if heaven and earth had changed color, and a strong domineering aura bloomed in the air.



Holy Land, Mary Joa.

In the magnificent hall, there is no longer the tense and solemn atmosphere of the past, replaced by a burst of relaxation and harmony.

Perfectly found a replacement for the Seven Wuhai, and also added two new generals who were as powerful as monsters, and the strength of the navy today has reached the strongest point in history.

Not only that, the navy’s surprise attack on the Whitebeard Pirates also achieved very good results.

If Whitebeard can be successfully annihilated this time, it is enough to show the world that the Navy is still a well-deserved maritime hegemon, washing away the shame of defeat in the top war.

“Report~! , the Brothers Dicardan, captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, died in battle! ”

“Report~! , the fourteenth captain under Whitebeard, Spitor Kiel was captured! ”

“Report~! , Lei Qing Makugai, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, was seriously injured! ”

Almost every 5 minutes, there was a good news, and the faces of the five old stars also showed an unusual smile.

But.. The next moment.

“Report~! The headquarters of the Navy detected an enemy attack! Request Support! ”

“Huh? And what kind of guy doesn’t know if he’s alive or dead? ”

“Could it be some other pirates?”

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the hall immediately became tense, and the five old men frowned at the same time.

“According to intelligence from the headquarters of the Navy, it is … It’s Lokes! ”


“Is this guy again!”

“Abominable… I thought that he was still on the Great Voyage, and it would take time to enter the new world, but I didn’t expect that he still couldn’t escape! ”

Hearing this, the hall immediately became bustling.

Since the resurrection of the Rocks Pirates, their bad news here has not stopped!

“Abominable man! It’s a ghostly existence. ”

“If he is allowed to make such a fuss, what face will the world government have?”

The five old stars gritted their teeth, and their hatred for Lokes deepened again.

“How many of them came! If necessary, let the Navy withdraw in full! ”

After thinking for a while, the five old stars with the sword said quickly.

“Wait, now that the Whitebeard Pirates are about to be destroyed, it’s never too late to wait until he is destroyed!” Another five-old star with a golden flat head said.

“If the new naval headquarters are destroyed, such repeated gaffes, then the face of the world government will be gone!” On the side, the round face and white hair, and the five old stars with a horizontal scar on their right eye said angrily.

“If you let the navy withdraw completely, then this raid will be in vain!” In any case, save the victory of annihilating Whitebeard! ”

Another five-old star with aristocratic hair said.

Inside the conference hall, there is a lot of controversy at the moment.

“No matter what, after Whitebeard is overthrown, the next one will be Lokes’s turn!!” Hearing this, the last five old stars spoke in a deep voice.

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