New world… The country of Wa.

On the dusk island, the bare ground is everywhere, without a trace of vegetation.

On the dry land, from time to time there are white bones and fresh corpses.

From the appearance of the corpse, it is clear that they were starved to death.

“Hmm… Captain Rocks, another big vote! Not only that, but even the old immortal Ledfield joined Rocks. ”

“At this moment, the government should regard him as the number one thorn in the eye, and go all out to eliminate him!”

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, the man’s eyes named Kaido suddenly became gloomy.

Golden Lion, Rayleigh, Barrett, Ledfield, plus Rox himself!

These five people are all guys standing at the apex of pirates!

If it is one-on-one, Kaido may still have the confidence to eat them alone, and even meet Rocks himself, Kaido is not worthy.

But if these five people are in the same boat, then most of the things are ears.

“Oh yes… Kaido, you little devil called me here just to say this kind of? ”

Next to Kaido, a fat woman about the same size as him kept eating, like a pig, making a rattling sound.

It was Bigumam, who was the same four emperors as Kaido.

“Huh, except for the destruction of the naval headquarters. Didn’t you see the newspaper saying that the old guys of the Golden Lion saved the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

Looking at Bigum, who only knew how to eat anything else, Kaido forced the urge to put a mace on her face, and said patiently.

“Oh? Are you saying that Captain Rocks meant to white-bearded old fellow? Hearing this, Bigumum’s right hand holding a large piece of cream cake stopped in mid-air, stopped transporting, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

With Lockes’ existing strength, it was enough for the two of them to unite the four emperors.

If you want to add Whitebeard, it is obviously even more terrifying.

“If they join forces, things will be troublesome.” Hearing this, looking at the newspaper in his hand, Kaido fell into deep thought.

If it weren’t for Whitebeard, he couldn’t have imagined that the captain who was as cold-blooded and terrifying as the devil would go to save people.

Although Whitebeard was once a crew member of Locks, the devil captain almost killed himself more than a dozen times.

So Rocks will go to the rescue of Whitebeard, surely to pull him into the gang.

In any case, I can’t sit idly by anymore.

In the new era, once mixed eating and waiting for death, it will be eliminated sooner or later.

“Governor Kaido, although Whitebeard was not wiped out this time, his captains were killed and injured, and half of the 16 captains died! Now it seems: Those islands of his are afraid. ”

On the side, a man who is 5 meters tall and 3 meters long, with a scarf covering half of his face, said.

It is the head of the four stars under the Bigumum Pirates, Charlotte Katakuri.

“Oh? What do you mean? Take advantage of the lack of manpower in Whitebeard now, snatch his territory to expand his strength? ”

Looking at Katakuri, Kaido’s eyes showed a hint of appreciation.

I didn’t expect that fat old woman could actually give birth to such a child. When this alliance is over, you have to find a way to get him over.

Hearing this, Katakuri nodded slightly, undeniable.

“Come man! Go call the three idiots of Ember, Quinn, and Jack and get to work! ”

Kaido drank so loudly that the beams of the room were almost lifted.

Bigumum on the side also ordered Katakuri to gather the four generals and prepare to vote!



Meanwhile, the New World, the Island of White Earth, Baldigo.

“These guys are really fast.”

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Long was shocked.

This is less than a month before the end of the top war, and the Rocks Pirates actually made such a big incident again.

You know, the revolutionary armies they are wandering around the world have not yet been assembled at this time.

“That’s right. This is an even worse event than the war on top. In the next time, the world government will definitely take the eradication of the Rocks Pirates as the first task, and we can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. ”

“What a funny man.”

An amorous woman looked at Lox in the newspaper and said gracefully.

That was Belo Betty, commander of the Revolutionary Army.

“That’s right, what I didn’t expect was that the legendary Lonely Red Ledfield also joined Lox, and now it seems that their power has surpassed any pirate group.”

On the side, a short man dressed as a retro scholar said.

It was Lindbergh, commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army.

“Anyway, you have to strike the dragon. It is best to know this Lokes, after all, their power cannot be ignored. Another tall giant who spoke like a woman said.

“In that case, it was decided… As soon as Lox shows up anywhere in the New World, send me the information and I’m ready to go. ”

Dragon looked at the newspaper and fell into deep thought.

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