
As the two giant islands slowly sink, the navy can only wait for death in despair.

“Bastard Lockes!!” The steel bone in mid-air looked at Ye Tian in front of him, his muscles tensed, and he only felt that there was a hot blood rushing to the brain door in his body, and the whole person became dizzy.

What a gaffe is this?

Even if a pirate destroyed the naval base, it also sank the entire island where the naval base is located!

For the first time in so many years, the world government has been danced on the brain door by pirates: No, it is not an exaggeration to say that on the door of the brain!

Really: What a shame!

“Raiden boy, let’s go, our show is over.”

Ignoring the angry Steel Bone Void, Ye Tian turned around and said to Anilu behind him.

Since his purpose has been achieved, there is no need to stay here.

What’s more, the headquarters of the Navy has already begun to rush back, and there is no need to stay here.

“Yes: Yes, master! ”

Hearing this, Anilu reacted from his sluggishness.

This was the first time he really felt the horror of his captain!

Therefore, Anilu’s eyes changed when he looked at Ye Tian.

It was a heartfelt reverence and admiration. And also… Awe!

“Thunderbolt, thirty million volts.”

A burst of thunder and lightning flew out from the drum behind his body, and the thunder and lightning penetrated the motto of the ark docked on the shore, causing it to move slowly.


The oars of the Ark Proverbs kept sliding and the whole ship slowly began to take off.

“So: Goodbye, Navy. ”

Jumping onto the deck of the Ark Proverbs, Ye Tian looked at everything below and said lightly.


Seeing this scene, the momentum of the steel bone’s empty body skyrocketed! The muscles of his arm, which were as thick as an ox, suddenly expanded, and in an instant, a terrifying shockwave appeared from a fist with the top armed color, trying to leave the Ark Proverbs that was ready to leave.

But… It was quickly blocked by a slash that came out of the air.

“Empty, with this strength, it’s better to think about how to face those five rotten old men, hahaha…”

Ye Tian’s laughter echoed in mid-air, and it sounded like the devil was laughing in the steel bone sky.



10,000 meters in the air.

In a hot air balloon hundreds of meters in diameter, a somewhat shrill laughter echoed high in the sky.

“Hahahaha, really… Big news, big news again!! ”

With his unique ability to observe the foundation that was sinking into the sea below, Morgans, the president of the World News Economics Agency, burst into a maniacal laugh that was comparable to neurosis.

The headquarters of the Navy was destroyed by a pirate, such an event has not occurred for 800 years!

Now it seems that the sea hegemon 38 years ago really has enough madness and strength to plunge the whole world into fear!

It is foreseeable that the release of this news will definitely cause another sensation!

The impact is even greater than the one in the top war!

“Lockes this guy… That’s awesome! This is more explosive news than the war on top! ”


The tip of the pen quickly crossed the white paper, and sensational titles slowly emerged.

“But… President, write so, the guys from the world government will definitely reproach! A member of the newspaper looked at the headline and suddenly had a feeling of horror.

If this news is seen by those guys in the world government, they will not overturn this news newspaper.

“Bastard… As a professional news reporter, you must have professional ethics!! No matter what kind of world government he is, it is our duty to report news that is in line with the truth of the matter! ”

Hearing this, Morgan scolded, and the pen in his hand still did not stop.

“Wow! The president is so handsome! ”

“President, I adore you so much!”

At the same time, a group of employees in the office cheered, and their eyes filled with admiration as they looked at Morgans.

“Come on, boys, get this news out to the world! That’s right.. Don’t forget to get the boat moving and never stop. If you are caught by the guys from the world government, it will be a shame! ”


Morgans’ laughter echoed throughout the sky.



A day after the destruction of the naval headquarters, this big event, along with the dispatch of hundreds of thousands of news birds, spread throughout the world.

“What? The headquarters of the new Navy was destroyed? The whole island is gone? So can the Navy still enter the new world? ”

“Oh my God, that can’t be true. Didn’t the Navy recruit two generals through the Great World Conscription? Why… This kind of thing will happen again! ”

“Rocks again! That name again! God, why bring this devil back to life! ”

“And this is still in front of the Generalissimo of the three armies and CP0! Damn, isn’t Rocks just one person? Are the governments of the world all rice buckets?! ”

“Damn… Lockes, a pirate actually made the world government ugly twice in a row! ”

“What? The new naval headquarters was put on end? Stinky boy, what international joke are you making? ”

“What? You say it’s the Rocks end? Oh, that’s fine. ”

“The world has really ushered in a great turmoil, and even the strongest navy in history can’t stop Lokes?”

“Abominable world government, quickly think of a way to stop this demon!”

“Even the Whitebeard Pirates were saved by the Rocks Pirates? What kind of joke, isn’t it said that the strongest navy in history is good? Damn it! ”

“This world has sunk again!”

With the news coming out, people around the world are once again in a panic.

The nuns pray, the children cry, but the hopeless young man oppressed by the world government is inspired and ready to go to sea and follow in the footsteps of Lokes and become a pirate!

I thought that the Navy would curb the bad consequences of the war through the world conscription, but now it seems that even the naval headquarters with five admirals still cannot stop the progress of the demon 40 years ago!

Not only did not solve the Whitebeard Pirates, but even the new headquarters sank.

The image of the navy’s maritime hegemon collapsed again.

The gears of the times began to accelerate to the next node.

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